“I remember seeing Clara cackling and relishing in blood as she placed the African woman’s beautiful eyes in the chalice. “You will drink the cup of abominations” She then scooped up blood and pieces of body parts from around me. Lifting up my head covering enough so she could put her arm under it, she began to try to force me to open my mouth. When I fought her, the Grand High Priestesses stepped in and held me down, holding my arms. I twisted my body and head back and forth”

This image was sketched by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 1, 2023 – USA
On September 30, 2023 we published, “JESSIE MARIE CZEBOTAR ELABORATES ON DELPHI RITUAL MURDERS ASSESSMENT: “…matters of National Security as the Luciferian Brotherhood continues to commit crimes of rape, torture, satanic ritual and murder, trafficking, adrenochrome and hormone harvesting, organ harvesting, and cannibalism against children and humanity”
We are now publishing an expansion on Czebotar’s memories which provides the names of perpetrators, and the name of a child victim (Jessie Marie Czebotar) used in a satanic ritual called the Cup of Abominations Ceremony.
The following was submitted by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
Brief Explanation:
This is an additional statement that goes with previous statements I have made about Priestess training that I feel may have an impact on what is happening in Delphi, IN.
I have decided to make public two pictures I drew of the memory. The first depicts the moment I was pouting refusing to wear my headdress and I realized I had no choice but to put it on and go through with the ceremony. (See Abomination A pic)
The second depicts my Proctor and I dressed in ceremonial dress and getting ready to walk out in procession. (See Abomination B pic)
Additional pictures provided to show the area of the ceremony. One of the areas we entered previously was the Oval Plaza (See Abomination 5 pic) . From there we had my divining at the Temple of Artemis. (See Abomination pics 1 & 2) Then later, we were at the Roman Amphitheatre. (See Abomination pics 3 & 4)
Cup of Abominations Ceremony Memory
What is the severity of this National Security issue? Not only is a foreign government and military operating on U.S. soil, but they are also operating hand in hand with our own government and military. Not only is the Luciferian Brotherhood committing grotesque crimes against children, but I have reported that they have possession of decommissioned Poseidon missiles with bio-chemical warfare located underground at places that they use as major training grounds. I have testified that these locations are identified by ritual walls to Baal and Molech that have Childrens’ handprints in sacrificial blood. In this section, I would like to continue sharing my testimony about the training of priestesses and oracles I witnessed in the Luciferian Brotherhood.
Up to this point, I have been very discreet in what I have shared about the oracles. There really is nothing pleasant about these women. While they have an air of charm because they appear to have answers and hidden knowledge about one’s life and purposes in life, at the end of the day, they worship Lucifer and principalities and are present as crimes are committed against young girls and boys who are being trained into the positions of priestesses and oracles. As a child, I classified them in my mind as “those who see but can never speak.” I grew up with a deep love for those I watched painfully suffer at the hand of our abusers. Who can classify how horrific abuse is? I grew up with so many factors being present. I watched thousands of children be tortured, suffer, and horrifically die. I was also subjected to secondary abuse when I chose not to participate in the wickedness and was then forced to watch the torture be amplified. As if that was not enough, there would come moments I had to choose those who would die so that “they all” would not be killed. Should a child have to bear such a responsibility for themselves and those chosen to be a part of their circle?
As I continue sharing about the oracles, I would like to share some of the spiritual abuse I experienced by the oracles and the Eastern Quadrant Grand High Priestesses, Gloria Vanderbilt, Mary Lou Whitney, and Laurie Cabot Kent. What is an abomination?
What is in the cup of abominations?
Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us there are six things that the Lord hates. What are those things the Lord hates and has considered an abomination: “haughty eyes, lying tongues, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises schemes, feet swift to run to mischief, a false witness that utter lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”
The greatest evil among us is that the Luciferian Brotherhood is a government and military that is run by our greatest enemy, Lucifer and his demonic Generals. In these situations, rituals and events, there is no time. If one in a hierarchy position does not obey, there are dire consequences. The consequences we experienced are amplified when they occur in the spirit world. There are things that one is not willing to sacrifice. (The leverage usually is your loved ones.) Leverage is not just a matter of having a loved one killed or murdered. What do those serving Lucifer fear most? They fear the evil that has no bounds. They fear seeing their loved ones being graphically tortured and killed before their faces. I believe this is why they do that which most do not want to do. After the oracles divined my future, we went to a place not far from the nymphaeum that looked like a Roman Amphitheatre for the “Cup of Abomination” Ceremony. The Nymphaeum really is the ancient temple of Artemis. In my experience, the worship of Ashtaroth is behind all goddess worship. I knew the temple of Artemis as the temple of Ashtaroth.
I remember the rows of the Amphitheatre being filled with young girls and the higher-level priestesses from the quadrants who were their teachers. I had grown up in a loud household on my paternal side with lots of boy cousins. I expected to hear chatter, laughter, anything really. But instead, the atmosphere had an eerie quiet. Back behind the side door to the left of the stage, I had the Mothers and Grand High Priestesses getting me ready for the Abomination Ceremony. They did not call it that. All I knew was that I had been chosen and I was to go out in front of them all to present myself. I had practiced walking out along the back wall to the halfway point to the middle behind Clara Odilia Acker Church. The plan was that at the halfway point, she would stop in front of the middle door and hold posture, while I was to proceed forward out to the front on my own. I was so thankful for the thin silky white night gown I was dressed in and that I was barefoot. I wore the white headdress veil cover that would become one of two traditional coverings I wore to hide my face every time I appeared with my Proctor in public for rituals or events where white garments were required. Proctor was the name I had to refer to Clara Odilia Acker Church with when in public at Brotherhood events. I was never allowed to say that title in our cover lives.

I remember my Proctor being dressed in similar garments. I loved how stately she looked and preferred our white dress compared to the black robes. Over her veil she wore an elaborate white headdress with hints of gold that looked like sun rays. I hated the head dress because it stuck to my face and made me feel like I could not breathe. I remember it feeling hot; I did not like breathing my hot breath. I remember fighting the woman who was supposed to dress me for rituals. In my anger, I had sat down curling up on a stone and began to silently pout. I thought we had come to an agreement about the veil when my Proctor came over and addressed the woman in anger. My Proctor gritted her teeth as she spoke. It scared me when she gritted her teeth because I feared the evil that followed.
Next, my Proctor came over to me with the white head covering in her hand and let it fall over the top of my head. In a cool collected voice, she spoke just loud enough for the two of us to hear. “Put it on. We are going to walk out there together. If you choose not to, you know what I will do.” I remember sighing a big sigh. I hated that she had leverage over me. She continued, “Now, you go out there and be everyone’s little Sunshine.” (Sunshine was my ritual name.) I stood and took her hand for a brief moment. She led me to the edge of the back wall area where we would be walking out through the doorway. She stopped and let go of my hand. There was a five second pause, which was my cue to get ready to follow in her steps. She brought her forearms and elbows up horizontally and pressed her palms together in front of her chest in a praying formation. Then she proceeded out with me following in perfect step behind her. I followed her to the halfway point in front of the middle doorway and there she stopped. I paused beside her, counted to five, and then proceeded to the front of the stage. The four Grand High Priestesses were standing at the sides of the stage and when I stopped at the front, they came out, two from each side. Laurie Cabot Kent had a small purple robe that she placed on my shoulders over the white veil covering. One of them had a pearl necklace and placed it in my left hand. One of them had a chalice that they placed in my right hand. As they handed me the chalice they yelled, “Behold the cup of abominations!” I remember seeing the cup was empty. I remember being told I had to drink, but there was nothing in it. Off to the left side, I heard one of the oracles say, “The Cup of Abominations ceremony has begun!”
Things happened so fast in that moment. The next thing I knew, the priestesses in the arena were coming out of their seats and gathering in the middle area, leaving a path for those of us in the middle of the stage to come down. As they gathered, the purple robe was lifted off me, the necklace, and cup taken from my hand. I saw my Proctor proceed forth down to middle of the arena with the chalice. She set it down on the ground in the middle. I had gotten down and followed her to the middle of the arena. She bent down towards me, so that her mouth through the veil was close to my ear. She whispered, “You shall fill it.”
I remember being very confused. I had no idea what that meant. I remember seeing the three ancient oracles in the spirit and suddenly heard their voices one at a time. They were taking turns reciting Proverbs 6: 16-19. The priestesses started stripping off their robes and started quietly dancing. There was no music in the physical, yet the motion and movement was in unison creating an atmosphere of music in the spirit. There were so many priestesses that surrounded us. Some were adult women while others were young girls that I assumed were priestesses-in-training. The oracles started saying the Scripture verse again. I was hearing their voices in the spirit going off, one after the other:
Oracle 1: “The Lord hates those with haughty eyes”.
Oracle 2: “It is an abomination.”
Oracle 3: (I felt a wind rushing over me) “Look around you…”
I started turning around and looking at all the priestesses.
Oracle 1: “Who?”
Oracle 2: “Who has haughty eyes?”
Oracle 3: “You see her. Go get her.”
I remember feeling overwhelmed because I did not know or understand what was happening. They did not move on to the next part of the verse, but kept repeating their phrases until I had gone out into the crowd and grabbed a tall, thin, beautiful African looking woman with beautiful dove like eyes. She must have been about 18-20 years old. She was the only adult I chose. I remember thinking how beautiful she was. I liked her and as I took her hand and pulled her to the middle, I remember thinking as she smiled at me, “I like you.” She made me happy and under my veil I was smiling back.
The oracles went through each part of that verse making me pull priestesses into the middle area where we were. “Oh, how many are my regrets, O God!” I was so little and had no idea what was being done, nor did I see what was about to come. I didn’t know what the sins were. Nor did I choose those girls based on those sins. I chose those I was drawn to. Those whose features were brought out by those verses.
I heard “eyes” and chose the one with the most beautiful eyes.
I heard “tongue” and listened for the girl who was humming along to the song that filled the air, even though no song was heard physically.
I heard hands and chose the one who danced so elegantly holding her hands in the air like a ballerina.
I heard heart and settled upon the girl around ten years old who had dusty, blonde, straight hair and bangs. She looked so sweet and reminded me of Alice, my training partner’s sister who my training partner and I had recently seen brutally raped and murdered.
I heard feet and chose the one girl who was leaping around.
The last two phrases I really did not understand. I remember randomly picking two more girls who were about eight with dark, brown hair and brown eyes.
There are no words to describe what occurred next. I’m not even sure if all those priestesses and priestesses-in-training were fully aware of what was happening. They seemed to be in another place mentally and continued to dance while the Grand High Priestesses and Mothers stepped forward and brutally murdered those I had chosen and filled the chalice with blood and pieces of body parts. I remember seeing Clara cackling and relishing in blood as she placed the African woman’s beautiful eyes in the chalice. All I could do was stand there in the middle of them all and watch while suppressing the intense anger that welled up inside. When the cup had been filled with all those representing the abominations, Clara picked it up and stood in front of me holding it. She spoke to me while gritting her teeth, knowing before she gave the command that I would defy her, “You will drink the cup of abominations”. I just stood there. She then scooped up blood and pieces of body parts from around me. Lifting up my head covering enough so she could put her arm under it, she began to try to force me to open my mouth. When I fought her, the Grand High Priestesses stepped in and held me down, holding my arms. I twisted my body and head back and forth. I remember the veil was moved to the side, but it didn’t matter anymore, because my face was covered in the blood of those I had chosen.
