by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 19, 2024 – USA
Neely Petrie-Blanchard was found guilty today of murdering Christopher Hallett in his home on November 15, 2020, after a fast-tracked trial that lasted a tad less than a week. She has been sentenced to life in prison.
Blanchard’s former attorney Jack Maro had entered a plea of Not Guilty by Reason of Temporary Insanity.
Court records show Blanchard attempted to enter evidence and exhibits pertaining to “Havana Syndrome” but the fast-tracked pace pushed by the STATE, along with Blanchard having no attorney, prevented her from presenting that Defense.
Blanchard was representing herself because she terminated her attorney of three years, Jack Maro, after learning he planned a Defense Theory that included calling “expert witnesses” that were anti-Trumpers who were going to tie Blanchard to “QAnon” and the mythical “Sovereign Citizen” movement – and were then going to use her “Insanity” defense against President Donald Trump.
You can hear Blanchard’s telephone call when she recounts when she figured out the political plan involving her case by clicking on the image below.
Maro’s expert witnesses were, Joseph E. Uscinski, Brooke Binkowski, and Steven Alan Hassan. Hassan is an author and published The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control.
Records show Maro did file for a Continuance that was not granted. Blanchard again requested time to find a new attorney, but the judge denied her request.
Blanchard had been in the Marion County Jail for three and a half years as the Defense Theory was developed, but after she fired Maro, the Prosecution and Judge Lisa Herndon took the position the trial had to be done quickly.
The Ocala Star Banner reported recently that Neely Blanchard took the witness stand. The Star Banner reported Blanchard said did in fact shoot Hallett. Blanchard said she “heard a voice telling her she was there to kill Hallett”.
Blanchard also recalled hearing weird noises and “frequency sound” that she said, “hurt my brain”.
Blanchard reportedly also saw something on Hallett’s computer she thought involved children and trafficking.
Blanchard’s memories of the time surrounding the murder sound like “Havana Syndrome” or the use of a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) on Blanchard.
On April 7, 2024, we reported in part:
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In March 2024, Neely Petrie-Blanchard terminated her attorney Jack Maro after she realized Maro was conspiring against her with the FBI and others, and that together with those others, had developed a Defense Theory in her case that involved calling several anti-Trumpers as “expert witnesses” who were going to testify about QAnon, mind-control, Sovereign Citizens, and cults. While Blanchard appeared to support a defense of insanity, she clearly did NOT plan to say she was insane due to “QAnon”, nor did she seek to attack President Donald Trump. Emerging documents recently filed by Blanchard reveal Blanchard has been laser-focused on what is called the Havana Syndrome. It appears Maro was deceiving his client Blanchard into believing the truth about what happened at the Christopher Hallett residence on November 15, 2020, was going to be addressed, and that whatever truly happened was going to be a viable temporary insanity defense. Blanchard’s focus on Havana Syndrome indicates something occurred at the Hallett residence that may have involved a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Maro’s deceptive practices involving Blanchard effectively caused the false impression to be made that Blanchard, by pleading insanity, was admitting she murdered Hallett. However, that is not true. Blanchard was under the impression that the use of secret technology was going to come out in open court. Meanwhile, as Blanchard watched as one year after another passed, Maro and the FBI diabolically exploited Blanchard as they planned to launch a “QAnon” focused defense that would claim Blanchard was driven insane by “sovereign citizens” and “QAnon” “cult members”.
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