by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 23, 2023 – USA
Yesterday’s report contained Part 1 and 2 by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
Today we are publishing Jessie Marie Czebotar’s third assessment of the Delphi double-murder case in Delphi, Indiana.
If you want to understand what is happening in Delphi, I encourage you to read my testimony documented on . Disclaimer: All names of persons or places are to show what I feel should be investigated. No accusations are made, just interpretations from observations made and my personal knowledge of how the Brotherhood System operates.
I must warn the United States of America. This is a matter of national security at the highest level. What Delphi has to reveal, shows that a Sovereign Foreign Nation (The Luciferian Brotherhood) and their foreign military called the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars is operating a secondary government within and in conjunction to our own U.S. Government and Military. (Dual citizens with first loyalty being to the Luciferian Brotherhood). I have testified in written affidavit that what is more concerning is that this foreign nation and military are committing and covering up crimes against children and humanity that include: rape, torture, satanic ritual, murder, adrenochrome and organ harvesting, and cannibalism.
In this section I will discuss how the Luciferian Brotherhood, Order of Odin, Sovereign Military, and Priestesses are operating.
In the book “Initiates of the Flame”, I want you to notice the phrase “gateway of experience”. “The hours may seem long, and the teachers cruel, but each of us must walk that path, and the only ones ready to go onward are those who have passed through the gateway of experience of GOD’S GREAT SCHOOL FOR MAN,” (page 14) That term is utilized by Brotherhood working in conjunction with the U.S. Military Nazi programs within the U.S. Military for the purpose of breeding and training members of the Luciferian Brotherhood in their positions within the System.
In a series of seven videos with Aquarius Rising Africa and Solutions with Chantelle, I break down how the Gateway Experience works within the U.S. Military projects, programs, and experiments and how they train children to access and operate in the spiritual world through spiritual gates. Understanding these concepts is important to understanding the fullness of what is occurring in the Delphi Indiana area. First, note that there are spiritual gates in the area. Second, note that there are trained individuals in the area who know how to access spiritual dimensions through those gates. These individuals have been trained to access the spiritual world through “remote viewing”. There are two ways of remote viewing. The first is called Astral Projection. When an individual astral projects, their spiritual body is separated from their physical body and they enter the spiritual dimension using their spiritual body while leaving their physical body in a secure location. There are time limits to this form of remote viewing. If the person’s spirit does not return to their physical body in an appropriate amount of time, their physical body will die. This is why there is a clock on the face front of the Court House in Delphi, IN where the spiritual gate is located. Clocks are put near spiritual gate access points so time can be kept since there is no time in the spirit world. (See pic of face front of Delphi Court House). The second form of remote viewing is through vision. This means the individual can see and perceive the spiritual world at the same time they see and perceive the physical world. Their spiritual body does not separate from their physical body. Entering the spiritual dimension occurs through sight or they must enter with their whole physical body to go from one location to another.
1) Procedures and Protocols of Gateway Experience Part 1:
2) Procedures and protocols of Gateway Experience Part 2: Continued:
(A few of the episode numbers are off. This is the correct order of the series and includes all the episodes done.)
3) The Gateway Experience Part 2:
4) The Gateway Experience Part 3:
5) The Gateway Experience Part 4:
6) The Gateway Experience #4:
7) The Gateway Experience #5:
There is an important Masonic ritual that I feel leans some understanding in how the bodies were found in the Delphi murder. It is called the Rite of Discalceation:
In this rite “shoes” are removed and represent certain entrances into the spiritual world.
“A candidate for initiation into a Masonic Lodge often finds odd those requirements which he must fulfill in order to do as have all good brothers and fellows who have gone this way before. Indeed, that preparation often remains a puzzle to him, since the ritualistic explanation is only partial. Not only does the newly made brother, bewildered by the new world into which he is thrust, investigate further to ascertain if all was told him which might have been; to learn a still further meaning to the ceremony and symbol which the passage in Ruth purports to make plain. Those who read the fourth chapter of the immortal Book of Ruth will note especially the seventh and eight verses:
“Now this was the manner in former times in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was a testimony in Israel. “Therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz, Buy it for Thee. So he drew off his shoe.””Redeeming” here means the taking back or recovery of land or property pledged for a debt; “changing” refers to the transfer of ownership. As both were then, as now, matters of importance, it is evident that the plucking off of the shoe, as a pledge of honor and fair dealing, was of equal importance, comparable with our swearing to our signatures to documents before a Notary Public, Note that “to confirm all things a man plucked off his shoe. . .” not his “Shoes.”
Taking off one and handing it to him with whom a covenant was made was a symbol of sincerity.Removing “both” shoes signified quite another thought. These are separate and distinct symbols – in Freemasonry both are used – and it is wise to distinguish between the two, not to miss the beautiful implications of entering that place which is holy with both feet bare. The Rite of Discalceation – from the Latin, “discalceatus,” meaning “unshod” – is world wide. Freemasonry’s ritual of the entered Apprentice Degree refers to the passage in Ruth. In the Master’s Degree the reference is not verbal but an act which differs in meaning from that in the first degree.”- Rite of Discalceation
To understand how this Rite should be seen, let’s look at how the System is managed by quadrant and region.
Entry Level Masons are encouraged to reflect as they advance in “degrees”. They can be in as many “orders” or “circles” as they like. Each circle group is considered their “brothers” and they meet to train, reflect, participate in rituals, and engage in magik together. Each circle will focus on different types of magik based on the “path” the members are choosing. There are two paths. The right-hand path focuses on Light side training or what is considered “white magik”. This magik is used for the betterment of humanity and healing. The left-hand path is considered the Dark side and focuses on “black magik” which is used to cause destruction, chaos, and mayhem in society. Some individuals in the brotherhood will choose to study and become practitioners of both paths. They are called “greys” and practice grey magik which is a combination of both white and black magik. ALL high-level members in the System from Grand High Priests and Priestesses, Satanic Councilman, and Mothers of Darkness are skilled in Grey Magik.
Understanding the structure of the System and positions is important to further understand how they operate. Those who are chosen from birth or before birth for positions within the System are identified as “hierarchy”. They will be selected to serve in some capacity to ensure the System continues. There are two tiers of hierarchy. First, you have those who are considered “bloodline”. They will be placed in the higher echelons of the System. If you imagine a triangle, at the very top you have the five Mothers of Darkness. Three of those women will be called the “Mother Goddess”. They represent the three-fold goddess called “Isis, Ashtaroth, the Queen of Heaven, the Queen of the Dead, or Jezebel”. They represent the treaty of the womb or chalice with Lucifer and Leviathan. They will be distinguished by three separate positions. The first position is called the Crone. This is the one considered the “Queen Mother of Darkness”. That was the position I was chosen for and trained in. The second is the “Mother”. And the third is the “Maid”. The Mothers of Darkness job is to meet with Lucifer nightly to receive his plans and agenda and then to ensure the System is operating in the way he desires. The Mothers of Darkness oversee the operations of the entire System. The Queen Mother of Darkness is the one who oversees the entire System. The other Mothers are given authority and jurisdiction over Quadrants and represent the treaties made with the demonic principalities operating in those quadrants both internationally and within the United States.
Next, in the triangle you have the Satanic Council. This Council goes by many names: The Federation Alliance, the Global Alliance, The Druidic Council, The Council of 300, The Council Seats. Positions in the Council are called “seats”. The position for the head Counselman or spokesperson for the Satanic Council is called the “Phoenix of the Council”. Till May of 2021, this position or seat was held by George Soros. In May of 2021, the seat of the Phoenix was taken and is currently held by former U.S. President Barack H. Obama. Each member of the Council overseas a quadrant Internationally or within the United States. The Council can be compared to a Board of Directors or CEOs of the System. Their job is to run the System within the Quadrants. Each member will understand operations for their Quadrant.
The Satanic Council is split into two parts. The main Council is known as the Lower Chambers. The Upper Chambers are broken into several small groups. They are identified by odd numbers. For example: the Council of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 21. They act like an upper court within the Council if issues or problems arise within the quadrants they are assigned. The head Councilwoman and spokesperson for these special councils is Somerset Belenoff. This is important to understand for the Delphi murders. All issues that pertain to hierarchy within the System are dealt with through the upper and lower chambers based on whether they are a quadrant or regional matter. Random murders and accidents just don’t happen in established Brotherhood areas, and evidence shows that the murders were premeditated and posed. It is my belief that they were meant to be a “diversion” and “statement”.
These select Upper Chambers will oversee and direct their managers in each quadrant. The managers are called Grand High Priests and Grand High Priestesses. Their job is to manage the System as they receive instruction from the Councilmen for their quadrant. Their quadrant will be broken down into regions. They will work directly with those (High Priests and High Priestesses) whom they place and train to be regional managers. Regional Managers are called “High Priests and Priestess”. They function as the lord and ladies within those regions.
Imagery within the buildings structure in the Delphi Indiana area tells us that we have High Priests and Priestess using the area for training purposes. (You see laurels, shells, and flowers in building designs). First, we see there are spiritual gates in the area. When there are several small spiritual gates in an area, that area will be dedicated to teaching and training priests and priestesses in spiritual gate operations. These smaller areas will be dedicated or set apart as “Historic” or “Preserved”. The higher-level individuals on the Boards of these committees, foundations, or societies will be regional leaders within the brotherhood.
The High Priests and High Priestesses in the Region will manage the five departments in the System: The Masons, The Mormons, The Jesuit Catholics, The Satanists, and the Kabbalah. In Delphi Indiana, we see several departments in charge of the Systems assets which will be the Hierarchy children and the Expendable children. The prominent departments of the System that seem to be overseeing assets in Delphi, IN are the Masons and Jesuit Catholics.
a) The Masons main Lodge no. 28.
b) There is a possible Kabbalah connection through Golden Dawn or Order of Temple Orientis in the area. I believe the Delphi Indiana has a direct spiritual gate connection to Delphi in Greece.
Interesting articles that may connect Delphi in Greece:
Closest Group operating out of Indianapolis, IN:
c) Satanists: Closest location of groups is Indianapolis IN.
d) Don’t see a strong Mormon connection in the area.
What committees, foundations, or societies are these departments of the System operating through in the Delphi Indiana area?
1) The Delphi Preservation Society. Take note of the symbols used to represent this society and the random symbols on their webpage. These are not just designs. They have meaning in the System and indicate authority, jurisdiction, and contracts.
a) The leaf like symbols around “The Delphi Society” are called laurels. Wherever you see these, it tells you that you have Knights of Pythias and Priestesses of Delphi or Melissae. These two priestess groups are the oldest of the priestess groups in the System. The financial backing of the System is split into two parts. The first part is considered Rome. It is represented with the color blue and is considered the Old Babylon System. Until this past year, this was the largest financier within the System. It was overseen by the Vatican and the Holy See. The Holy See has direct connections and oversight to three letter agencies in government such as the FBI, CIA, DIA, and Intelligence under Brotherhood members who oversee these programs John O. Brennan and Nazi Michael Karkoc.
In 2022, the Vatican went bankrupt and everything that was financially backed through them is in the process of being transitioned under the “end time” System which is called the Leviathan System or Judah. The Leviathan System is run by the Sanhedrin in Israel. (See pics for Leviathan Sigils). We see the gate of Baal represented in the FBI sigil which has the two pillars representing the Boaz and Joachim poles and the justice scale being used as the top of the gate. The red behind them represents the Sanhedrin as the financial backer of these government agencies. (See FBI sigil, Gate of Baal pic, and Boaz/ Joachin/ High Priestess pic.) In the High Priestess pic we see the two pillars or poles that represent a passageway into the spirit world and into a temple. We see the symbols that designate a High Priestess. The moon in the corner, the palms, laurels, and pineapple. You see the circle on the headdress representing the alchemy symbol for gold, which can also be used to represent the element water. We see the tops of the columns representing the lily flower. We see the white cross on the chest representing the brotherhood motto, “In This Sign, We Shall Conquer”.
b) Priestesses usually have cover lives that help them operate in their positions through Foundations, Societies, and Associations. In Delphi Indiana we find the Delphi Preservation Society. On the website, we see two little purple symbols under the sections “The Delphi Society” and “Our Mission” that are Brotherhood symbols which I believe gives credence to showing the Delphi Preservation Society is connected to the Brotherhood and priestesses in the area. (See pics for Delphi Society 1-4 and Our Mission).
The first symbol under the Delphi Society represents the Leviathan sigil. (See pics for Leviathan Sigil). It designates the contract with the Delphi Society and Leviathan and quadrant contracts with demonic principalities to use of the water ways. The contract covers regional major waterways in the area, as well as the water above the earth and below the earth, and all well springs in the area. This contract allows the priests and priestesses to use water in the area for magik purposes and to curse or taint the water for those not in the System. (I speak of such contracts in my affidavit on Alton Towers found on
c) The second purple symbol is seen in two different pics of “Our Mission” for the Delphi Society. The first pic shows what looks like a fleur-de-lis. This is a symbol the System uses to represent the Priory of Sion (sometimes spelled Tsion). This is one of the umbrellas that the Knights of Pythias will be connected to. They are considered a regional governing board. They also are just called the Priory. The second pic signifies that members of the Delphi Society and Priory in the region will meet at the Opera House. Usually regional meetings are bi -weekly or quarterly.
I have testified that Foundations, Donors, Sponsors, Associations, Museums, and Societies are formed so that the Regional leaders in the Brotherhood can have ways that the Brotherhood can profit from their oversight in the area while controlling and covering up their operations and buying, selling, and trading off black market currencies. These currencies include blood, fingerprints, DNA, descendant currencies like egg and sperm, and soul energies. In the area we see several Foundation, Donors, Sponsors, Associations, Museums, and Societies established. We see many members of the Delphi Society have positions of authority on boards for these groups, being long standing members, or employed with companies that donate large sums of money for projects in the area.
a) The Heritage Group headquartered in Indianapolis, IN.
Brotherhood symbols on hard hats in pic on Heritage Group:
They also use the term “potential” on this site. “Unleash your potential”. Potential is a term used by the U.S. Military to hide their use of children in the projects, programs, and experiments. The double upside-down V or compass on the hard hats represents bridges and gates of Baal entrances. It also represents “males” in the System. The blue behind it represents the Babylon System so connection to Vatican and Holy See financial backing. That means you will find a connection to the Jesuit department with those higher up in this company as well as connections to Rotary Club, Kiwanis, and other Jesuit Brotherhood Orders such as: Royal Arch, Royal Jesters, Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei.
Royal Arch:
Grand Worshipful Master of past of Royal Arch in area:
Royal Jesters:
Knights of Columbus in Delphi:
The Knights of Columbus are a “fraternity” or “secret society” within the Brotherhood System. They are considered regional managers within the Jesuit Department of the System.
“Fraternity – Venerable Michael J. McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus, in large part, to provide assistance to the widows and children left behind when the family breadwinner died – often prematurely. The Order’s top-rated insurance program continues to do this today, as do the good works of individual Knights, who gave more than 75 million service hours in 2016, illustrating how Catholics serve each other in fraternity and mercy.”
Connected to St Joseph Catholic Church:
Notice how the “cross” for the Knights of Columbus is the same shape and distinction used for the cross representing the Fire Department. That is important. It connects financial backers and Brotherhood authorities. Under the Knights of Columbus, we find another Society for women in the area: Take note of names and connections within the area.
Delphi Fire Department: (See Masonic Crosses pic and Delphi Fire 1 & 2 pics) The pics show the connection between the Sovereign Military Order of Knights Templars (Division: Knights of Malta) and the Fire Department. The Brotherhood System will set up support services in the area run by Sovereign Military members to control members of the Brotherhood and keep compliance and the code of silence in the area. The Sovereign Military’s job includes ritual and training preparations, securing perimeters, securing and transporting of expendable assets and children for sacrifice, elite member protection, and ritual clean up and cover up. In some areas, the Sovereign Military oversees the human meat markets and will coordinate distribution and transportation of human meat and meat facilities. These places are called “Chop Shops”. I was introduced to these in Chicago, IL as well as in Casper, WY.
Higher Level Members of the Sovereign Military will hold distinguished positions in communities to ensure smooth operations. These positions can be in local government, in business, law enforcement, or support services. The Sovereign Military are connected to the Protector department in the System. Those who are considered protectors will have oversight of the entrances and exits in and out of the underground tunnels in the area; this includes spiritual gates. Notice the symbols and at bottom that the Order is under the jurisdiction of the Priory. Grand Prior is a regional position within the Sovereign Military:
Grand Prior of Indiana: Notice those in these ORDERS claim to be “Christian”. Remember that is the “cover” or “narrative” they display. In “Initiates of the Flame” we see the “Christian” language but that is a guise for all the deities they really worship.
We see that St Joseph Catholic Church falls under the Diocese of Lafayette, IN. (See pic for Diocese 1 -2). The main emblem for the diocese is shaped like the headdress the priests of bishops wear. We also see the moon sliver meaning the High Priests and High Priestesses in area are connected to this church. The head dress resembles the mouth of a fish and signifies worship of “water spirits”; particularly Dagon (mentioned in the book of Daniel in the Bible) and Leviathan.
Following the Moon shape indicated on Diocese crest we find: Schoenstatt Shrine in Delphi IN:
Schoenstatt Movement:
b) US Aggregates
Blood and ashes from expendable individuals are mixed into concrete or other plywood for two reasons. One is another way to profit from those who are considered expendable. Two, it is done to curse the land and buildings on Brotherhood properties. It makes the land “unrighteous” in the sight of God which then gives the Brotherhood and the demonic entities that they make contracts the right to establish “strongholds of wickedness” in the area.
c) Heartland Heritage Inc
d) Wabash-Erie Canal Association of Delphi:
Those who are not chosen to be in the hierarchy in the System are called “expendable”. They are considered an asset in the System and will be used solely to make profit from. How many ways does the System profit from one expendable child?
Profit Scale of one expendable. First a child is sold for sex trafficking or sexual magik. When a child can no longer be used for sex they are sold for ritual murder and cannibalism. After blood is drained and flesh is consumed, they will be incinerated into diamonds. The diamonds can be kept as a trophy or sold for profit. The ashes that remain are cursed by priestesses in the area and sold to food companies and flour mills for filler or sold to pharma for filler in medications. This is so that those who consume them remain under a curse, “Those who consume flesh are cursed”. (Leviticus 7:26-27). The blood may be kept or sold for ritual purposes. All of this is so that the System keeps that person’s rights and authorities to the land.
The following images accompanied Jessie Marie Czebotar’s assessment of the Delphi murders.
War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth traveled to Delphi, Indiana in 2021 and several photos were taken.
Timothy Charles Holmseth is being called America’s ‘Last Journalist Standing’. TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS is free. However, if you feel led to assist Tim in getting to where he needs to go, to do what he needs to do, to bring this information to the world, you can. CLICK HERE to for options to donate.
Watch/Listen to Isaac Kappy call Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.
Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL