David Jose: The secret about Ukraine and the REAL reason President Trump targets human traffickers

David Jose
David Jose has eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind to think with.
Originally published by David Jose on Facebook on February 12, 2020
Guys! I have been thinking about all these politicians getting paid through the Ukraine and all this gas and oil which Dema usually don’t like. I was wondering, what if all that was a front for kid smuggling and that’s why hunter got all those millions and why all these Ukrainian aids and other such people are trying to go after people in American and then I’m like why did Timothy Charles Holmseth and The gentleman McConnell get arrested through Family court, who are people who have access to babies? Pelosi went after Trump but she leases property through her company to CPS, who has access to babies! We seen her son use CPS to take his ex girlfriends baby and told her he would before hand!!!! Notice though, With all going on, Trump keeps talking about going after traffickers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump shows he will deal with you for wronging him and the people, what if the deep state is trafficking and he knows that’s their weak spot? What if he is spending so much of the resources on trafficking because that’s high level funding for bad politicians and that’s why they come together to go after him? Guys spiritually we can see something is going down and we are not privy to every detail but it’s going down hard!!!!
If things aren’t coming full circle! Y’all see I called the Robert Stone Hoax was losing steam because people got busted in so much wrong now they are slowing down prosecution????? Well, that tells me they made up bull like they did with trump but it gets deeper
Timothy Charles Holmseth just reported that 4 that were involved in going after him stepped down! We are clearly seeing that the Fed May have been weaponized not just against Trump, but also stone! So let’s get this straight, how many times does an organization get to be blatantly criminal before we realize it’s a criminal enterprise? I think Holmseth also drops some damning evidence from Chris Hallett where notice was given to the appropriate people so that nobody can say the top level of gov didn’t know what was up!!! Now imagine! Trump gets acquitted, vows to go after trafficking and now Those trying to nail Roger Stone out of nowhere want to back off on time and 4 actors going after him resign!!!!!! I must say, God is destroying this thing as no man could do this!!!!!
Very insightful, Timothy. After the action in California by the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, I am hopeful that the satanic organizers of that massive underground facility will soon be at Gitmo before a tribunal, followed shortly after by the gallows.
I have heard nothing about the staff of the California underground pedophile facility. Perhaps the Marines did not take prisoners. That would be highly appropriate, except for getting information on their superiors.
I found you through Daniel and I give thanks for discovering you both! Daniel went off on the deep in for a bit due to unseen circumstances between him and his new wife; but he pulled through and moved on. Knowing you are working for president TRUMP is a blessing!!! Stay strong and wishing you and your family the best! Your a hero in my eyes!!!