by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 16, 2024 – USA
TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS and the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force are covering the First-Degree Murder trial of Neely Petrie-Blanchard. We have multiple sources in Marion County and elsewhere.
In what appears to be judicial coercion and psychological torture, Lisa Herndon, the administrative judge hearing the case, has vowed to ask Neely Petrie-Blanchard each day if she would like to obtain the services of a BAR Association approved attorney.
Blanchard fired her previous attorney Jack Maro in March 2024, after learning Maro was secretly plotting with the FBI in a comprehensive plan to use her and her murder case as part of the “BIDEN INDICTMENTS” plot referenced by President Donald Trump.
Records show that minutes before the trial began, Herndon denied every MOTION Blanchard filed. Herndon refuses to accept Motions that, although drafted by Blanchard, and then transcribed via telephone by Blanchard’s friend and ‘Agent by Necessity’ Alexandra Koukounakis, Canada, and then filed into the Clerk of Court by Koukounakis who has access to the Web portal, the Motions were not prepared by a BAR Attorney.
The STATE OF FLORIDA entered highly inflammatory evidence against Blanchard comprised of media and news articles. Blachard sought to do the same thing but could not do it from the Marion County Jail where she has no access to the Web. Koukounakis, acting on Blanchard’s instructions, located media Blanchard wanted entered as evidence, and filed it for Blanchard. Herndon refused to accept any of Blanchard’s evidence because it wasn’t filed by a BAR Attorney.
In the judicial slow drip to the forehead, Herndon has coupled the unfair practices and rulings that leaves Blanchard with no evidence, and refuses to hear Blanchard’s Motions, unless they are hand-written by Blanchard, as she (Herndon) simultaneously vows to remind Blanchard every day at the beginning of trial that she can still obtain an attorney.
Neely Blanchard terminated her attorney Jack Maro in March 2024, after realizing Maro, without her knowledge or consent, had conspired with the FBI to develop a Defense Theory that targeted President Donald Trump. Blanchard, who had been in jail for over three years, had no access to the outside world or Web resources to do research. Blanchard discovered the plot after talking on the telephone with Alexandra Koukounakis, Canada, who alerted Blanchard that Maro was working with FBI operative William Kevin Murtaugh. Blanchard then read an old letter she received from Maro that revealed Maro was planning to call multiple anti-Trumpers who were going to be called as “expert witnesses’ to testify about “QAnon” “Sovereign Citizens” and the ‘cult of Trump’.
What have become known as The Blanchard Jail Recordings reveal the true story of Neely Petrie-Blanchard and the plot against President Donald Trump by private membership attorneys, that was nurtured during the three and a half years Blanchard was in jail – sometimes in solitary confinement where Blanchard said she was anally raped and ritually tortured.
The Blanchard Jail Recordings contain many, many NAMES.
Records show Blachard terminated Maro in March 2024. However, recorded telephone calls with Blanchard reveal that after Blanchard terminated Maro and received some of her case files from Maro’s law office, she was flabbergasted. Blanchard angrily said that if she had seen what was in the file she would have fired Jack Maro long ago.
FBI Murtaugh was present in the Marion County Courthouse yesterday and was tweeting from the courtroom.
Blanchard initially appeared in court yesterday wearing a jail uniform. She then left and re-emerged wearing a very nice-looking business suit. We have learned that the business suit was not brought to Blanchard by her mother, Susan Blanchard. We have learned the clothing was purchased for Blanchard by Koukounakis with her (Koukounakis’) credit card and sent to Blanchard via a delivery service.
Koukounakis – who has never met Blanchard in person paid for it.
Not Blanchard’s own mother.
We are looking into the possibility that the Marion County Jail did not give Neely Blanchard the clothing purchased by Koukounakis although receipts show delivery was made. It may be Blanchard’s mother and/or family did in fact bring clothing for Blanchard to wear during the trial. If we receive any further information on this, we will update.