Jacob Wetterling


PART 1 (scroll down for more)

1997 – CONFESSION ON TAPE! Eyewitness to Jacob Wetterling’s kidnapping describes fighting boy dragged to car with knife to his throat

Lab reports proves the official story about Danny Heinrich was a lie

“Jacob was punching him, I mean he was waling on him he wanted to get out of the vehicle “

By Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 27, 2018 at 8:17 A.M. CST

On July 7, 1997 a man named Michael Bahner confessed to being present at the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling who was abducted on October 22, 1989.

The recorded confession was captured by Diane Muehlbauer, an independent investigator working with Larry Peart, Peart and Associates, St. Cloud, MN.

Muehlbauer told Timothy Charles Holmseth the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office was given a copy of the recorded confession in 1997 but did not enter it into their files until 2015.

The recording captures Bahner telling Muehlbauer he was present and witnessed Jacob being kidnapped at knifepoint by a man named Lou Kohls.


Jacob Erwin Wetterling (February 17, 1978 – October 22, 1989) was a boy from St. Joseph, Minnesota, who was kidnapped from his hometown and murdered at the age of 11 on October 22, 1989. His abduction remained a mystery for nearly 27 years.
On September 1, 2016, the FBI recovered human remains from a pasture near Paynesville, Minnesota, about 30 miles (48 km) from the site of the abduction. On September 3, the family announced the remains were those of Jacob, and local law enforcement stated that confirmation of their identity had been obtained through dental records. The location was revealed by Danny James Heinrich, a long-time person of interest in the abduction of another boy, Jared Scheierl, in the nearby town of Cold Spring. On September 6, 2016, Heinrich confessed to kidnapping and murdering Jacob Wetterling, as well as abducting and sexually assaulting Jared Scheierl.

The official story of Jacob’s kidnapping and murder was contrived by members of law enforcement and the judicial community because American Public Radio was about to publish a podcast entitled In The Dark, which focused squarely on the Wetterling case.

Based upon tips from Muehlbauer, Timothy Charles Holmseth began to examine official reports from the coroner.  Holmseth discovered the bones and teeth found by law enforcement were not human.

The official story was a diabolical hoax.

SPECIAL PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Timothy Charles Holmseth extends a very special thank you to Diane Muehlbauer and (the late) Larry Peart for their dedication and personal sacrifice in exposing the truth about the murder of Jacob Erwin Wetterling.


July 7, 1997
Diane Muehlbauer with Michael Bahner
Transcribed by Timothy Charles Holmseth

DM: I was thinking last night about what you were telling me when we were sitting in the cafe – about I think I told you about Lou in the burgundy car – they got rid of that – then you told me you guys were there – you admitted to that you said you guys were in your car and he was in his or what tell me again or you don’t remember it all what he said – did you see him get out?

MB: Well I saw him get out yeah

DM: Get out of the car?

MB: Yep

DM: Where did he park his car? Was it hidden?

MB: Give me a second ____ yeah it was up in the brush

DM: Oh off on that road up here

MB: Where that dead end brush road – whatever you want to cal it I call it the brush road I’ve brought the twins up there and stuff

DM: So where were you guys parked next to them? So both cars were up there?

MB: Yeah

DM: So then how did he get down to the road where you took him

MB: Well he got out he came over to us and talked to us I don’t quite recall what he said but then he got back in and that’s when it all took place

DM: He got back in and… I mean when did he take him did he walk down and take him or I guess they said he was standing up on the road – did he get him and come back and you guys got scared or what?

MB: Pretty much

DM: So how did you get him way back up by the car? You drug him?

MB: Pretty much

DM: And what did he say to you?

MB: He told me not to say anything so I’ve been having_______

DM: Were just going try to get to the bottom of that night because there concerned about him, not him – okay they already know he was there I’m just trying if you could just tell me a little more of what you remember I mean how he got back up there or did he tell you right away I’m going I mean how did he I mean you guys went there okay what did he say to you? Did he tell you he was going to do this?

MB: He basically said that – that he was going to do something but we didn’t know.

DM: yeah

MB: And that’s when he got back in the car and he left – but then we drove the guy I was with – he, we you know we waited up there for probably twenty minutes – I mean – and then we heard the tires squeal – and by the time we got you know we backed out – went down to the end – by the time we got down there – we saw him take off

DM: Jacob in the car? So you saw Jacob in the car?

MB: Yep. My own two eyes

DM: So what did he? Was he fighting him or anything?

MB: Well Jacob was punching him I mean he was waling on him he wanted to get out of the vehicle

DM: He was punching at him?

MB: I mean it was like right and left every three seconds there was a punch or something – but then

DM: Did you see Lou do anything?

MB: But then the guy I was with he saw – well I’m not going to say he saw but to me he said he thinks he saw but I know damn well that he saw it – he saw Lou have a knife – that I do know

DM: A knife?

MB: It was – he was on the front seat on the passenger side

DM: That long? You’re kidding. Well how did he see it. Well he saw it obviously before he went down to get him.

MB: He was on the front seat on the passenger side

DM: Mike when Lou got Jacob could see him pulling him up the road there? Did he run up there with him?

MB: He basically grabbed him like this here – and then he had one – he had first of all he grabbed him up like this and put him this way and this arm and then Jacob somehow grabbed the back of his hair – pulled him back – and so he basically grabbed Jacob’s hair – and pulled him over his eyes so it was like a blindfold basically – and then they – or I mean he basically took his hair over his eye like a blindfold tucked him back underneath his arms he had both of his hands underneath so he couldn’t reach out and pull – pull his hair again or whatever and then he got him up to the car

DM: Did you see Lou hit him?

MB: I didn’t see that but I saw Jacob wailing on Lou cuz he wanted out

DM: So when he got him back in his car what did he say to you guys?

MB: He didn’t say nothing cuz he was right down the road – I mean

DM: So he just left you there?

MB: Pretty much he left both of us

DM: So then what did you hear next? Did you know what happened to him then?

MB: To Lou or Jacob

DM: To Jacob

MB: No I didn’t I mean I was like

DM: So then it was later that you learned that he had killed him

MB: Pretty much yep – – – front seat

DM: When he brought him up did he have him at knifepoint or something

MB: Pretty much – I mean he had the knife right next to his throat

DM: He did. Why didn’t he do it right there?

MB: I mean if somebody had a knife to my throat and wanted me to get in their vehicle I wouldn’t put no – I wouldn’t like that – I mean as all they’d have to do is go whaaacckk and you’d be dead

DM: So what car was he driving that night?

MB: He was driving his maroon

DM: That burgundy one

DM: So you know how mean he is

MB: Tell me about it. Hey lets put it this way he’s worse then my uncle

DM: So then tell me also about (not easy to understand – no transcription)

MB: (No transcription)



Eyewitness confirms Michael Bahner’s admission of being at the scene of Jacob’s kidnapping

By Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 28, 2018 at 10:13 A.M. CST

July 7, 1997
Diane Muehlbauer with ‘Ben’ from St. Joseph, Minnesota
Transcribed by Timothy Charles Holmseth

Ben – And about eight – twenty to nine, I got ready to go home and I looked up the road towards where Jacob’s home – where they got kidnapped

DM: Yeah

Ben: Yeah – [inaudible] Michael and Richard and they were coming up by the woods like into the tall grass – up out of the ditch – and that’s what I seen before I went downhill to go home and then

DM: Was that right by the site?

Ben: Yeah, right by where he got kidnapped –

DM: Uh-huh

Ben: And I seen Jacob, Aaron, and his little brother Trevor, when me and my dad were coming back from Tom Thumb that night we seen them going to Tom Thumb but it seemed like they came up the other way coming back from Tom Thumb up the hill

DM: Mnnnm-huh

Ben: The next day I heard that he got kidnapped

DM: And you knew the Bahner’s were down there in the ditch when you left

Ben : Yep

DM: And that was about what? Twenty to nine?

Ben: Yep twenty to nine


Michael Bahner’s brother, convicted child rapist Richard Bahner, talks about knowing Jacob Wetterling (Richard and Michael were the scene of the kidnapping)

By Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 28, 2018 at 6:18 P.M.CST

As we know from Part 1 and 2, Michael Bahner said he was at the scene of the Jacob Wetterling kidnapping and witnessed Lou Kohls abduct Jacob at knifepoint. We also know an eyewitness ‘Ben’ confirms the Bahner brothers were in that area at the time of the kidnapping.

A formal criminal complaint filed in Minnesota against Michael Bahner describes abuse he inflicted upon a seven year old boy. The boy said Michael Bahnber put his penis in the victims butt and went back and forth and peed in his butt. He also threatned to beat the little boy up if he told anybody.

Here Diane Muehlbauer talks with Richard Bahner who says he used to bike ride with Jacob.

This means Jacob knew one or more of the men that forced him to a vehicle on October 22, 1989 in St. Joseph, Minnesota.

January 29, 1998
Diane Muehlbauer with convicted pedophile Richard Bahner
Transcribed by Timothy Charles Holmseth

RB: And that’s where I got to know the kids around town because I was like a big brother to them ____

DM: Where did you see Jacob where did you meet him?

RB: Well the other kids riding around town

DM: And then what? You’d just go bike riding?

RB: Yep bike riding up to ________ and come back – ride around town down by the railroad tracks

DM: Did he ever talk to you Richard?

RB: Jacob Wetterling? No we never had any conversations at all.

DM: You just went bike riding with him?

RB: Went Bike riding with him by ____ cafe in town there – I’d buy like a shake and a soda pop – ______ take a break and go out riding again

DM: Did he? Did he like to go bike riding with you

RB: Oh he loved it. He enjoyed it. He had a lot of fun. All the kids did. And I think what it is was a lot of these kids they don’t want to go home. And they wanted to have a big brother. Somebody to be there to protect them.

DM: Do you think he looked at you like a big brother?

RB: I think he did. Because that’s what I felt.


Inmate serving time with Richard Bahner recounts what Bahner told others in prison about Jacob – tortured in apartment for days

By Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 29, 2018 at 9:29 A.M. CST

Diane Muehlbauer with Kevin – fellow inmate of convicted pedophile Richard Bahner
Transcribed by Timothy Charles Holmseth

Kevin: Hello

DM: Hi

Kevin: Hi

DM: I want to grab my cigarettes here

Kevin: Don’t talk like that – cant’ have the here

DM: Why don’t you kind of tell me – nobody ha ever talked to you about this huh?

Kevin: No uh-uhh

DM: Wouldn’t you think they talk to the people who heard it before you talked to him?

Kevin: Yeah that’s what I would think

DM: That’s kind of weird – how did this come about Kevin

Kevin: Well, Bill was talking about this guy that was over there and we was out on the yard and this dude named – they call him ‘Red’ – his real name is Richard but everybody calls him Red. Okay and he was out there talking to some guys about some stuff that I had never heard about and then he come up and I was talking to Bill and he said something about Jacob – I heard about – this was like 12 years ago when Jacob got kidnapped

DM: That was about nine years ago

Kevin: Nine years ago?

DM: Mmmm-hmmm

Kevin: I knew it was while back

DM: Yeah

Kevin: He started talking about it with Bill – I was standing there listening – about how him and his brother – he said some other people too but he didn’t give no names or nothing – takes this kid up to his sister’s apartment and tortured him for a few days –

DM: He said there was other people there?

Kevin: Yeah

DM: At the abduction or the sisters apartment

Kevin: His sisters apartment

DM: Hmmmmm? Brother. Yeah see Bill called me and said him his brother and his sister were all in on it

Kevin: Right yeah. Something about his sister tied the little kid up

DM: Yeah

Kevin: Yeah

DM: Oh the sister tied him up?

Kevin: Yeah was the one who tied him up in her apartment – I guess this all happened in his apartment for a while –

DM: I thought – I thought his sister told me the police came there the next day and asked where her brother was the night Jacob was – now it makes me wonder if they even did

Kevin: Exactly

DM: Before when ______ you think something is really wrong here what are you talking about?

Kevin: Well, it’s, dude, he’s being too open about it he’s told a lot of people different things up in here – and then if you know if this guy didn’t commit this crime how does he know so many details and why is he being so open with it. I mean he’s just going around telling strangers he don’t even know – then he’s bringing in his brother and his sister

DM: Ya think he said it because he needs to talk about it?

Kevin: I think he’s trying to get it off his chest

DM: Do you?

Kevin: Yeah

DM: Boy he sure must lie when the authorities come up there then


Pedophile cannibal had video of Jacob Wetterling before his abduction – he was a friend of Jerry Wetterling

By Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 31, 2018 at 11:15 A.M. CST

Vernon Seitz was 62 years-old when he emerged from obscurity in December of 2008 – telling his psychiatrist he wanted to confess to killing two children in the late 1950’s.

Only a few days later Seitz was dead.

Seitz’s home was searched by police in Milwaukee and they found what was nothing short of a nightmare. His home, which contained freshly laid cement and fresh dirt mounds outside, was more like a child porn production company in a dungeon operated by a satanic cannibal.

Seitz’s home contained a map of St. Jospeh, Minnesota and video of Jacob Wetterling taken before his abduction. Another disturbing item found by police was a 40″ by 30″ drawing entitled ‘Sacrifices His Son’.

And there is something else very compelling.

Seitz was a friend of Jerry and Patty Wetterling.

Diane Muehlbauer, an independent investigator from St. Cloud, Minnesota interviewed Seitz before his death. Some of the discussions between Seitz and Muehlbauer involved Seitz acting as an go-between for Jerry Wetterling who wanted to purchase Muehlbauer’s taped confession of Michael Bahner.

Bahner told Muehlbauer he was at the scene of Jacob Wetterling’s kidnapping and eyewitnesses a man named Lou Kohls drag Jacob to his car with a knife to Jacob’s throat.

Muehlbauer said Seitz wanted to purchase the recordings and was willing to pay any amount. “Vern offered to purchase the tapes of the Bahners, for Jerry Wetterling, for any amount. He was quite angry and frustrated when the offer ‘for any amount’ was refused,” Muehlbauer said.

After Seitz’s story made the mainstream news, Patty Wetterling said she had met Seitz. “Patty Wetterling stated she only met Vern Seitz a couple of times. According to Vern they were friends for many years,” Muehlbauer said.

Muehlbauer was able to learn a great deal about Seitz. “Vern stated that when he was young, he was abducted at a zoo and taken to several homes where he was molested,” she said.

Seitz said he was forced to kill another child during his abduction in 1958.

Seitz’s life – when heard in his own words – is a sad and tragic nightmare that began with his captors and abusers that worshipped Satan.

“I was made to say I belonged to Satan and rejected God and all that type of stuff,” Seitz told Muehlbauer. “But these people, by their actions and by some of the things I was compelled to do – well, they were ritual things okay, and involved drinking of blood”.

“There was photographing of me tied to a cross,” Seitz said.

Muehlbauer said she is very concerned about the way law enforcement handled evidence in the Jacob Wetterling investigation. “Understand, local law enforcement has been given this information. They have heard the tape of Michael Bahner stating he was there the night Jacob was taken,” she said.

“The puzzle of the abduction of Jacob Wetterling has many pieces. Vern Seitz represents one small piece of a much bigger picture,” Muehlbauer said.

She then posed the most perplexing question of all.

“Why would Jerry Wetterling have a friend that is into kiddy porn, bondage, and cannibalism,” Muehlbauer said.


Letters regarding Jacob Wetterling
Video of Jacob before abduction
Map of St. Joseph, Minnesota

Missing person poster and map of missing Melissa Lee Brannen
News clipping of missing Cora Jones
Poster of missing Michael Wayne Dunahee
Maps and documents of missing child Polly Klaas

36″ by 48″ drawing of nude boy
48″ by 36″ drawing of 6 boys in bondage
48″ by 36″ drawing of 2 boys in bondage
40″ by 30″ drawing entitled ‘Sacrifices His Son’
Drawing of nude boy in frame
Color slides of nude males
34 pages of nude boys
66″ by 60″ drawing of boys being prepared for crucifixion
4 nude boys tied to pole
6 nude boys with 6 adults performing genital exams
Pencil drawing of adult injecting objects into nude boys leg
Man pounding nail into boys arm

Boys Will Be Boys – hardcover edition
Book on cannibalism
Book ‘Eat Thy Neighbor’
Novel ‘Innocent Rage’

White laundry basket with 48 VHS tapes
White suitcase with 61 VHS tapes
Green plastic bin with 70 VHS tapes
Box of 35 VHS tapes
Video camera

Size 2-1/2 gray child’s shoe
Red converse tennis shows size 3-1/2

Flesh colored candle with catheter
Small round bone with no marrow
Human hair


Jacob Wetterling could have been rescued!

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 2, 2018 at 6:52 CST

Jacob Wetterling could have survived his kidnapping ordeal if law enforcement in Minnesota had acted.

This startling revelation comes as two former FBI agents from the Jacob Wetterling investigation have told reporters at press conferences the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is misleading the public about facts.

The eleven year-old boy from St. Joseph, Minnesota was abducted at gunpoint by a masked man on October 22, 1989 while on a trek to the store on a rural road with his brother and friend.


Troves of facts support law enforcement in Minnesota planted animal bones in 2016, in what is now a rapidly deteriating media hoax, that was intended to create the appearance that a local pervert named Daniel Heinrich murdered Jacob the night he dissapeared and led police to his bones (which were determined to not be human).

And now – it appears Jacob could have been saved.

Recorded confession statements obtained by a local bail bondsman, Diane Muehlbauer, who independently investigated the case with St. Cloud private investigator Larry Peart, reveal Jacob was taken to the nearby apartment of Brenda Bahner after he was abducted by her brothers, Richard and Michael Bahner, and their friend Lou Kohls.

They took Jacob to Brenda Bahner’s apartment in a sleeping bag, Muehlbauer said.

Brenda Bahner told Muehlbauer in a recorded conversation that law enforcement questioned her after Jacob’s kidnapping. “It was somebody from Stearns County [Sheriff’s Office],” Brenda Bahner said.

The following is a segment of the recorded telephone conversation.

Brenda Bahner: They asked me if I saw Jacob

Diane Muehlbauer: What did you tell them?

Brenda Bahner: And – at that time I said ‘no’. And you know this was – that was before all this started

Diane Muehlbauer: You were scared to tell them that you did see him?

Brenda Bahner: Yeah – but you know I’ve been remembering things [somewhat inaudible]

Diane Muehlbauer: So you were just scared to tell them back then?

Brenda Bahner: Right.

Diane Muehlbauer: So then what happened? You remembered him over there and stuff?

Brenda Bahner: Yeah

Emerging evidence contained in lead sheets shows Jacob could have been saved if law enforcement would have pursued multiple leads they received about Richard Bahner in the very first days following the abduction.

The following lead was discovered buried in thousands of documents today by Muehlbauer while she was reviewing newly released documents.

“The next lead sheet was dated 10-29-89, and reporting party is Bob Litzinger, St. Cloud. The suspect would be Richard Bahner. This particular lead sheet was terminated as this suspect had already been spoken to by Officer’s Boecker’s and Tremper on 10-26-89 from a different source,” the report said.

“They could have saved Jacob because they knew where Jacob was,” Muehlbauer said.

Evidence supports that.

Michael Bahner told Muehlbauer on tape he watched Lou Kohls drag Jacob to the car with a knife to his throat.

Ben Bina, who was near the abduction site on the night Jacob was kidnapped, said he saw the Bahner brothers coming out of the woods.

According to fellow prisoners, Richard Bahner told many people in prison he was involved in Jacob’s kidnapping and torture.

Kohls told his wife that Jacob is dead and suggested he (some, or parts of him) was in Milltown, Wisconsin.

Muehlbauer said she was told that Kohls later burned his vehicle to get rid of the evidence.

There is ample reason to believe Jacob was kidnapped for a purpose and was kept alive until he was murdered on Halloween, 1989.

Muehlbauer said she met a man named Vern Seitz at a motel where they met so she could play audio recordings of Michael Bahner’s confession to him. According to Muehlbauer, Seitz said he had been sent by Jerry Wetterling to meet her. Seitz told Muehlbauer he was prepared to pay her whatever she wanted for the tapes.

In 2009, Vern Seitz was found dead in his home in Milwaukee, only days after he told his psychiatrist he wanted to confess to two murders. Law enforcement found child porn, pictures of missing children including Jacob Wetterling, map of St. Joseph, sex toys, art of child sacrifice, and books on cannibalism.


JACOB WETTERLING: Minnesota police departments were submitting tips regarding St. John’s University and an elite blood sacrifice cult

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 15, 2018 at 11:11 P.M. CST

Slain Child Jacob Wetterling

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 15, 2018 at 11:11 P.M. CST

On October 30, 1989, Larry Toll, police officer, Baudette Police Department, advised investigators in the Jacob Wetterling investigation that a “reliable psychic” told him Jacob was in a church or monastery where he had been put by a man in a black robe.

It was the day before Halloween.

I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) chose to report this, because experience has taught me there are times when persons possess solid information about a missing person’s whereabouts, but will be executed if they give their name – sometimes the person with the information is a police officer – thus the information is submitted as a ‘psychic vision’.

Our team has only reviewed ten percent of the recently released file and this is the second report from a law enforcement officer regarding cult activity in the Wetterling abduction. There is also other reports about a satanic cult called in by everyday people.

Another entry in a lead sheet reveals a ‘Sgt. Nohner’ received a tip from Sgt. Varnold, Crystal Police Department, regarding a cult called the Council of 13.

“[Varnold] said he this Bennis was not capable of performing such an abduction because he was legally blind, but he mentioned that Bennis was participating in an occult type thing, named the Council of 13. Sgt. Varnold had indicated that he had reported Bennis as a possible source in that if this Council of 13 or the name Rick Bennis came up in our computer more than once,” Nohner reported.



Information I have obtained through my investigations supports what Officer Toll and Sgt. Varnold reported. Those two oath-keeping police officers may have been trying to save Jacob’s life on the night before Halloween by directing law enforcement to St. John’s University.

Information I have obtained is as follows:

  • Jacob was selected as the Halloween sacrifice for a cult
  • Jerry and Patty Wetterling are completely involved
  • An eye-witness once saw Jerry Wetterling through a window in a black robe that was open and he had nothing on underneath – outside was a circle of robed men with candles

The Council of 13 was still at it in 2016 when they attempted to fool the world with clothing, teeth, and bones they planted in rural Paynesville, Minnesota. The plan was to tell the world Danny Heinrich led investigators to the grave where he buried Jacob in 1989.

But there was a problem.

The lab determined the teeth and bones were NOT HUMAN.

The State of Minnesota is actually in a state of emergency and action by the U.S. Department of Justice should be commenced immediately in accordance with President Trump’s Executive Order issued in December of 2017.

OPERATION PEDOGATE salutes officer’s Toll and Varnold for their brave patriotism and humanity.




JACOB WETTERLING: Eyewitness evidence to Jerry Wetterling’s presence at Halloween sacrifice of Jacob was given to FBI agent – large granite wall that moves hidden at St. John’s University – trafficking dungeon identified?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 16, 2018 at 10:51 A.M. CST

Slain Child Jacob Wetterling

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 16, 2018 at 10:51 A.M. CST

Has the location of a child trafficking dungeon been located within the walls of St. John’s University in Minnesota?

It appears Minnesota’s deepest and darkest secrets are coming out.

The FBI was given a recording of a man who was captured on tape saying he eye-witnessed Jacob Wetterling be sacrificed on Halloween 1989.

The recording was given to FBI agent Dan Lund by bail bondsmen Diane Muehlbauer. The recording features a man placing himself at the scene of Jacob’s sacrifice along with Jerry Wetterling and several others.

“Well you know Diane, I have to turn in my reports – you don’t” Muehlbauer said, recounting the moment she played the tape to Agent Lund.

“You can worship anybody you want,” Muehlbauer said, explaining how Lund dismissed the subject by making it a freedom of religion issue.

Muehlbauer, who independently investigated the Wetterling kidnapping with St. Cloud PI Larry Peart, is well known for capturing a pedophile named Michael Bahner on tape, admitting that he and his brother Richard Bahner, kidnapped Jacob with a man named Lou Kohls.

Muehlbauer said Agent Lund talked to her about Kohls, who had been molesting his own granddaughter. “I think [child’s name] saw a snuff film,” Muehlbauer said, recalling what Lund told her.

Muehlbauer said that on one occasion at the Del-Win Ballroom in St. Joseph she was talking to a drunk priest. “They have a big granite wall that opens that nobody knows about at St. John’s,” Muehlbauer said, recalling what the priest told her.



Task Force detectives investigated cult activity involving Jerry Wetterling – – – Jacob buried alive near St. John’s Chapel – sacrificed

Slain Child Jacob Wetterling

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 19, 2018 at 11:16 A.M. CST

On March 28, 2018 the Star-Tribune quoted media attorney Mark Anfinson saying, “When the federal government comes into a state district court and says the foundations of the republic are going to be shaken if you rule against us, it’s tough to ignore that. And the judge, understandably, is going to be deferential to a federal agency’s claim,” Anfinson said.

We might be one step closer to understanding what the government was hiding in the Wetterling case.

Investigators with the FBI, BCA, and Stearns County Sheriff pursued information regarding Jacob Wetterling being buried alive near St. John’s Chapel and ritually sacrificed.

And – Jerry Wetterling was on their radar.

The information is found in reports which are contained in the recently released Jacob Wetterling file.

Reports leave no doubt detectives were investigating an odd relationship, and peculiar meetings that took place between Jerry Wetterling, and a man named Allen Gregory Kutzer, Albany, Minnesota.

On April 4, 1990 Detective Pearce and BCA Special Agent Denny Sigafoos met with Kutzer at his home in Albany. Kutzer confirmed he was a patient and friend of  Jerry Wetterling who he called “Doc”.

Jerry Wetterling and Kutz were in significant communications during critical times before and after Jacob was kidnapped.

Kutzer told Pearce and Sigafoos he and Jerry Wetterling went out to eat “several times” before Jacob’s abduction and “one time after”.

Kutzer told Pearce and Sigafoos he went out to eat with Jerry Wetterling one week before Jacob was abducted.

Kutz said he went to the Wetterling residence two times after Jacob’s kidnapping.

Reports show investigators were focusing on the Wetterling’s religion. Agent Sigafoos asked Kutzer if Jerry Wetterling ever talked about the Baha’i religion.

The report describes Kutz’s reaction to a question he was asked about the occult.


“Sigafoos asked Allen if he ever talked to Jerry Wetterling about the occult. Writer noticed Allen tapping his foot in what appeared to be a nervous reaction to SA Sigafoos question about the occult. Allen responded he did hear a rumor about the occult activity in an area from St. John’s University to Alexandria. Allen commented he and Jerry never talked much about the occult. SA Sigafoos specifically asked Allen what does he think happed to Jacob, and does he think Jacob is alright. Writer then observed Allen’s foot tapping the floor in what appeared to be a nervous reaction. Allen responded, “If you guys don’t have anything now, you guys will probably never have anything right?” the report said.

The next day, April 5. 1990, Pearce and Sigafoos interviewed Patty Wetterling at the law enforcement center. Patty Wetterling provided the investigators a list of  Baha’i faith members “suggesting the task force check them out”.

It is clear investigators are focusing on something odd.  Reports make specific mention of a couple from the Indian reservation and a clergyman from St. John’s Parish.

The report notes that during the April 5 interview Jerry and Patty Wetterling “borrowed money to Bug Kingbird, who is an American Indian, currently living on possibly the White Earth Indian Reservation. Patty indicated she and Jerry gave money to the Kingbird’s in the past. They gave a car to Beatrice (Kingbird)”.

Patty Wetterling told investigators that on the Sunday before October 22, 1989 (the day Jacob was kidnapped) they had a marriage encounter reunion at the Wetterling residence and Jacob was home. Father Roger Klassen, 50, was present and belongs to St. John’s Parish.

It appears the investigators were onto something.

The report notes that Detectives Pearce and Olson left the interview with Patty Wetterling, while FBI special agent Al Catallo and BCA special agent Sigafoos continued the interview. Pearce and Olson went to Albany, Minnesota to interview Jerry Wetterling at his clinic.

The report from the interview with Jerry Wetterling reads in part:

“Officers begin interviewing Jerry at approximately 1450 hours. Jerry was asked about Allen Kutzer. Jerry confirmed he did call in a lead to the Task Force on Allen Kutzer. The lead was in regards to occult activity and his possible relationship to Jacob Wetterling’s abduction. On 11-18-89 Inv. Jacobs and Steinberg covered the lead refer to written report (page 2748).

Jerry stated Al Kutzer came to the Wetterling house the Wednesday after the abduction. Jerry termed Al’s demeanor as being “disturbed”. According to Jerry, Al told him to check the area by St. John’s Chapel. Al indicated there is alot occult activity occurring between St. John’s University and the Alexandria area. Al Kutzer then told Jerry Wetterling that he believes Jacob could possibly be buried alive in a shallow grave near the St. John’s University grounds. Al Kutzer also reportedly told Jerry Wetterling that families in the occult at times take people, raise them so they believe in the system and eventually sacrifice them,” the report said.

Write Into Action continues to investigate.


BREAKING: Recorded confession of witness to Jacob Wetterling ritual sacrifice released – in possession of feds – LISTEN

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 23, 2018 at 6:43 P.M. CST

An audio confession of a witness to the ritual sacrifice of Jacob Wetterling has been released and is now in the possession of the feds.

The witness, who will remain un-named herein, said Jerry Wetterling murdered Jacob during a satanic ritual sacrifice.

The audio given to the feds reveals the witness said Jacob’s last words included “Daddy, daddy, don’t!”

The recent story put out by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office that Daniel Heinrich confessed to Jacob’s murder and led detectives to the body was proven to be a hoax after the teeth and bones found were determined to not be human.


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