President donald trump and person in the oval office.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on February 21, 2024 – USA

Did Lin Wood talk to his “sister in Christ” Fani Willis last night on the telephone about his presence at a “Nativity scene” where there were no speaking roles – “just the scene of those at the Nativity”?

On February 20, 2024, disgraced former Georgia attorney Lin Wood who, despite a Grand Jury recommendation, was passed up for indictment by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, who then listed Wood as a State’s witness in her sprawling RICO case against President Donald Trump and others, appears to have been sending coded messages to DA Willis and/or others on his Telegram account.

Last night, during the Live airing of Infiltrated by Truth with Alexandra Koukounakis on Telegram, Wood began making comments that appeared to be directed toward the show, which he appeared to be monitoring.

~begin Lin Wood Telegram post from February 20, 2024~

I have been on the phone tonight for 1 hour and 2 minutes with a dear and REAL friend of mine. My sister in Christ.

During our conversation, we talked about or childhoods.

I was reminded that in the first grade I was in a “play” depicting the Nativity scene, I played the role of Joseph. There were no speaking roles. Just the scene of those at the Nativity. 

I did not speak then. 

But I do speak TRUTH now. 

There are NO coincidences. 

God bless each of you.


~end Lin Wood Telegram post~

The February 20, 2024, airing of Infiltrated by Truth was recorded in real-time on a hand-held audio recorder. The recorder, which was activated when Koukounakis turned on her Livestream, has been inspected to see what was being said at the one hour and two-minute marker as referenced by Wood.

Within one minutes of the marker, Koukounakis said, “…like Lin Wood trying to sidle up to Trump and like General Flynn and all these people that want to overthrow the United States of America and take control of power – seize power – Michael Flynn -David Straight – they’re all sidling up to Trump as far as I’m concerned – ACTING like they communicate with Trump – like they can visit Trump – like they can talk to Trump – like they know Trump – like they support Trump – but in reality they hate Trump and they’re really trying to overthrow the United States Government through Election Interference …”.

During the same portion of the show Jessie Marie Czebotar, an eyewitness to cannibalism, who is named in a federal RICO COMPLAINT prepared by Attorney Steven Scott Biss, Virginia, that describes how Czebotar watched Hillary Clinton and other world leaders, including U.S. Presidents, rape, torture, murder, and cannibalize children, called in to the show and talked about what is contained in her Petition to (Rep. Jim Jordan) Congress.

During the show Czebotar talked about, “Satanic ritual“.

Czebotar is familiar with videos of Satanic ritual because she was forced, as a child, to attend. Her experiences are described in graphic detail in her affidavits, which are filed in the U.S. Court, U.S. Military, and in the possession of President Donald J. Trump.

Wood’s Telegram account is literally peppered with Bible verses.

Shortly after DA Willis’ recent disastrous performance on the Stand in Fulton County, where she was examined by attorneys regarding her sexual relationship with the Prosecutor that she hired to prosecute President Donald Trump, she (Willis) gave a speech at a church that has been widely published.

The Washington Examiner reported with empasis added by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS:

~begin Examiner~

Fani Willis cites scripture and accepts award at church visit: ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper’”.  “Her appearance at the church came two days after appearing in court for heated questioning from lawyers about the nature of her relationship with special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who is involved in the Georgia case against former President Donald Trump.

“There are things going on recently that I won’t talk about, but everybody did not embrace me during those times, and Berean has continued to embrace me,” Willis said.

She added, “The Scripture they keep sending me is ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper.’ I need y’all to hear me, though. They did not say the weapons will not form.” the Washington Examiner said.

~end Examiner~

On January 4, 2021, Attorney Lin Wood launched a tweet storm where he announced to the world, he possessed videos of high-level officials raping and murdering children.

Twitter article by timothy being shared by Lin Wood


A screen shot of a twitter page with a group of people.


Timothy Charles Holmseth




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