An image of a man with long hair and a smile.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 8, 2023 – USA

In February of 2020 a convicted felon from Canada named Gerald Brummell, who uses the code name “Agent Margaritaville” appeared online to confront Timothy Charles Holmseth.

Brummell publicly claims to possess evidence of a $68 Billion money transfer to the Toronto Dominion Bank by Jeffrey Epstein. He also claims to have evidence regarding human trafficking and the Ukraine.

Brummell’s connections to the STATE OF FLORIDA are now front and center as the realities of child sex trafficking and cannibalism by U.S. Presidents and world leaders are pouring out in every direction.

Holmseth, a war correspondent, was interviewed by the FBI in 2010 regarding evidence he acquired of an FBI agent named John Regan connected to Jeffrey Epstein that was operating a black-market baby sales operation through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC. President Trump soon came into the evidence which marked the beginning of the total collapse of the international human trafficking cartel that was/is being used to blackmail officials in the United States government – and now being used to drive fake indictments against President Trump in a last-ditch effort to maintain power and stand-up a communist regime. LISTEN/WATCH

Holmseth possesses emails from multiple attorneys in Florida including emails from ROTHSTEIN, ROSENFELDT, & ADLER, which in 2009 became the center of a $1.4 Billion ponzi scheme scandal that resulted in federal RICO charges against Attorney Scott W. Rothstein, who ran a scheme that involved Jeffrey Epstein. Holmseth possesses evidence that shows operators were active in Puerto Rico and Key West.

Brummell, who has been in and out of prison in Canada, publicly claimed affiliation with retired General Michael Flynn.

Brummell menacingly refers to himself as “Agent Margaritaville” – the term that has become synonymous with the famous singer Jimmy Buffett (who died last week). Buffett’s name was found in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book.

Brummell appeared on video to confront Holmseth with his friend and ally Norman Traversy, a Canadian who filed a Private Prosecution against Justin P. J. Trudeau, which, Traversy said he did “to protect and enforce his rights and the rights of his fellow Canadian”.

Brummell was angry and demanded Holmseth give him his telephone number.

In the video, Brummell went on a tirade claiming Holmseth ‘stole’ his (Brummell’s) platform called “The Children’s Army” to set up his own platform called “The Children’s Crusade” which Brumell said Holmseth used to raise $750,000.00. Brummel’s wild claims were false and were obviously being concocted in almost real-time in effort to get ahead of something caused by the arrest of Field McConnell (the man who actually formed The Children’s Crusade) who was essentially abducted in Plum City, Wisconsin in 2019 amidst a Florida-based scheme that involved the Broward County Sheriff’s Office and rogue mafia elements of the FBI.

After McConnell’s arrest, Brummell, staging out of Canada, began to communicate with attorneys and members of the judicial community in Florida as he pitched a homemade “plea deal” he authored that would result in McConnell going free, if McConnell would agree certain terms which categorically included McConnell meeting with the FBI and making a [false] accusation against Timothy Holmseth. The creation of the “plea deal” involved REDACTED REDACTED which will constitute violations of multiple federal laws including RICO.

It appears the situation was dire.

In a video produced by another Canadian named Paula C. Blades, screenshots of Brummell’s statements were published with commentary by Blades. During the video Blades confirmed Holmseth’s reporting about children being trafficked through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

The content of Brummell’s statements implicates a significant cast of characters in a sprawling racketeering operation.

“[Field McConnell’s] bail was not lowered as there are other legal troubles coming his way. Many others will be arrested and prosecuted, as a result of Timothy Charles Homeseth [sic] and his sick twisted mind,” Brummell said. The statements by Brummell claimed Timothy Holmseth and Randi Erickson conspired as they “took over Field’s and David’s “voice” and used it to defraud the 100’s of thousands of Abel Danger listeners, of around $1,000,000+ [million], Brummell said.

Brummell publicly stated he received a telephone call from Attorney Howard Sohn, who was McConnell’s attorney.

Brummell, who was a semi-regular guest on the online radio program ABEL DANGER/THE FIELD REPORT with Field McConnell, said he possessed “one-hundred and seven (107) pictures of high-level Canadian officials” that sexually abused boys at Camp Mirage, which according to Wikipedia, is “the codename for a former Canadian Forces forward logistics facility located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The facility was established in late-December 2001 and, though not officially acknowledged by the Canadian Forces, is considered an “open secret”. According to CTV sources, the base was closed in November 2010”.

“The Government of Canada source continued by stating that Canada was “essentially a pawn in a heavy-handed blackmail scheme,” Wikipedia said.

According to McConnell, Brummell actually sent him (McConnell) a photo of a child’s raped vagina.

Brummell repeatedly made videos directed at Holmseth demanding contact information so he (Brummell) could turn over troves of child sex abuse evidence to the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. To accommodate Brummell’s request, Randi Lynn Erickson contacted David Lester Straight, who purported to Erickson and Holmseth to be U.S. Secret Service while serving on three Presidential Commissions under Trump as he headed up the task force under (according to Straight) Melania Trump and Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Straight gave Erickson the address of a PO Box located in Bend, Oregon, and instructed her to give the address to Brummell, which Erickson did.

On February 28, 2020, Timothy Charles Holmseth reported on TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS.


“On September 26, 2019 Agent Margaritaville published a You Tube video wherein he was featured as a guest on Field McConnell’s program called Abel Danger. The following was published below the You Tube video.

Pay close attention to the fact-pattern you are witnessing. What you will see is Agent Margaritaville announces he has uncovered evidence regarding a $68 Billion money transfer to the Toronto Dominion Bank by Jeffrey Epstein. He also claims to have evidence regarding human trafficking and the Ukraine.


Timothy Charles Holmseth is a “war correspondent” which was confirmed by U.S. District Judge Clifton L. Corker.

TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is the skeleton key to understanding WHY the 2020 Election had to be obnoxiously stolen from President Donald J. Trump by Satanist and Communists, and WHY those Satanists and Communists must not allow Trump to ever be the President of the United States again.

Utilize the SEARCH BAR on the home page of www.timothycharlesholmseth.com


Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.

Watch/Listen to Isaac Kappy call Timothy Holmseth.

Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.

Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.

Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL



Timothy Charles Holmseth


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