“I believe in all of Timothy Charles Holmseth’s investigative work regarding these fellows and their association with scummy ex generals Michael Flynn, and Mark Millie, who collaborated along with other key players to frame and assassinate President Donald J Trump”

infiltrated truth punisher trump fafo

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 31, 2025 – USA

Today a poster named Christy Bishop posted an extensive comment and opinion on the Telegram channel INFILTRATEDbyTRUTHpunisher (the channel of the Open Mic Show hosted by Alexandra Koukounakis, Toronto, Canada).

Bishop shared her life experience and journey on the winding road to truth she traveled, which she said began many years ago.

Bishop named many names and described the painful lessons that she (and so many others) had to experience during her quest for truth before, she said, she was almost overwhelmed with relief to learn the truth had been there all along in the news reporting of Timothy Charles Holmseth.

Bishop’s summary of her journey to truth is valuable because it’s a reflection of the painful experiences and sense of betrayal that many very good and loving people ended up enduring after placing their truth in Foreign Sovereign Military operatives who were deploying psychological operations against the American public using the resources of the U.S. Military and federal agencies.

Bishop’s story is encouraging and gives everybody who was un-wittingly deceived, permission to be wrong – and to start over – understanding that the pain they experienced is how people become WISE.

Publishers Note: Ms. Bishop refers to Robert David Steele as a “judge”. Steele was a former CIA agent, but he was not a judge. This slight error is understandable because Steele served on the International Tribunal for National Justice (ITNJ) and most photographs of Steele show him in a judge’s robe.


Christy Bishop, [1/31/2025 4:04 AM]

Anyone with any theory to this thought I’m having regarding an individual that I was looking at often because I admired his job as a judge please comment here. I was exposed to his special session with other judges that he had publicly announced on video while he exposed the Luciferian brotherhood and their worldwide infiltration and posted this exposure on his website. This man however was not able to push the initiative further and idk why, but it was not long after the video of this panel of judges aired somewhere idk exactly but I will look for it and post the link here in this comment section. The man who was this judge that I had admired ( I once dreamed of becoming a lawyer and eventually a judge, not anymore my dream has changed dramatically for lots of reasons) had his own personal website that he posted disclosure info about what he had learned regarding all the pedo govt satanists and elites. And well, then covid was launched and him and another what I refer to as a citizen whistleblower were suddenly and shockingly put into hospitals and quickly moved onto respirators with the deadly respiratory depressant remdisavir  and within a couple of days it was announced both the judge and the citizen whistleblower(x playboy bunny and member of I believe a Japanese or Chinese royal family?) were pronounced dead. Their names are Robert David Steele and Kirsten W.

Not long after this I began researching into Michael Jaco ( a supposed friend of Kirsten W) because while I enjoyed his podcast something was not right in this scenario. I had already discovered that many  emergency room patients getting falsely classified as covid patients were likely being murdered by hospital staff for govt payouts for each covid  death. This fact made me very curious re: Michael Jaco because on the Kirsten W podcast that I also watched regularly she had recently given her audience info that she had  “wrapped up all of her personal affairs “ and has completed a will and had also recently become next door neighbor to Michael Jaco, (who had very recently sold his property in California and moved into the next door condo to Kirsten W in Florida) an ex navy seal and who was also a collaborating podcaster to Scott McKay. Kirsten’s announcement that she had “wrapped up all of her affairs” had me critically analyzing her situation because she had also been doing her lives while beginning to become sick with what simply resembled a normal cold and flu infection. And who announces they wrapped up their affairs unless they are aware of their imminent death or was aware their life was likely in danger? Her statements and the Micheal Jaco connection and her illness had me trying to connect dots like  Kirsten had been teaching us as her audience …did she know she was going to die? And why did she also recently expose another collaborator Charlie Ward as someone who transported females as trafficking victims in his airplane along with what Charlie had claimed were loads and loads of recovered stolen gold bars that “white hats” had recovered from beneath the Vatican? She had been what appeared to be close to all these podcasters as well as a few others such as Mel K and Juan O’Savin. I was intrigued at this interesting turn of events when I heard she had died in the hospital. But it wasn’t in Florida where she and Jaco lived next door to each other,  no, it was in California where she had decided to take a  last minute trip to visit a sibling and other relatives,  even though she had been sick and seemed to be getting sicker. I was all in investigator mode.

That’s when I learned of Robert David Steele,  former CIA and Federal Judge, had also died from covid in an emergency room in California. There had also been lots of  off screen chatter with her friend and guest Riss Flex another female podcaster just starting out who was not a collaborator of this group but simply a friend to Kirsten W about how Kirsten had suddenly become angry at and exposed in a live interview with Riss Flex, all the dirty she knew about Charlie Ward .

Christy Bishop, [1/31/2025 4:04 AM]

Michael Jaco , the very next day after Kirsten died, went live on his YouTube channel to discuss her demise with his audience. He began to tell all his listeners how Kirsten had begun to act what he believed was very strange, even a little paranoid, and that even stranger she began telling him about what she knew, and had recently learned of the activities of Charlie Ward.  Now Michael Jaco claimed he had defended Charlie Ward as his friend and collaborator and explained to the live audience that he had never fully bought Kirsten‘s story.

He had tried to defuse her anger, but Kirsten wasn’t having it and then she left on her trip to go visit family in California. Soon after that he received a text message from her with a selfie of her being put on the respirator saying  that she  had sent out texts (because on a respirator u cant speak) to a few other people and even put up on her YouTube channel how she felt like she was being held at this hospital ER against her will and even though she was breathing fine they had  put her on a respirator. She was conscious at the time and even sent out a selfie explaining she was there with no family and no friends.  She had nobody  there at the hospital to help advocate for her and to please somebody come help get her out of the hospital  because they wouldn’t let her sign herself out.

Michael Jaco told his audience that he took this as a serious threat because he had strong beliefs about the Covid virus and vaccinations, and so he had either gone himself or arranged for people he had out in California to go rescue her. He had recently moved from California to Florida, and so he had arranged for either him or friends to go to the hospital to advocate for her or to maybe even check her out of the hospital get her out of there. She was afraid.

However, he claims he was too late and by the time him and his resources got there, Iit had been about two hours prior to their arrival to Kirsten’s hospital that the doctors had already pronounced her dead .

Now all this being said, I kind of tucked all this information into the back of my mind. I was grieving for these two people.  All of these players except for Kirsten and also to include The ex-boxer David Nino Rodriguez in this group,  I put all of that information and all of their podcasts into the back of my mind and I stopped watching them all of them. I was quite traumatized with also my own personal suspicions still haunting me.

Something felt wrong about Kirsten‘s death and then my heart was also broken over Robert David Steele’s death conveniently by the exact same manner of passing and  I was  all about this was a conspiracy. They were murdering people in hospitals and I just I didn’t have the heart to continue to follow this group anymore. Mind you they had all been collaborating, but on the surface it appeared they were all independent.

It was not long after that I discovered who Timothy Charles  Holmseth was and much to my surprise recently he has exposed this entire group as being part of the nefarious network of bad actors in either direct trafficking or covering for other human traffickers. I believe TCH’s  investigations regarding these fellows and their association with scummy, Michael Flynn, and scummy Mark Millie, who collaborated to frame and assassinate President Trump. All of this information has been connecting dots for me for years now and it all just came clear to me and made so much sense. I felt completely betrayed because I truly loved these podcasts. I wasn’t seeing through their façade, I am now so very grateful and pray for Timothy Charles Holmseth  every single day, and follow everything that he posts. I even did back when before Timothy publicly connected this entire group to Michael Flynn, and his cohorts.  I also was aware of  Field McConnell  and his associates, Lynn Wood, Sydney Powell and a couple of the other people on that end of the whole connection of things, and it just all blew my mind how everything connected and connected and connected and connected

Christy Bishop, [1/31/2025 4:04 AM]

It was not long after that I discovered who Timothy Charles Holmseth was, and much to my surprise, in recent months, he has begun to expose this entire collaborating group I had once loved and followed as being part of the nefarious network of bad actors being involved in trafficking or covering up for other traffickers.

I believe in all of Timothy Charles Holmseth’s investigative work regarding these fellows and their association with scummy ex generals Michael Flynn, and Mark Millie, who collaborated along with other key players to frame and assassinate President Donald J Trump. For years now all of this information has been connecting dots for me slowly and surely. Thanks to. TCH recently, it has all become very clear to me as the dots began to connect fully into the big picture.. it all just made so much sense to me now.

I felt completely betrayed because I had loved these podcasters. I wasn’t seeing through their façade. But I am now so very grateful for Timothy Charles Holmseth and his reporting and I pray for him every day and read everything he posts, and I believe all of his investigative discoveries. Even before he began to connect my podcasting group to the enemies of President Trump. i believed everything Timothy was reporting. I was also aware of Field  McConnell and his cohorts, lying Lynn Wood and the Kraken Sydney Powell and a couple other people that they had all been collaborating with to overthrow in a crazy coup on January 6 the 45th President of the United States. It all just blew my mind how everything just connected and connected and connected. And then to find out that Robert David Steele had the same Charles Holmes Seth, Stephen Scott Biss?! This rang my investigator bell so hard!

Until now I have never told anyone about my personal suspicions or theory that somehow bad actions we’re taking place within all these people’s lives and that somehow they were all connected with child sex trafficking and murders taking place within hospitals and secret plans for assassinating our president and overthrowing the United States government. I was never able to tell anyone because I was in shock. I had felt completely betrayed then suddenly vindicated when the big picture came clearly into my view and everything fell into place. I was no longer confused..

I just want to state again that I feel very grateful and blessed that Timothy Charles  Holmseth is  who he is and does what he does. May you and Jesse live on as legends for centuries to come and may God bless u and all your descendants.

I have never connected fully all of the dots until probably the last couple of months as TcH helped me regain clarity and see it all  unfold. These people are the most evil and so dark and complete narcissists and so being an empathic woman , I fell for their stories. Its no coincidence that at the same time I began to open my eyes to this groups and their larger collective groups evil deeds simultaneously  I had also begun to experience a massive spiritual kundalini rising event awakening of my true self and all that I have been put here at such a time as all of this to do. My purpose is to witness these events and to speak this as my truth while God continues to allow me to be of service to others in prayers and healings. I am eternally grateful for all those who have aided me in my journey and I say in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and savior sent to redeem me from sin and to  his Father our Most High God that the Darkness on Earth is lifting and Christs return is visible to my minds eye. I have walked in Christs mercy since I was saved at the tender age of 5 never doubting his presence within me. Now as a 54 year old woman I am even more strong in my faith that God is using my resilience for all the hardships I have endured to bring light and hope to my fellow people. God already won and this movie we are all playing in gets better by the minute. Ty ty and ty again for being part of my journey within as well as in this flesh and in the world outside of me.



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