JonBenet Ramsey Update: Producer of child torture porn warns American public – he will HAVE YOU ARRESTED if you call Boulder Police Department – threatens to call in JOE BIDEN

A picture of a woman and a man with a gun.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 22, 2019 at 9:01 AM

The child torture porn producer called Montagraph on You Tube is angry Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) announced evidence places Montagraph at the murder scene of JonBenet Ramsey – so mad he threatened to call JOE BIDEN.


It started yesterday when I (Holmseth) announced the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force had effectively solved the JonBenet Ramsey murder case. I reported evidence shows a Colorado man who calls himself Montagraph on the Web and You Tube, was once named “Dale Ellis Bennett” and was at the scene of the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

Events then began to develop quickly.

Montagraph, who has had three different names, and now goes by the name Steve Quest, saw the news story I published and quickly called the U.S. Pentagon. He used a telephone number he had for Ellen Lord, the Undersecretary of Defense.  He activated his You Tube livestream and broadcast most of the call.

During his call to the Pentagon, Montagraph expressed his outrage at a video on You Tube by the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force that is going viral because it reports 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California. Montagraph wanted an Official to confirm or deny there is a “Pentagon Pedophile Task Force.” Montagraph insists the story of the children being saved is “BS”.

Later in the day Montagraph took to livestreaming again.

This time he was focused on anyone who might plan on calling the police on him.

“I have a challenge there for you Mr. Holmseth. I challenge you to contact the Boulder Police Department and record the call. I want you to. Because in doing so that would be obstruction – sure would be – of a current investigation – and you know the information you’re burping out of your mouth is absolute and utter bullshit. And I know it too. And if you do that – and as soon as you do that – because it would be about me and false-reporting – I’m going to have you arrested. Isn’t that neat? I don’t know if that’s a felony or not. I’m not sure if they can make it one. But filing a false police report that you know is not true – that’s a crime. And believe me I would file charges. Absolutely I would file a formal criminal complaint and have you arrested. Isn’t that neat?” Montagraph said.

He wasn’t done.

“All you other people out there that think you believe this nonsense – call the Boulder Colorado Police Department – file a report and sign your name to it – because I’m going to get a copy of it. See what I mean? I’m going make sure of it. I’m going to have you arrested. For filing an erroneous police report. Because you know this is BS. You know its garbage. And you should be ashamed of yourself,” he said.

During the livestream video that ran over an hour, Montagraph repeated the threat against Holmseth and the American public FOUR more times, warning anyone who dared call the Boulder Police Department that they will be arrested.

During the livestream Montagraph began name dropping telephone numbers he possesses including Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Google, the CEO of You Tube, and General David H. Berger.

Montagraph then announced he may call Joe Biden.

On other occasions in the past Montagraph has name-dropped Vice President Mike Pence.

Montagraph also threatened to sue people.

The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force is preparing a formal request to the Boulder Police Department that Monograph (a.k.a. Steve Quest, Roy Warren Marshall, and Dale Ellis Bennett) be investigated regarding the JonBenet Ramsey murder and asked to provide DNA and fingerprints to be compared with evidence found at the crime scene in 1996.


On October 19, 2019 ‘MONTAGRAPH’ published a You Tube livestream video and said, “Stop lying about me Mr. Holmseth. I don’t use three names – you’re wrong as hell. Excuse me – the Bennett name – actually that individual was questioned about the situation in Boulder I do believe. We actually looked him up – he doesn’t look nothing like me. I’ve never used that name, sorry. You fail again.” [GO TO 16:25 IN VIDEO]

According to records from my Pentagon source MONTAGRAPH is/was Dale Ellis Bennett.

In a video previously published by MONTAGRAPH he warned his enemies “we are going to turn you into electronic rag dolls” which sounds like a reference to torture with a stun gun.


On October 17, 2019 Investigative Journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) issued a public request to Montagraph on Facebook Live. Holmseth asked Montagraph if he would be willing to provide law enforcement with DNA and fingerprints to be compared with evidence found at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene. Holmseth never mentions ‘semen’ or any specific bodily fluid. View –

On October 18, 2019 Montagraph published a response on his You Tube Livestream entitled “Timothy Holmseth BEGS For My SEEDS :)” View –

In Montagraph’s video response he repeatedly makes sexually vulgar statements implying Holmseth wants to be physically battered while he (Holmseth) performs oral sex on him (Montagraph) and Montagraph ejaculates in Holmseth’s face.

Montagraph published this video alerting the public to his “dark side”.

Montagraph published this video warning “never fuck with crazy people” – “I have gotten so psychotic over the past three days I am on full throttle” – “we are going to turn you into electronic rag dolls”

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1 thought on “JonBenet Ramsey Update: Producer of child torture porn warns American public – he will HAVE YOU ARRESTED if you call Boulder Police Department – threatens to call in JOE BIDEN

  1. Wouldn’t it have been better to leave it to The DoJ to have DNA samples collected from the suspect in the usual way? How is your baiting of the suspect online adding value to his arrest and conviction?
    After everything you went through with Polk County, why do you trust the police in Boulder?

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