by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 19, 2023 – USA
Note: We published a 25-part series entitled ARRESTED SUDDENLY that pertains, in part, to the Delphi Murders and the case against Richard Allen.
On September 18, 2023, Andrew J. Baldwin, and Bradley A. Rozzi, the attorneys for Richard Allen, the man accused of murdering Abigail Williams and Liberty German in Delphi, Indiana, have filed a Memorandum in Support of Motion. They are asking the Search Warrant used in the case be deemed illegal and the fruits of the illegal warrant be suppressed.
On page 28 of the Memorandum in Support of Motion it begins to say:
Part I – The Crime Scene When members of a search party found the girls in the late morning of February 14, 2017, Abby and Libby had been missing for approximately 22 hours. The scene was ghoulish. Libby was found at the base of a tree with four tree branches of varying sizes intentionally placed in a very specific and arranged pattern on her naked body. Libby was positioned flat on her back, with her left arm stretched above her head touching the base of the large tree. Libby’s right hand was covered in blood. Libby’s left hand was covered in blood. Blood spots and blood drippings were seen all over Libby’s body, from head to toe. Libby’s right arm was placed along the side of her body. One large tree branch had been placed on her left shoulder. This branch was so long that it extended above Libby’s head several feet and below her legs for several feet as well. Two smaller branches formed a “V” where her legs joined her body (near her genitalia) with both sides of the “V” extending upward toward Libby’s head, with one branch extending to the left of Libby’s head and the other to the right of Libby’s head. The last of the four branches extended across Libby’s body on a line from her right shoulder to her left shoulder. This fourth tree branch also connected with the other three branches and was placed under both branches that formed the “V”. Libby’s sliced neck was partially covered by this fourth branch. There appeared to be no blood sprayed or dripped onto the leaves or the tree near Libby’s head and sliced neck; it appeared likely that Libby had been killed at a nearby tree and then dragged to her final resting place where she was then positioned before having the tree limbs placed on her in a very specific pattern. The murderers treated Abby very differently. Abby was found just a few feet away from Libby. Her body was not placed parallel to Libby, but rather at an angle, with Abby’s legs just a 29 few feet from Libby’s legs. However, both of their heads were found a few feet farther apart from each other. Significant differences existed between how Libby’s body was found and how Abby’s body was found. Abby was not found at the base of a tree. Abby was fully clothed. In fact, Abby was dressed in Libby’s sweatshirt and jeans. No blood appeared on Abby’s clothing, meaning that she was likely murdered while naked and then dressed by the murderers after she expired and after the blood had stopped spilling from her neck. Abby’s hands were clean. No blood. Abby’s feet were clean. No blood. Other than blood found around Abby’s neck area where the murderers had inflicted the fatal wound, very little (if any) blood was found anywhere else on Abby’s body or clothing. The juxtaposition of the spots and streaks of blood found all over Libby’s body with the lack of blood on Abby’s body/undergarments/over garments is stark. The murderers appeared to have gone to great lengths to keep Abby’s body and clothing clean from blood. Abby was found on her back (like Libby). However (unlike Libby) Abby’s elbows were bent with her right and left arms both placed on her chest. Abby’s left hand and arm near the left side of her face, and her right hand and arm near the right side of her face. Also, Abby’s left leg was straight, while her right leg was bent at the knee. The murderers also placed her bent right leg under her left leg. Like Libby, those involved in the murder had placed tree branches in a very specific pattern on top of Abby. The pattern looks very similar to an asterisk consisting of 3 tree branches all joined 30 in the middle.17 At least one of the tree branches appears to have been cleanly cut by some instrument (like an electric saw) rather than split or broken by hand, indicating that this was a preconceived plan. Above Abby’s head were smaller sticks that had been placed over her hair, crudely mimicking horns or antlers. The amount of blood that would be perhaps expected at the crime scene based upon the location of the injuries of both girls was not visible in the crime scene photos.18 The Defense has provided the court with twelve crime scene and autopsy photographs, marked as exhibits 5-16, as “confidential.” These photographs support the descriptions provided in the previous paragraphs. In addition to the unusual way the girls were posed, including the stick formations placed on their bodies, another unusual marking was found on a nearby tree. A symbol that looked similar to the letter “F” appeared approximately four feet above the base of the tree.19 The “F” was red in color and later DNA testing showed that the “F” had been “painted” on the tree using Libby’s blood as the so-called paint. Additional blood spatter was found at the base of that same tree. All the blood at the base of the tree appears to have been Libby’s blood as well. The Defense has also provided the court with Exhibit 17, DNA documentation supporting the fact that Libby’s blood was the source of the “F” painted on the tree. Said exhibit is marked as confidential. The Defense has also provided two photos of this “F” found on the nearby tree (hereinafter called the “F tree”), (Exhibits 18 and 19), marked as confidential. Defense is also providing a photo of the F tree from a wider angle for the Court to have perspective as to where the F tree is located relative to the bodies. That confidential photo has been marked as Exhibit 20. Under Abby’s left lower back, a shoe was found. This shoe is believed to be Libby’s shoe. Under the shoe, a cell phone was found. The cell phone was later determined to be Libby’s phone. This information was confirmed by the recent deposition testimony of Liggett, Leazenby and Holeman. According to recent depositions taken of Sheriff Liggett, the famous video of the person that many people call “Bridge Guy” was found on this phone. Additionally, allegedly found between the two girls buried under the leaves and dirt was a single bullet. The Defense has provided two photos of the shoe and cell phone found under Abby’s legs and marked them as Exhibits 21 and 22 and have been filed confidentially. Also, the Defense has provided three photos of a bullet purportedly found in the ground between Abby and Libby and marked these photos as exhibits 23, 24, and 25. It should be noted that as of the date of this memo, the Defense has no photographs of the bullet allegedly found between the girls after it was removed from the ground. No photo or video, for example, shows the bullet as it was being pulled out of the ground. No photo or video of the bullet immediately after it was pulled from the ground. No video or photograph of all sides of the bullet immediately after it was pulled from the ground. No photographs of the bullet next to a measuring device to show its length. No photos that show what the bullet looked like once it was pulled out of the ground could provide proof that it is the same bullet that ended up in the evidence 32 locker room.20 Shockingly, in his deposition, Sheriff Liggett admitted that he also has not seen any photographs of the purported bullet taken once the bullet was pulled from the ground.21 In other words, the only photos that the Defense has found in the discovery it has received are of the bullet still buried in the ground. At this time, the Defense has no idea if (a) photos of the bullet after it was removed from the ground even exist; or (2) the photos exist but the state has not yet turned those important photographs over to the Defense, or (3) the Defense has missed these photos in the voluminous discovery. Either way, the Defense has asked the prosecutor to please locate these photographs. One man alone completed all these tasks in less than one hour and seventeen minutes?22 (Liggett says one thing publicly but another thing privately to his law enforcement friends).

Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.
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Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL