by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 22, 2023 – USA
The following was submitted by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
Order of Odin is a Luciferian Brotherhood Order
If you want to understand what is happening in Delphi, I encourage you to read the book, “Initiates of the Flame”.
I must warn The United States of America. This is a matter of national security at the highest level. What Delphi has to reveal, shows that a Sovereign Foreign Nation (The Luciferian Brotherhood) and their foreign military called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars is operating within our own U.S. Government and Military. I have testified in written affidavit that what is more concerning is that this foreign nation and military are committing crimes against children and humanity that include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome and organ harvesting, and cannibalism.
First, I would like to establish that these murders are associated with the Luciferian Brotherhood in the Delphi Indiana area. Within the Brotherhood System, you have countless orders. An order is considered a circle or a group of individuals that gather together and engage in magik and ritual practices. Magik here is spelled with a “k” instead of a “c” because it represents engaging with the spiritual world rather than just parlor tricks or illusions. Practices that the circle engages in are based on whether the circle of individuals consider themselves part of the light or dark side of the Brotherhood System. These practices can include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism. Within the System, you have three main orders. You have the Order of the Phoenix, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Order of Melchizedek. The order of Melchizedek is the highest order within the Luciferian Brotherhood.
I’d like to direct your attention to a main resource that the Order of Melchizedek uses in training its members in knowledge of how the Brotherhood operates and functions. That source is a reflection book called “Initiates of the Flame” by Manly P. Hall. Manly P. Hall was a FreeMason and priest in the Order of Melchizedek. This is not the priesthood of Melchizedek that the Holy Scriptures speaks of that is established under Jesus Christ. This is the fake order of Melchizedek that under the Sanhedrin of Israel who have rejected Jesus Christ as their long awaited Lord and Savior and Messiah. The Brotherhood still believes all the prophecies in Scripture about the Messiah and it is their job to raise this false messiah also called the Antichrist up. Although they speak of God and Jesus, they are not speaking of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Bible. They are speaking of the one they call creator, God the Almighty, God the All Clandestine, God who blows the wind into the hearts of men, the Eternal Flame, The Great White Light aka Lucifer, also known as Satan. Their “god” or “gods” have many names and I testify that these “gods” are Lucifer and demonic principalities who demand blood in sacrifice.
1) The Order of Melchizedek consider themselves a “priesthood” and “initiates of the flame”.
“Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this sphere in order to guard and protect the Flame, that spiritual principle in man, now hidden beneath the ruins of his fallen temple. As we think of the nations that are past, of Greece and Rome and the grandeur that was Egypt’s, we sigh as we recall the story of their fall; and we watch the nations of today, not knowing which will be the next to draw its shroud around itself and join that great ghostly file of peoples that are dead. But everywhere, even in the rise and fall of nations, we see through the haze of materiality, justice; everywhere we see reward, not of man but of the invincible One, the eternal Flame.” (Initiates of the Flame page 8)
“Those who worship this Flame are now called heathens. Little do we realize that we are heathen ourselves until we are baptised of the Holy Spirit, which is Fire, for fire is Light, and the children of the Flame are the Sons of Light, even as God is Light.” (Initiates of the Flame page 9)
“This same thread of life that passes through the roses of the Rosicrucians, winds among the pedals of the Lotus, and among the temple pillars of Luxor. THERE IS BUT ONE RELIGION IN ALL THE WORLD, and that is the worship of God, the spiritual Flame of the universe. Under many names He is known in all lands, but as Iswari or Ammon or God, He is the same, the Creator of the universe, and fire is His universal symbol. We are the Flame-Born Sons of God, thrown out as sparks from the wheels of the infinite. Around this Flame we have built forms which have hidden our light, but as students we are increasing this light by love and service, until it shall again proclaim us Suns of the Eternal. Within us burns that Flame, and before Its altar the lower man must bow, a faithful servant of the Higher. When he serves the Flame he grows, and the light grows until he takes his place with the true Initiates of the universe, those who have given all to the Infinite, in the name of the Flame within.” (Initiates of the Flame page 11)
2) The main deity they refer to as that flame, worship, and call god, is Lucifer. They also worship Odin, Ammon, Baphomet, Baal, Ashtaroth, Moloch, Leviathan, Azazael, Thoth, Abaddon/Apollyon, Ra, Set, Horos, and many others. The Odin Brotherhood is in Delphi and refer to themselves as Heathenry.
“Let us watch these mighty ones as they pass silently by. First, Orpheus, playing upon the seven stringed lyre of his own being, the music of the spheres. Then Hermes, the thrice greatest, with his emerald tablet of divine revelation. Through the shades of the past we dimly see Krishna, the illuminated, who on the battlefield of life taught man the mysteries of his own soul. Then we see the sublime Buddha, his yellow robe not half so glorious as the heart it covered, and our own dear Master, the man Jesus, his head surrounded with a halo of Golden Flame, and his brow serene with the calm of mastery. Then Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, Odin, and Moses, and others no less worthy pass by before the eyes of the student. They were the Sons of Flame. From the Flame they came, and to the Flame they have returned. To us they beckon, and bid us join them, and in our robes of self-earned glory to serve the Flame they love. They were without creed or clan; they served but the one great ideal. From the same place they all came, and to the same place they have returned. There was no superiority there. Hand in hand they labor for humanity. Each loves the other, for the power that has made them masters has shown them the Brotherhood of all life.” (Initiates of the Flame page 10)
3) In the PDF of Initiates of the Flame that I have provided, the full -page art does not display. However, if you go online you can see that every page of the book is outlined with Solomonic Stars and swastikas. This is because the Initiates of the Flame are Luciferians who practice Solomonic Magik and engage in Satanic Ritual. They also are Nazis of the 10th Reich at the highest levels. Level 33 and above. (See cover page for Initiates of the Flame). This is the same Luciferian Brotherhood I grew up in and was trained to be a top position within the System called, “Queen Mother of Darkness”. I got out at age 10 by the grace of God.
Resource: Initiates of the Flame PDF:
Throughout the book Initiates of the Flame, you see symbols that those who belong to the Luciferian Brotherhood use to communicate with one another. These symbols can be seen within the community in signs, building structures, and exterior and interior designs. When a Brotherhood member enters a community, they will look for the city sigil and the welcome sign to tell them who the main contacts are in the community and where they can attain what they need. (See pics for Delphi)
1) The City of Delphi Sigil Decode. I do extensive coaching courses that teach how to decode these city sigils on Land Assignments.
The first symbol we look at is the Delphi City Sigil’s outer layer. It is read like a clock. The main areas of focus reveal the demonic principality and brotherhood jurisdictions. Looking at the outer layers I see several principalities who have authority over the area. The mass focus on water around the 6 o’ clock mark tells us Leviathan is one. The heavy imagery in the middle tells us Baal and Ashtaroth also have jurisdiction in the area. The rectangular name plaque with the two diamonds tells us that Delphi is no longer under the old Babylonian System that was financially backed by the Vatican. The rectangular plaque tells us it is now considered “sacred ground” and financially backed by the Sanhedrin or the Leviathan System. All sacred ground will be marked with ritual walls that contain bloody hand prints which represent an offering of blood sacrifice to the demonic entities. The two diamonds represent military base connections to the area located East and West in the region. I believe these are underground submarine facilities. The type of watercraft in the picture is reminiscent of an ARC and tells us that one of the military connections is to NORAD in Colorado.
The middle imagery also tells us the major hidden Brotherhood Orders in the area. You have: the ARK representing the Royal Ark Degree; the horse representing the Order of the Honorary Foresters; the trees representing Order of Tall Trees; the sun representing Order of the Golden Dawn; and the water waves which tell us there are priestesses of Delphi in the area. Wherever you have priestesses, you will have knights. Therefore, we also have Knights of Pythias. (The main lodge for the Knights of Pythias is 24 minutes Southwest in Lafayette, Indiana.
Knights of Pythias in Lafayette:
According to the source above, the Knights of Pythias do meet at a Lodge in Delphi. There is also an old 1910 postcard from Delphi showing the Knights of Pythias group being in the area. The main lodge appears to be Delphi Lodge no. 28.
The Knights and priestesses are regional hosts and coordinators for the System who facilitate and coordinate events, activities, feasts, and rituals during Satanic Holidays for the higher-level Brotherhood in the region.
The Order of Honorary Foresters is harder to find in the community. But here is a link that tells us about it:
We do see many (Forester/Tall Tree) gravestones in the Lafayette, IN graveyard. Mixed in with the symbols on the graves we see the Brotherhood Order of the Odd Fellows represented by three gold chains linked together: (See pics of grave stones)
2) These hidden orders will always show where and how they are operating in the community by displaying their locations and humanitarian efforts in the community. These are displayed on the welcoming sign into Delphi. They include: The Honorary Order of the Rotarians, The honorary order of the Kiwanis, St Matthews Catholic Church, Psi Iota Xi (Yellow Rose), VFW, and Delphi First Assembly of God.
These sigils are very important to understand. They tell Brotherhood coming into the area where to go to meet their needs of food, lodging, hospitality, and covering of sin if they are in trouble.
In the System there are four colored roses that speak to Breeder Programs. Breeder programs ensure the Systems continuance. The Rotarians are known to have white roses and usually will select girls in the community that they highlight and sponsor. They will display these girls at the parades and grant “special” opportunities and invest in them. These girls become high commodity “wives” to prominent men in the System. The “yellow” rose is an off shoot of this program but focuses on rearing “priestesses”. The red rose is overseen by the Rosicrucian’s. And the blue rose is overseen by The Order of the Blue Rose which is a female group in the System who buy, sell, rear, and train prominent men in the System. Delphi prominently had the white and yellow rose programs. The focus is rearing “wives” and “priestesses” in the System.
Where do those who wear “roses” meet in Delphi? What children have they invested in and funded? What schools, scholarships, or community events do they fund?
3) Delphi has a Preservation Society. The Brotherhood uses societies and foundations to purchase properties and lands that they control and use for the System. I have testified that these societies often work in conjunction with the U.S. Government, U.S. Military, and Sovereign Military and profit by leasing their buildings and lands to them. Who sits on these boards? Are they knights or priestesses serving the Brotherhood in the area?
The sign for the Preservation Society has Brotherhood significance. At the bottom you see three tiered lines. These lines represent spiritual gate access in the area down to lower levels as well as tunnel access. Do the buildings and lands the Preservation Society oversees in the area have tunnel and underground access or spiritual gate access?
Second, we see what looks like an arch over the top. That represents a gate of Baal and temple of Baal. The gate is how you enter in, the temple is where one worships. Under it we see what looks like two wings. These wings represent Thelemic Magik. They can also be seen in Initiates of the Flame page 7. Thelemic Magic is a type of Aleister Crowley magik and is connected to pedophilia or sex with boys. The triangle above these wings represents the male compass seen in Masonry. The triangle image below represents the female chalice or womb. We must now ask if the Preservation Society is safeguarding locations within the community where Brotherhood members can engage in pedophilia and sexual magik with children?
4) The Cube Altar (mentioned on page 14) “The Cube Altar: Of the elements of the earth is this altar composed. It is the great cube of matter. On or in this altar burns a Flame. It is this Flame that is the spirit of all created things. Man, know thyself. Thou art the Flame, and thy bodies are the living altar.” (See picture of Indiana Bicentennial statue. It is in shape of The Cube Altar.) What this tells the Brotherhood members coming into the area is that Delphi Indiana is a place where Brotherhood members can get educated, trained, and worship. It also tells them where to look. “The hours may seem long, and the teachers cruel, but each of us must walk that path, and the only ones ready to go onward are those who have passed through the gateway of experience of GOD’S GREAT SCHOOL FOR MAN,” (page 14) This tells Brotherhood members there is a Gateway Experience connection. Gateway Experience became the military term used for those who engage in different forms of remote viewing or spiritual projection and multi-dimensional use of spiritual gates to access the spirit world.
“It is well for us to understand that we ourselves are the cube altar upon which and in which burns the altar fire. For many centuries the Initiate of fire has been nourishing and guarding the Spiritual Flame within himself, as the ancient priests watched day and night the altar fires of Vesta’s temple.” (page 17) This means they engage in sex magik.
The following images accompanied Jessie Marie Czebotar’s assessment of the Delphi murders.
War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth traveled to Delphi, Indiana in 2021 and several photos were taken.
Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.
Watch/Listen to Isaac Kappy call Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL