by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 22, 2023 – USA
The following assessment was prepared by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
In this assessment, Czebotar shows the reader how to follow a sequence of messaging that is typically only understood by members of secret societies.
~begin Czebotar assessment~
Statement on LB Johnson Library
It is my full belief there is ritual ground under LB Johnson Library indicated by Lady Bird Johnson where human flesh is consumed.
“I want to clothe with flesh the LB Johnson Library”- Lady Bird
The outside structure of the Library is reminiscent of the structure of Solomons Temple in Israel and the Second Temple.
With in the Library, clues to the spiritual gate access are given.
One area is outside the front entrance of the library underground to the left of the water fountain. This one is indicated by the three telephones on the wall and the quote above it. The quote instructs one to look to left. That leads to a quote on the wall that says beyond the wildflowers. There are wildflowers to right of front entrance, that face the ritual area underground to left of water fountain. In picture in Lady Bird exhibit with picture of Lady Bird pointing to ritual ground, the quote under pic from her says ” putting in flesh”. I believe this is indicating what happens underground in the ritual ground indicated.
The eisel at top of the steps on the third floor atrium of Library indicated a second ritual area indicated at “Mitre Mountain” in TX. It is indicated on key code on gold wall with LB Johnson pic. The wall indicates there will be a connection with the Eastern Stars near that area. If there are any old colonial flags near Mitre Mountain, that will indicate access to ritual ground.
The question is, what is under Mitre Mountain? Could there be a back up Nazi Bunker that connects to Greenbrier West Virginia Bunker?
A third spot indicated is under the perfectly squared Dealer of Everything store in Karnak, TX. I believe this also indicates a meet up place and underground supply store for Brotherhood members. Notice the brick on display.
Lady Birds office looks out over the ritual ground as well as has direct layline access and I believe tunnel access to the Capital building and the University Tower building with a clock. Underground ritual ground will be near capital as well.
In the 10th floor, the replica of the oval office has “X’s” above the doors, indicating there is spiritual gate access to Greenbrier Nazi Bunker located in West Virginia both from the LB Johnson Library and the Oval office.
The following photos were submitted by Jessie Marie Czebotar: