by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on March 6, 2024 – USA
In January of 2018 the San Diego Union-Tribune reported about the real identity of the famous “Hotel California” as made famous by the Eagles in their song of the same name.
“The inspiration for the name of the song, however, was not a real-life hotel, Eagles lead singer Don Henley once told Rolling Stone. (Sorry, Hotel del Coronado, but you’re not it.)” the Union-Tribune said.
Don Henley may have been telling the truth about the true and actual place where “…in the master’s chambers. They gathered for the feast. They stab it with their steely knives. But they just can’t kill the beast”.
It’s some place there is a “Captain”.
“So I called up the Captain. “Please bring me my wine”. He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here. Since 1969,” the song said.
In 2018, War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth interviewed Anne Hanly, whose brother John Hanly, was used for insane Nazi experiments by the infamous madman Dr. Louis Jolyon West.
John Hanly told his sister about “Ward 400” “Special Forces” at “Coronado Island” and the Eagles song Hotel California.
“Whatever Ward 400 was, John had some understanding it was military connected … we don’t know for a fact because we don’t have all the documents, I called UCLA they wouldn’t give me anything. I called Devereux they wouldn’t give me anything. They didn’t cooperate at all. And Devereux, if you look at Devereux, they do animal sacrifice and all that too – it’s likely that when my brother in one of the documents – I was studying that document – my brother was honest – we were honest children we grew up learning that it’s bad to lie – and telling the truth is the [best] sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth – but the truth is the truth – it doesn’t change no matter how many times you tell it – so my brother was talking about killing, and blood, and sacrifice. All these things. They have him quoted. As his own words at Devereux. And they were punishing him for speaking up about such things. In that bunch of documents it said Ward 400. That’s the John – the memory of the Eagles song was triggered by John talking about when Special Forces took him to Coronado Island and then he open his eyes really wide and said “CRRRAAAZZZYYY””, Holmseth reported.

This morning the Associated Press reported “Prosecutors drop charges midtrial against 3 accused of possessing stolen ‘Hotel California’ lyrics“.
The development in the Hotel California case comes three days after War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth posted on TRUTH SOCIAL regarding recording artist Don Henley who recently testified in a New York trial regarding the famous Eagles song “Hotel California“.
It comes merely hours after Canadian talk show host and investigative researcher Alexandra Koukounakis, Infiltrated by Truth, on March 5, 2024, discussed Holmseth’s reporting on John Hanly and the “Hotel California” story told by his sister Anne Hanly. During the Open Microphone talk show a poster under the name “Pentagon Pedophile Task Force” commented to the discussion and said, “John Hanly referenced “Hotel California’ to his sister Anne”.
Koukounakis initially began the segment with discussion about the first-degree murder trial of Neely Petrie Blanchard in Marion County, Florida, and some strange, and even mysterious facts surrounding Dr. Harry Krop, a case witness in STATE OF FLORIDA v NEELY PETRIE BLANCHARD, who is brought into high-profile criminal cases (e.g. Casey Anthony) and given the credibility and power of a god.
Jessie Marie Czebotar, the world’s leading expert in the Luciferian Brotherhood, Sovereign Foreign Military, and Secret Societies, who is also the eyewitness named in a RICO Complaint authored by Attorney Steven Biss that sets forth details of Hillary Rodham Clinton torturing, murdering, and eating a child’s Pineal gland.
Czebotar called into the program and spoke to Koukounakis about John Hanly and Coronado.
Czebotar provided some insight on the Hotel del Coronado. Czebotar discussed “one of their main banquet rooms” and specifics about its structure and what she calls ‘gates’ that could accommodate Satanic ritual.
“It literally means there’s a gate that goes to the lower realms. They’ll call them the gates to Hades. So that’s an interesting fun fact about the Hotel del Coronado is that it literally has a gate that goes to Hades”.
On March 3, 2024, War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth posted on TRUTH SOCIAL.
Are you wondering why DON HENLEY and the song HOTEL CALIFORNIA has been in the news lately? Are you wondering why Don Henley was recently asked about it in court.
Do you know about Ward 400?
The Holmseth TRUTH SOCIAL post included a video that featured an interview conducted by Holmseth of Anne Hanly, California, in 2018. Anne Hanly told Holmseth about her brother, John Hanly, who was tortured in a U.S. Military program at Coronado Naval Base.
Anne Hanly told Holmseth her brother John told her about a torture facility called “Ward 400”.
During the many interviews Holmseth conducted with Anne Hanly, she told Holmseth the “Eagles Song” John Hanly was talking about was “Hotel California”.
Today’s article by AP about the trial in Manhattan said, “The case centered on roughly 100 pages of legal-pad pages from the creation of a classic rock colossus. The 1976 album “Hotel California” ranks as the third-biggest seller of all time in the U.S., in no small part on the strength of its evocative, smoothly unsettling title track about a place where “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave,” The Associated Press said.
The New York Post reported, “DA moves to drop stolen ‘Hotel California’ lyrics case after admitting Don Henley produced 6,000 pages of evidence late”.
TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS obtained an official statement from Anne Hanly today following the latest developments.
Dear Timothy: