
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on March 7, 2024 – USA

There exists a demonic collective in the earth that host’s human-appearing bodies that together form what is called the “Hotel California”.

Evidence shows the famous lyric from the Eagles song “Hotel California” that declares “we are programmed to receive – you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave” describes an ancient practice that is evil and biblical in proportion.

In fact – so evil – the “Hotel California” has become a matter of National Security.

According to experts and surviving victims, the term “programmed” refers to a mental state of being that exists for a human being after they have been subjected to methodical torture and mind-control techniques that are inflicted in conjunction with subliminal messaging filed into the subconscious mind of a victim, through a process sometimes called Satanic Ritual Abuse and/or MK Ultra that causes the human to disassociate (leave their body) to escape the trauma/pain which they simply cannot withstand and/or comprehend because it’s so horrible.

Experts, such as cult defector and federal witness Jessie Marie Czebotar, who was programmed to be the Queen Mother of Darkness, during a time period of her life when she survived Satanic torture by U.S. Army Colonel Michael Aquino and Nazi Michael Karkoc, explain how once a human being is “programmed” they will obey as if a biological robot and may not even remember anything from the time period they were acting under their programming.

Czebotar said she defeated the programming she was subjected to by giving her life to Jesus Christ.

Evidence shows this weaponization of humans (often small children) is being secretly implemented as a weapon of war through agents of evil that masquerade as psychologists and under other prestigious titles they are given that denote authority.

War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth posted on TRUTH SOCIAL today regarding Dr. Harry Krop whose name came up in a report yesterday by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS.


Yesterday’s report noted that Prosecutor’s in the “Hotel California” criminal case in New York dropped their charges yesterday after Don Henley submitted thousands of documents late. “It comes merely hours after Canadian talk show host and investigative researcher Alexandra Koukounakis, Infiltrated by Truth, on March 5, 2024, discussed Holmseth’s reporting on John Hanly and the “Hotel California” story told by his sister Anne Hanly,” TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS reported – regarding the sudden development in the Don Henley case.

In the past few months, the Hotel California case involving Don Henley and the famous song “Hotel California” inadvertently merged with an ongoing investigation by War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth that began in 2018, when Anne Hanly, California, told Holmseth about her brother, who was sexually abused by a priest while an altar boy, and how he was subsequently abducted by the diabolical machinations of an evil and Satanic system. Anne Hanly said her brother John Hanly was punished after he reported about ritual blood sacrifices he was forced to participate in, and that her brother told her he was in the “Hotel California”.

The 2018 story by Holmseth eventually blended into operations of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (PPTF) in 2019, that involves the gathering of evidence of torture, rape, Nazi human experimentation, and, the subsequent murder of John Hilary Hanly, California.

A black and white photo of a young boy.
John Hilary Hanly

Evidence of John Hanly’s victimization was secured by the PPTF, which included evidence submitted to self-described U.S. Secret Service agent David Lester Straight by John Hanley’s sister, Anne Hanly. Straight told Anne Hanly he was working under Melania Trump. Hanly told Holmseth she feels duped by Straight who in 2019 was literally traveling the United States collecting evidence of crimes against humanity and, according to Straight, delivering the evidence to the Department of Defense under Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

Evidence secured by the PPTF during Western Operations is not limited to evidence regarding John Hilary Hanly and includes a myriad of hard evidence of various cases. For instance, one piece of evidence shows a picture drawn by a small child kidnapping victim. The picture, drawn from the perspective of a child on the floor looking up, shows a large man standing above the child, with his pants down and his penis hanging in the child’s face. The rapist is wearing a Shriner’s hat.

This is the type of hat that was worn by the man shown in a picture drawn by a small child of her kidnapper who was standing above her with his pants down and penis near the child’s face.

While David Straight may have been working under JSOC, it now appears the real truth is/was he was working under a Sovereign Military Brotherhood System loyal to Satan/Lucifer, and subsequently working under a Joe Biden Administration JSOC while falsely claiming he was on three presidential commissions under President Donald Trump and working with Melania Trump as a liaison.

Straight, an associate of former attorney Lin Wood and retired General Michael Flynn, gathered troves of evidence including infant rape dark web evidence from Tracy Jo Remington, Colorado, as well as cannibalism (by U.S. Presidents and World Leaders) evidence from Jessie Marie Czebotar; evidence that was never seen again.

The activities of David Straight were clearly a government ‘clean-up’ operation to PROTECT war criminals from prosecution.

Alexandra Koukounakis, host of Infiltrated by Truth, is the author of a document called “Nefarious Network Report” filed by STATE OF FLORIDA in their first-degree murder case against Neely Petrie Blanchard.

The Report, which has been commonly referred to as the ‘Blueprint” by researchers – is now being called the “Blueprint to the Hotel California”.

A document with a picture of a woman and a man.

Koukounakis recently spoke with Neely Blanchard who has been held captive in the Marion County Jail for over three years, and learned, from Blanchard, that Blanchard is being anally raped and tortured in custody. Blanchard is being held in segregation almost non-stop which is a violation of her human rights. Koukounakis is also covering the case of accused Delphi murderer Richard Allen who is also allegedly being tortured by Odinites in custody.

Czebotar’s testimony that “Jesus Christ” saved her eternal soul is the exact same thing Blanchard says when she manages a phone call out from the “Hotel California”.

Koukounakis states the “Nefarious Network” appears to be leading to Dr. Harry Krop.

Koukounakis stated on her talk show that she has been probing the background, credentials, identity, and age of Dr. Harry Krop.

Evidence is rapidly developing and steadily revealing the activities of a secret military and government system that utilizes a concept, that can also be seen and felt in the physical, that is called the “Hotel California”.

The “Hotel California” is a weapon that utilizes the Courts and a myriad of other agencies and operators to dispose of their System’s enemies through a process where their victim can ‘check out anytime but they can never leave’.

This is a developing story.

The following are statements by Anne Hanly to War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth.


John was taken to Coronado Island by a man right after it was built.  He detailed the man’s name, the vehicle he was riding in and the timing of his commute, the fact, that it was just built.

He also mentioned San Diego State University and some reference of someone there. The bridge was just being built.  I had discovered some information that during this time, members of the British Crown were there during that same time period.

Dr. Louis Jolyon West harmed John with his accomplices and put an undue burden and strain on my parents because they have an evil agenda for John which was clearly orchestrated by high level people who want this covered up even if it meant controlling John’s life to his death.  I tired so very hard to get him home and to have a mental break from Napa State Hospital.  Remember,  he was put there by Robert Langley, former Army veteran, who told our family that he did not belong there, but that he would only be there very temporary.

The United States Government secrets about who took him and where and when is still not disclosed yet.

The California attorney to the California State Hospitals has still refused to provide me with any requested documents.

The California judge was Governor Brown’s legal advisor and his background was Booz, Allen, Hamilton.

The psychiatrist handlers were numerous and concealed other than Dr. Gagan Mall, who worked with military veterans from Yountville, CA.

The people handling John were foreign born and some were reportedly administering medications to him without a license.

Stay safe.  You are in my prayers.


Anne Hanly


Dear Timothy:

Further update:

“Hotel California” — John was conveying the lyrics regarding you can check in, but you can never leave.  This is what was significant to me that he recognized his fate and was trying his best to be heard by his conservator who sabotaged John’s health by refusing him any passes for what my brother said was some mental reprieve from all of the craziness at Napa State Hospital.

Furthermore, Governor Brown knew because I went personally to see him and signed in at the Sacramento State Capitol building to see Governor Brown about John and Governor Brown knew my intent because it was in writing in the  log  book where you have to sign in and the purpose for the visit.

In addition, the Army knew John’s plight because Army veteran Robert Langley (Desert Storm) put my brother there and signed his fate to his death by leaving him there.

This is in addition to my prior report earlier today this morning.


Anne Hanly


The following was submitted by Jessie Marie Czebotar.

It’s been a long time.

But if memory serves me right, you have a lot packed into a 15 mile radius. St Joseph Cathedral north west of the naval base marks the northern wall underground. The facility stretches all throughout that area down to the island. It is important to identify the Northern wall because the altars of sacrifice are always placed on the western wall below ground.  The altars are advertised on two of the churches in the area with images of Christ at the Last Supper. First Our Lady of Rosary, altar underground in the catacomb. You also have a mirrored altar at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Coronodo.

The other main marker churches are Our Lady of the Rosary in San Diego, St Jude’s Shrine, and Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Coronado.

All four churches display gate access symbolized in building structure similar to the ritual area of Hotel del Coronodo, the one used the most is Our Lady of the Rosary. Both Our Lady and Sacred Heart will be used to hold the yearly feasts of cannibalism. Primarily the Marion Feast.

Sacred Heart School in Coronodo could be compared to the specialty training I received at St Peter’s Catholic School in Ashton, WI and Cathedral of St Peter in Rockford IL. Each school has a sign that connects them to military bases and financial backers. Hidden within the Sacred Heart Coronodo School sign are two symbols. One is a tritan. This tells us the children selected for Brotherhood Programs will go through water and priestess training. This most likely will be connected to the underwater cities off the coast line, also connected to Palesades Base (considered Neverland). The second symbol is the design of the priestly garment. That means some will be selected for Order of the Royal High Priests.


This means that children at this school will be overseen by Brotherhood in the area who are of the Order of Melchizedek, Scottish York Rite Mason, Order of Royal High Priests, and Royal Arch Degrees. The Red in school colors honors these groups but also tells us the Sanhedrin are the main financial investors in the training programs.


Timothy Charles Holmseth


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