by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 15, 2024 – USA
The trial of STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE-BLANCHARD began today in Marion County, Florida.

Blanchard is presenting her own case after terminating Attorney Jack Maro in March 2024, after she realized Maro was conspiring against President Donald Trump with the FBI and others in a bogus defense theory where they planned to call “expert witnesses” that would connect the Christopher Hallett (E~Clause) murder to “QAnon” “Sovereign Citizens” and ‘the cult of Trump’.
Blanchard spoke with Alexandra Koukounakis, Canada, by telephone after today’s hearing.
Blanchard said somebody is cutting the microphone while she is talking so her words won’t be recorded for the record (reportedly there is no court reporter – only recording).
Blanchard said Amy Berndt, a Prosecutor for the Marion County State’s Attorney’s Office, made a statement during jury selection that supports Blanchard’s previously held (and reported upon) position and belief that the original Grand Jury was fake – meaning, no Grand Jury was ever convened, and the STATE created a false Grand Jury Indictment document.
Blanchard said Berndt asked prospective jurors “had anybody ever sat on a Grand Jury before.” Blanchard said a man raised his hand. Blanchard said the man said he had sat on a Grand Jury in Kentucky and the man commented about how long the process takes.
Blanchard said Berndt replied to the perspective juror and that Berdt said, “In Florida it takes 6 months for a Grand Jury”.
Blanchard said this proves her (Blanchard’s) existing argument.
Blanchard was originally arrested in Georgia hours after the murder of Christopher Edward Hallet in Ocala, Florida, which allegedly occurred on November 15, 2020.
“I was originally arrested without a warrant. That proves that they had me – when they supposedly had me charged for second degree [murder] but I was actually in the jail, and I wasn’t registered – no one could find me – my family couldn’t find me – then they get me down to the Marion County Jail they use this bogus indictment this bogus Grand Jury,” Blanchard said.
“She (ASA Amy Berndt) literally put on the record that it takes 6 months in Florida to do a Grand Jury Indictment. I was in this jail on November the 20th [2020].
“Supposedly the Indictment was served on me on November 14th – December 14th or December 15th [2020] – that is less than a month. They got it bogus. This is – I’m literally on a charge that I shouldn’t even be on – in this jail for,” Blanchard said.
“So while I was up there okay like originally the microphone was kind of away from me okay – well I, something told me to move the microphone close to my face right – so while I was talking there’s a little light on the microphone so you know when it’s on or its off so you know okay it’s like a little green light – I pulled this little microphone up to me right? And then I was talking in it right. And then all of a sudden you would not hear me talking so I knew the sound was going off, right – so I looked down real quick and it would come back on real fast – so they were messing – someone was messing with the mike (microphone) – well let me tell you why that’s important because that’s getting it on the record so if its off the recording they’re not capturing me on the record,” Blanchard said.