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by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 11, 2022 – USA

On October 11, 2022, the FBI in Cleveland, and the Ohio Attorney General, received an image and a report detailing the facts and circumstances surrounding a photo of a suspiciously small vagina (that they also received) that was texted to a former Minnesota judge in what has since been exposed as a plot to frame Randi Lynn Erickson and Timothy Charles Holmseth.

Emerging evidence shows the arrest of Justin Foley, the schoolteacher in Ohio who was charged on September 21, 2022, with child pornography crimes, after law enforcement received a tip from the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children, was being used in a plan by organized crime to frame a former Minnesota judge and investigative journalist for possession of child pornography.

While the public may have seen the Foley arrest as an isolated incident of a local pervert – a close examination of events that took place between August 13, 2022, and September 21, 2022, would tell a story about crimes against children in Ohio that shocks the conscience.


On August 13, 2022, Alexandria Goddard, Martins Ferry, Ohio, unprompted and out-of-the blue, texted a photograph of a suspiciously small vagina (with no pubic hair amidst small hips with strange bruising) to former Minnesota judge Randi Lynn Erickson.

Unbeknownst to Erickson at the time… a plot was being hatched against her – in real time.

Goddard, who is not believed to be an American citizen, says she is a Guardian Ad Litem in Ohio, and publicly bills herself on national media platforms including Netflix as an advocate against ‘rape culture’.

However, Goddard has publicly bragged to multiple publications (e.g., THE NEW YORKER) that she once formed a plan with police in Ohio to kidnap a man, handcuff him to a bed, and sexually torture him with hot sauce, which she said they did.

Evidence shows that the type of plotting and conspiring that occurred in the hot sauce torture incident was again underway in Ohio – and Erickson was the target.

Erickson, 62, is a former Truth and Taxation judge from Anoka County, Minnesota who holds multiple licenses in both Minnesota and Florida, is a former elected official, has no criminal history, and passes regular FBI background checks.

Erickson has been a target of organized crimes for years.

In 2021 Erickson escrowed Affidavits (that are now in the U.S. Court – Minnesota) from an eyewitness, Jessie Marie Czebotar, who swore that as a child she watched Hillary Clinton and other world leaders rape, torture, murder, and eat children.

But the targeting of Erickson actually began well before that.

Erickson had come into the crosshairs of organized crime, that involved Goddard, because in 2019 she (Erickson) assisted an award-winning news reporter and investigative journalist named Timothy Charles Holmseth who was being railroaded by the STATE OF MINNESOTA after he uncovered the identity of an FBI agent who was operating a world-wide child trafficking operation that moved children out of the United States through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

In late 2020 Erickson retained Attorney Steven S. Biss, Charlottesville, Virginia, to represent her in a Defamation action against a group that included Goddard, that was threatening Erickson’s life, hacking her computer, contacting her business contacts, harassing her friends and family, swatting her Elk River home, publishing homemade WANTED/REWARD posters with Erickson and Holmseth’s face, and other acts of terrorism. The Defamation action soon evolved into a RICO action because predicate acts for RICO had been met. There is presently a RICO complaint drafted by Attorney Biss and has cost Erickson $30,000.00 in attorney’s fees to date.

The interstate communications between Goddard and Erickson began with an unsolicited email from Goddard to Erickson August 11, 2022. Goddard emailed Erickson’s business email account with various taunts. Erickson replied to Goddard and told Goddard she was preparing to do more interviews of people in Goddard’s orbit.

The communications soon involved voice mail messages left by both.

But there was a very serious plot underway.


Goddard, via text messages, repeatedly requested Erickson to travel to her home in Martins Ferry, Ohio. Erickson repeatedly told Goddard she was not interested in meeting with Goddard, but rather, planned to visit law enforcement and the courthouse.

Goddard categorically stated to Erickson that she was not afraid of Erickson – a statement that would become very, very relevant as things played out.

~begin snippet of text message exchange~

Erickson: Why do want to meet me

Goddard: you are scared

Erickson: Nope

Goddard: you want to be a journalist and publisher – interview me. Pussy

Erickson: You scared

Erickson: Don’t need you

Goddard: no, actually I’m not or I wouldn’t be inviting you to meet

~end snippet~

So why did Goddard want Erickson to come to her home?

There’s a reason.

Goddard would later admit during an interview on From The Desk of Murtwitnessonelive that at the same time she was trying to lure Erickson to her home for a media interview, she had a “9mm” loaded with “cop killers” on the table. Goddard cynically explained how she would have the right to shoot Erickson if she felt scared.


On August 19, 2022, Goddard’s co-host Levi H. Page, Tennessee, a former CNN pundit and associate of Nancy Grace, produced a special edition of their show called ‘Crime and Scandal’ to announce Randi Erickson had been criminally charged in Ohio with stalking, and Timothy Charles Holmseth had been criminally charged in Ohio with complicity in stalking.

Erickson and Holmseth were NOT together on any of the dates in question – neither Erickson nor Holmseth were in Ohio – Erickson and Holmseth were not even in the same State as each other.

The charges are completely made up.

Erickson and Holmseth had no clue such charges were pending until they saw the show on You Tube where Page featured screenshots from the Belmont County Courts website.

The Belmont County website showed Erickson and Holmseth had been charged by the STATE OF OHIO on August 16, 2022. The Summons had been mailed by the Belmont County Clerk of Court to the WRONG ADDRESS of both Erickson and Holmseth in Minnesota. The Register of Actions showed there was an Arraignment scheduled for September 21, 2022.

Make note that Erickson and Holmseth were charged on August 16, 2022 (the day NCMEC received the anonymous tip about Justin Foley).

Make note Erickson and Holmseth were scheduled to appear in court in Ohio on September 21, 2022.

Now… watch what happened on September 20, 2022.

Justin Foley was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Facts, information, and evidence shows there was a plot to jail Foley on child pornography crimes in a very public way. Then, Foley, incarcerated and facing life in prison, would be extremely vulnerable to extortion and blackmail and coerced into ‘cooperating’ with investigators. Foley would likely have said he knew Erickson and Holmseth. Foley would have been pressured into falsely implicating Erickson and Holmseth.

Note: Randi Lynn Erickson and Timothy Charles Holmseth had never heard of Justin Foley until he was arrested in Ohio, and it was on the news.


After receiving the suspicious photo, Randi Erickson began telephoning law enforcement and expressing concerns about the image Goddard texted to her. Erickson telephoned a friend who is in law enforcement in Minnesota. Erickson’s investigator friend told her to report the suspicious image to law enforcement where the image was sent from.

Erickson began making telephone calls to the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office in Ohio. The Sheriff’s Office refused to take a report and told Erickson to call the Martins Ferry Police Department (MFPD). Erickson called the MFPD and they refused to take a report. On one occasion they hung up on Erickson.

It would later be realized by Erickson that the reason law enforcement did not want to take a report was because there was an active ‘frame up’ underway and any report by law enforcement in Ohio would ruin the plot.

On September 1, 2022, Erickson and Holmseth met in Nashville, Tennessee, and together, visited the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) to report the vagina image and human trafficking evidence connected to Goddard and Page (Page is from Tennessee). Erickson and Holmseth entered secure areas of the TBI and the ‘vagina’ image was presented to two TBI agents.

Erickson subsequently called the Belmont County Courts, State politicians, Ohio Organized Crime Task Force, the Ohio BAR, Ohio Attorney General’s office, and many other official offices. Some of the calls were recorded and published.

Nonetheless… the pending court date for Erickson and Holmseth of September 21, 2022, sat on the Belmont County Courts website.

The plot continued.


On September 13, 2022, Timothy Charles Holmseth contacted the Belmont County Court and confronted the situation. Holmseth sent the Court and Prosecutor a USB Flash Drive that contained the entire text exchange between Erickson and Goddard that contained the vagina photo and extortion threats by Goddard, who told Erickson that if she didn’t do what she (Goddard) demanded, she was going to have Erickson arrested. Holmseth also told the Court they were using the wrong address. Holmseth sent the Court a sworn affidavit that he was not in Ohio and had no idea what they were even talking about.

Shortly thereafter – Erickson also sent in a sworn affidavit which exposed the entire racketeering scheme.

On September 17, 2022, William K. Murtaugh, From The Desk of Murtwitnessonelive produced a show that had graphics announcing there was “4 DAYS” to go before the Erickson and Holmseth hearing in Ohio.

The stage was still set.

He thought…

Shortly into the program Alexandria Goddard called in. She told Murtaugh the court date had been extended to October 12, 2022.

Goddard told Murtaugh that the STATE OF OHIO is the Plaintiff. Goddard said she did not bring the charges – the STATE did. Goddard said she does not have to appear for any hearings, ever.

Goddard then admitted SHE SENT THE VAGINA PHOTO TO ERICKSON. Goddard then said she sent a copy of the vagina image to Murtaugh, too.

Goddard then issued a public challenge to the Prosecutor for a “vagina line-up”. Goddard said the only way the Prosecutor could prove the vagina was not her crotch was to do a vagina line-up.

Goddard said she is in regular contact with the Prosecutor and sends him every article that is written about the subject on www.timothycharlesholmseth.com


One day before the original arraignment date for Erickson and Holmseth (September 21, 2022)…

Stemming from an ‘anonymous’ tip to the NCMEC on August 16, 2022 (the day Erickson and Holmseth were secretly charged), law enforcement arrested Justin Foley on September 20, 2022, for child porn.

Erickson has spoken to the investigator on the Justin Foley prosecution and explained she believes Goddard and others attempted to plant porn on her telephone, which they would later connect to Foley, in a plan to frame Erickson and Holmseth.

The following press release appeared today on TRUTH SOCIAL.


The FBI in Ohio has received the suspicious image of a very ‘small’ V@!#@! that was texted to former Minnesota judge Randi Lynn Erickson by Alexandria Goddard, Ohio.

The image is believed to be connected to the Justin Foley C##@! P#@! arrest in Ohio.

The image is connected to an extortion and murder plot.

The Ohio Attorney General has also received the image and information.

Information also received by…

U.S. Marshals
Attorney Steven S. Biss
Belmont County Courts


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