by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on August 18, 2024 – USA

On July 13, 2024, sniper(s) attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Evidence shows the assassination attempt on Trump is connected to former U.S. NAVY SEAL TEAM 6 SNIPER Craig Randall (Sawman) Sawyer, founder, Veterans For Child Rescue Inc (V4CR), Arizona. V4cR is a fake child rescue group comprised of ex-military, former SEALS and special forces, federal agents from a wide range of agencies, members of the Sovereign Military Order of the Templars and/or the Luciferian Brotherhood, and other Orders and Societies. V4CR is running assassination teams inside the United States.

The following intelligence comes from Adrian John Wells, Australia, as it pertains to Craig Randall Sawyer (and others).

Adrian John Wells, 4 Years-Old

*****   OPEN-SOURCE PORTION   *****   *****   INTELLIGENCE BRIEF   *****     *****   ADRIAN JOHN WELLS *****   *****   IN RE: CRAIG RANDALL (SAWMAN) SAWYER   *****

I Can Near Guarantee that Rupert Murdoch, is a Puppeteer of the Five Eyes Spy Agency’s Regime in White Supremacy! The Real Man behind the Scenes of Rupert Murdoch! Will be the War Criminal who Covered the Globe, with me Illegally in His Custody, His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley! Wished only One Outcome of Kidnapping a Four Year Old Child, from my Mother, who was Very Close to the Head of All Unions in Victoria Australia. Painters and Dockers. His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley! In the Year 1983, Worked in a Global System out of Five Eyes Spy Agency, His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley, Dedicated only too Government Espionage, Destroying Prime Minister of Australia Bob Hawke, by incriminating my Fathers Maritime Unions, with NSA/FBI Drug Cartels Managed by the United States of America. Government Departmentalise Programme to Manipulate Departments of The Future Five Eyes Spy Agency, Under The Command of one Man David John Hurley Australia Army Officer! Of Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. His Authority in the DIO Defence Intelligence Organisation, used in Political Interference for Australia, to Sabotage the Australian Labor Party! Men Like Harvey Weinstein, were hired by David John Hurley Australia Army Officer in the Year 1983! With Massive Emphasis on Child Exploitation, Against the Child in his Custody, Adrian Wells, I was a V.I.P. Young Child with a Future that would have seen me as a Union Head of Maritime Wharves In Melbourne Australia. 1983†Jeffrey Epstein, Hired also under the British Royal Australian Army Command of David John Hurley, Where I was Flown on Private Jets in United States of America, to an Island, onboard was Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer, U.S. Marine Corps Personnel from Arizona, he was Working for the Corrupt Australia Army Operations. Jeffrey Epstein, would be Replicated into the Same Five Eyes Spy Agency, hidden in the DIO Defence Intelligence Organisation, giving these Americans an English Lesson in British Royal Australian Army Command. Meghan Markle, Marriage to Prince Harry, again is no Coincidence. Her Father, was Hired by David John Hurley Australia Army Officer, as a Field Agent in the year 1983! Rupert Murdoch, another Individual, in the year of 1983! Who made a Secret Oath, to Support the Australia Army Operations in United States of America. To Aid all Secret Intelligence Service of MI6 Making a Merger with the CIA. The Leader Behind all Official Strategic Intelligence Gathering for this Future Global Liberal Shipping Wharves Conglomeration would be Called, PATRICK STEVEDORES For Cyber Intelligence Department for ASIO in Australia 1984, Concluding Foreign Secret Intelligence Service MI6.

January 20, 2020

TERRORIST IMPLANT IN MY HEAD, DAY SURGERY COLONOSCOPY, ELECTRONIC RFID CONDUCTION BRAIN VISUAL READING DEVICE’S. IMPLANTATION WITHOUT MY CONSENT, SURGEON: L.ANTHONY YEAR, 2010. The Spread of Frequency RFID Digital Capable Long Wave Frequency Possible CDMA, Miniature Electronic Brain Reading Device’s, Sealed in Medical Catheter Tube only 3mm in Diameter these Little Self Powered Device’s Locate in the Middle Ear Canal, through the Eustachian Tube. The Main Component of the Electronic Torture Device’s is the Miniature (Tuning Capacitor) which can Force Tune the Human Cortex Nerve, through Semi Conductor Spinning at Required Levels to Control the Natural Hearing Anatomy of the Hammer Bone, once tuned the Electronic RFID Radio Fields Coil Miniature in Design Completely Takes over the Natural Hearing Anatomy of the Human Awareness to Visual Cortex. Through this Highly Advanced Plot from an Australian Federal Government to Commit this Highly Illegal Human Rights Abuse of Power to my Mind! Knowing that Every Government Leader you can Find on this List, The Most Powerful Countries on earth 2020. Were all involved with me as Child in High Ranking Official Authority, The Man Who Illegally took me around the world, Year’s 1983-1984. His Excellency General the honourable DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. David Hurley, ARMY OFFICER 1983. My Age Four and Half Year’s old. Enlisted into SECRET Spy Agency Technologies, Of the CIA Five Eye’s Spy Agency. Military Rank in AUSTRALIA Major General. I did not Understand all this Highly Advanced Plot from an Australian Federal Government, Global ARMY Operation. We Traveled to meet all these World Leader’s in the Year of 1983 into Early 1984. I was Treated Like Military Personnel Brat, a Child within SECRET Spy Service. U.S. ARMY SOLDIERS Knew The Operation was Not Clean by The Australian ARMY OFFICER DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER U.S ARMY SOLDIER 1983-1984, Moved with David Hurley, Covering Multiple States in the USA knowing to Continue Carrying a Four-year Old Boy, School Child KIDNAPPING from AUSTRALIA. Will Become the FBI Corruption Within this Army Operation, to Overpower UNION’S in AUSTRALIA. Of Waterside Worker’s Shipping Disputes on Dockside Melbourne. The Level of Security Intelligence Operation Found in USA became Suitable for Government Espionage in AUSTRALIA ARMY OFFICER DAVID JOHN HURLEY Ongoing Global Cartel Building for Government Espionage in AUSTRALIA. FBI AGENT Frank Doyle Junior from California Became involved in the Child Sex Human Trafficking Ring, this was though Highly Advanced Military Personnel with OFFICER Level Clearance Control by Major General, General of Australian ARMY 1983. Once Upon a Time in America Become involved, Names Like Harvey Weinstein, STRUCK DIRTY Deals on Cyber Security Intelligence Service with Australian ARMY OFFICER DAVID JOHN HURLEY. FBI AGENT, Hired a Young African American Teenager By the Name of Robert Sylvester Kelly, as we were meeting Hollywood Stars Driving around in Brand New FBI Vehicle Known as SUV FBI Vehicle. Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger we had Been to meet by Motor Vehicle as His Excellency General the honourable DAVID JOHN HURLEY wished to Strike Deals on Taxation Evasion by Celebrities becoming involved in the Entertainment Industry to Australian Property Portfolio. The Singer R. KELLY AGE OF 17 YEAR’S HE TOLD FRANK DOYLE JR. FBI AGENT, CA. That He’ll Work with these Two ARMY SOLDIERS When Will you Let me Go? Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER and David John HURLEY, Stated: This is TOP SECRET! FOR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Singer R. KELLY Got Offered Immediate Kicks with Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger 1983, to get Heard in the Entertainment Industry as a Singer! Frank Doyle Junior from California FBI Still Advised Robert Kelly, you just Keep Telling that AUSTRALIAN Kid your Name is Robert, “We’ll Cover up this FBI Transportation” Said: Frank Doyle Junior in a Telepathy FBI AGENTS Communication System. Frank Doyle Junior, understood I was Only Four and Half Year’s old, enlisted in Spy Service Brain Enhancement Telepathy Technologies, Also DIO AUSTRALIA. DEFENCE INTELLIGENCE ORGANISATION, TELEPATHY RANKS, OF MILITARY COMMANDERS WEB. Leaving USA, David John HURLEY, Made Contact with all these World Leader’s, Carrying me to International Airport Transportation to Foreign Countries, Human Trafficking a Military Child in His Custodian ARMY Operation. Meeting all These People Listed Below, Would Strike Deals with Military Corporations to become Chosen Future World Leader’s Affiliation to Command And Control of the Cold War USSR Russia, Where we did meet Vladimir file Putin in the Year 1984. Vladimir Putin Intelligence OFFICER of the USSR Russian Federation. Many Military Sites We did Visit Within Russia, Based on Building a Future Space Force! His Excellency General the honourable DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Wished to Strike Deals on Space Shuttle Program Technologies for United States of America, Working Through Australian ARMY OFFICER Rank in Cyberspace. This Deal Made With Russia in the Year of 1984, Could See the End of the Cold War USSR. Through Future GLOBAL Arrangements in a Space Force with NASA Involved in the Operation of the Cold War. This is Now Seen in the Current Media, Over Three Decade’s Later, President Donald John TRUMP Has Formed this Old Meta Data of Our Venture as Australian Federal Government Army Officer’s, Visiting Russia 1983-1984 Operations Within the CIA Spy Service. To become Published in the Journal of the American Society as the New SPACE FORCE.

December 20, 2018

I’m Going With James Mattis ‘resignation letter, as the Proof of Date: 28/02/1984 28th February 2018, will without a Doubt be a CIA System Cover-up Date based on the Time Australia Army, David John Hurley, Soldier in the Year 1984, rose to the Rank: General. Australia Army. Kidnapped me From my Family Home in Australia. Then Organized ASIO To Provide Fake Passport to Take me out of Australia, for CIA TORTURE. Based on the Deal With American Army Personnel in the Year 1984, Month of February Movements from California, Arizona’s Airport, Craig Sawman Sawyer, Transportation of Child pornography Victim, to San Diego Police Department. Where I was Transported in this USA Army & Hollywood Police Pedophile ring to Harvey Weinstein, Party House in Beverly Hills. Then Moved to Sacramento police by Drugged Hwy Movements by Craig Sawman Sawyer, U.S. Army Soldier in Training that Year 1984. Then Movement to Arkansas Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton Child Pornography Deal, on my Identity. Transfer to New York City USA. Where James Grazioplene U.S. Army Soldier Committed Rape Offence’s against me in Bed of New York City Apartment, possibly owned by Joe Biden, Senator. CIA Torture Arrangements by Michael Flynn U.S. Army Soldier year of 1984, for CIA Secret Service Agent. Injected by Chemical in One Dose Vial, CIA Drug or Chemical Designed to Cause Brain Damage to Certain Brain Cells to Wipe/Boy Erased. February 28th 1984.

August 5, 2019

OK the Facts of Criminal Data of Victoria Police I did Grow up with in a Suburban Suburb Aspendale, Leaves Names like Leading Senior Constable Simone Carroll, Seaford Police Station, She Stole my Victoria Police Documents in the Year of 1989, Coming to my Family Home Address: 38 ILUKA Ave Aspendale Victoria Australia 3195. Year’s of Residence at this Address 1988 – 1994. Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, was Living in Aspendale in the Year of 1988, From the Month of September to Around the Month of January 1989. Post Criminal Offence Committed by Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, Leading Senior Constable Simone Carroll, Would Attend my House Address to Talk to me Asking me do I Know Where my Mother Is? Simone Carroll was Older than me by about Six or Seven Year’s, I was only a Young Child Age 9 Year’s Old, Left in Critical Condition from Scott Morrison and his Gangland Thugs Taking Out their Political Frustration on me as Violence and Hollywood Cult-Like Attacks with a Knife, to my Genitals. Victoria Police, Agreed to on Bribes by the Year of 1990, VICPOL Corruption was at it’s Highest as Far Right Wing Liberalism, Again they Completed all Victoria Police Documents for me as a Young Child “Victim of Crime” But Fascism has Control in Society Bribes where Much Like this Modern Criminal Statistics, Victoria Police were the Criminals in my Life, Working with a Man in New South Wales Policeman who Came to house in the Year of 1989. Mr Fowler N.S.W. Policeman Involved in Nazi Style Policing in Australia, Where My Family were Treated to Gas Chamber Style Torture, Beatings, Rape, Child Pornography Film, by Doctor Adam Cobb Age 17, Who Drove to my Family Home in Victoria Australia, for Sir Peter Cosgrove Governor-General of Australia until 2018. This was Mass Policing Nazi Style Tactical Warfare Corrupt Police Treated my Family to Human Rights Abuses. Mr Fowler the N.S.W. Policeman Attended my Home Knowing he was Involved in Political Far Right Wing Liberal Extremists, to Manipulation of Trade Union’s and Shipping Docks Union’s as my Family were of the Hard Left Australian Labor Party Government Affiliated Waterside Worker’s Federation. SCOTT MORRISON PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA “THE CLONE” OF MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, THIRD PARTY POLITICAL LEADER HANDLER OF CYBER INTELLIGENCE AGENCY. 9/11 It’s an ongoing Death, my First Memory of 9/11 Started in The Australian Secret Intelligence Service, through United States Of America Government Departments Based in Australia, Pine Gap, NASA CSIRO Deep Space Communication Complex, Tidbinbilla A.C.T. I Grew up into this Intelligence as a Mass Leak of Information on Insider Trading, this is Where (FIVE EYES) Defence Intelligence Organisation, Created Puppets like Julian Assange, on U.S. Army System’s Working to Leak Military Intelligence. William Casey, head of the CIA in the Year 1983, Did Understand the Threat Analysis Done by NASA I Believe in Secret, Created a Military Operation known as (Scouting the Future) Far Right Extremist Australia Army Officer – His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Kidnapped Me Age of 4 Year’s Old, to be Transported to USA, Where U.S. Army Man did Collect Us, at Arizona Tucson International Airport, Year of 1983, Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer, U.S. Navy Seal Post 1984. Craig Sawyer, was Enlisted into the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, where he was Given Visual Information of Future’s, Australia Army General Rank, Security Clearance. This Information Known as Spying The Future, Could See the Future Bombing of the New York 9/11 Towers in the Year of 1983. This Bombing Came From Military Intelligence Precognition to Manifestation as Foreseen to be the Year 1993 Underground Bombing of the World Trade Tower New York! Frank Doyle Jr. Frank Doyle Sr. FBI AGENTS IN SOCIETY, Who Because I was only 4 Year’s Old in the Year of 1983, I Cannot Replace my Memory to the True Identity, He Became Involved Before and After We Got inside Area 51 Nevada Desert USAF Classified Security Site. Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer U.S. Army 1983, Age 20 Possibly. His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Age 19, Australia Army Officer – Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. Made Access Granted for all Three of Us to Get On Site to Area 51 Nevada Desert, to Make Contact with Their Commanding Officer where We Used Highly Advanced Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Technology to Create a Live Stream Link to Cyber Department For Military Intelligence Transfer of the 9/11 Attack to come to be in the Future of the Year, 2001. 9/11. With Lower Threat Analysis of the Year 1993, Underground Bombing. Area 51, USAF Personnel were Capable to Handle Such Australian Secret Intelligence Service Information, Through (ASIO) Australian Security Intelligence Organisation 1983. Area 51, Did Not Agree for Our Presence to be Legal. Australia Army Officer – David John Hurley. Made his Plea to Suggest a Matter of National Security for Australia. We Did Stay At Area 51, As Prisoner’s until We Were Granted Diplomatic Immunity by the CIA, Were U.S. Army Gathered Intelligence on Security Sites in Kazakhstan & Russia for this Australia Army Operation to Make Contact in the New Year of 1984. We Were Released from Area 51. Chuck Grassley Republican Politician became Involved 1983, with Spy Agency Intelligence. Bill Clinton Governor of Arkansas became involved in the Year of 1983, We Did Reach his Office, of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, Later We Arrived at Cheyenne Mountain Complex Colorado Springs, to make Forced Entry in to the Underground Bunker, Craig Sawyer & David John Hurley Australia Army Officer Request for Commanding Officer Appointment. Both Area 51 & Cheyenne Mountain Complex did Refuse to Except a Matter of National Security should be Written file by Security Clearance Commanding Officer to Call Immediate Threat Level in the USA to a Precognition Spy Agency Claiming the Terrorist Attack of 9/11 _ 1993 Underground Bombing of World Trade Centre Towers 1 & 2 Will be Without Consequences for Calling Relative USA Department of Homeland Security. YEAR OF 1984 SINGER R.KELLY WORKING FOR FBI CONTRACT ON FAMOUS CAREER, DEALING WITH AUSTRALIAN FUTURE POLITICIAN SCOTT MORRISON, USA, NASA 🔗 CSIRO DEEP SPACE COMMUNICATION COMPLEX FOR INTERNATIONAL CHILD RAPE & EXPLOITATION OF MINORS FOR BLACKMAIL FILM IN POLITICAL REGIMENT TO FASCISM OF LIBERALISM IN AUSTRALIA WITH JULIAN ASSANGE. Singer R.Kelly involved with Frank Doyle Jr. FBI Agent. Year’s 1983 – 1984 = Promised Future Strategic Famous Career, by the FBI for Working Undercover to Kill Rapper’s. Operation Australia Army Offered Freemason Style Induction to the Satanic Ritualistic Abuse if he R.Kelly Works in Child Pornography on the V.I.P. Stage to Rape me, Adrian J Wells, Kidnapped Australian Child Age 4 Year’s Old as Political Blackmail, Induction to this Business Club of Celebrities Dealing with High Ranking Corporations World Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch New Year of 1984. Continued..Post of Identities to Hugh Jackman, His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley. Anthony Joseph Pratt, Billionaire Australian Living in New York. The Links to their Paedophile Child Exploitation Ring Leader’s within Selected Scene’s. Here is the Man on the Left who Used me in Corporate Business Human Trafficking, Child Racketeering in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Order of Saint John, Anthony Joseph Pratt, Obtained Secret Intelligence Service MI6, Information on Military Insider Trading, as I’ve Mentioned Before was Sensitive Meta Data in the Year of 1984, I was only 5 Year’s Old by then, Anthony Joseph Pratt, Made a Business Deal on my Child Identity been the Capital Wealth to Melbourne City Australia, As I Had a CIA CASE FILE. Made by His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley. Kidnapping me into an Australian Army Operation in the Year of 1983, Taking me to Hollywood in the United States of America, for Hard Core Child Pornography Film by Harvey Weinstein, for Australian Political Blackmail, R.Kelly the Singer was Only 17 Year’s Old, He was Expected to Perform his Age & Identity on Stage, Then Sexually Penetrate a Young Australian Child Age of 4 Year’s Old: Adrian John Wells, While Standing On Set.. Underground Cellar Room of a Beverly Hills Home Owned by Movie Producer in California. Governor-General of Australia, David John Hurley. Used me in Hard Core Child Pornography Film On Request for his Army Operation with U.S. Army Child Trafficker and Rapist/Child Abuser, Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer. Post 1984, Joined U.S. Navy, Now Pretends to Save Children from Human Trafficking” VETS FOR CHILD RESCUE HOLLYWOOD IS SUCH LIE!! Anthony Joseph Pratt, 14 Month’s Later from the Year of 1983, Made Child Abduction Moves with me in Melbourne City Australia, for Rubbish and Waste Company Authorisation to Continue my Family Name WELLS, As his Personal Asset in Corporate Ranks. Julian Assange was Created around this Time of the Year 1984-1985 by Governor-General of Australia, 2019″ David John Hurley. Who Owned All Secret Intelligence Access, through all Intelligence Agencies For Political Government Espionage of his Fascism Planning for his Future Liberal Party of Australia Government who were all Criminal Associated Organized Crime Working in Child Trafficking on Australian Enterprise Grounds of the Future Roll-out of Infrastructure Nation Wide. Criminal Minds Have Reached to High Levels in Australia, as Anthony Joseph Pratt & David John Hurley, Governor-General of Australia made the Pact to See Children from the 1980’s Face Prosecution for the Criminal Intelligence Satellite Agency they’ve been involved in to See themselves Be National Tycoons Development in Security Rights to Intellectual Property. Why Don’t The Police Arrest Anthony Pratt? for his Involvement in Human Trafficking me Within Australia in the Year’s of 1984-1985? Why Don’t The Police Arrest David Hurley? for For Child Abduction in the Year of 1983, 1984, Returning me to Australia from International Drug Cartels in Hollywood for used me in Child Pornography Hard Core Film. file: Why do The Police in Britain Do their Job to Arrest Julian Assange? The Puppet on the String for His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley Now Governor-General of Australia. Military Intelligence Leak, Since the Year of 1984, Returning home to Australia from Buckingham Palace meeting the British Royal Family. AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN’S LIVING IN SUBURB ASPENDALE 1988 – 1994, WORKING THROUGH GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION NETWORK OF CSIRO MARINE ATMOSPHERIC AND RESEARCH CENTRE. CAST THEMSELVES INTO SECRET MILITARY INTELLIGENCE FOR POLITICAL IMMUNITY TO ENTER FAMOUS ENTERTAINMENT CAREERS, JULIAN ASSANGE THE PUPPET TO COVER-UP THE MASS LEAK OF INTELLIGENCE 1984 – ONGOING.. (ASIO) CIVILIAN AGENT NETWORKING MARVEL STUDIOS. HOLLYWOOD. SONY MUSIC. WALT DISNEY. Mike Baird State Premier of New South Wales, did Run a Massive Child Exploitation Ring, Human Trafficking Children for Hard Core Child Pornography, 1984 – Ongoing, he did Visit my Family Home at Address: 38 ILUKA Avenue Aspendale, Victoria Australia 3195. Remembering this Was The Suburb in the State of Victoria Running Hollywood Client Based Drug Cartel Enterprise Networking through the CSIRO Marine Atmospheric and Research Centre. Many Big Names Lived in this Suburb Aspendale in the Year of 1988 through to 1994. David DAY Australia Army Commando Holding my Mother Hostage Under Civilian Command of The Community, I Do have High School Photos With Mr DAY. His Son Climbing the Australian Army Ranks through Political Espionage of the Australian Labor Party Union’s, Steve DAY, Became Major General of Australian Armed Forces, Head of Security & Intelligence. Father Of Steve DAY. David Day VICE PRINCIPAL Of My High School, was At Aspendale Technical School, 1989 – 1992 which was Next Door to my Aspendale Primary School, 23 Laura Street Aspendale 3195. Leo Davies Chief of Royal Australian Air Force, Air Marshal At East Sale Air Force Base. Paedophile who Did Rape Children in this Suburb Aspendale with his Gang Member’s in Crime, Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, Kim Wells MP Fire Chief for Treasury, Kim Wells Address: 54 Tarongo Drive Aspendale Victoria Australia 3195, His Son By the Name Scot WEST Become a Dirty Victoria Policeman at Seaford Police Station. Iggy Azalea, Fake Stage Age 29, She Lived at Number 74 Tarongo Drive Aspendale Victoria Australia 3195, Her Real Age 42. Her Parent’s Everald COMPTON Stars on Australian Television Show (NATIONAL PRESS CLUB) Iggy Azalea Mother Helen, also False Identity. Singer R.Kelly Back in the 1980’s Offered These Australian Citizen’s to Join A Child Sex Cult in California USA, Hence her Plastic Surgery to Hide her True Age Knowing this was Always a Busted Paedophilia Ring Which Found Political Immunity to Continue as Far Right Wing Extremists, as the Liberal Party of Australia, Fascism Override of Policing Failure Made by Large Bribes of Child Pornography Profits Which is Still Funding Australia Federal Government Budgets 2019 – 36 Year’s Later from the First Regime Plan from Ronald Reagan President of America to Share Drugs With Australian Federal Government. Tom Hiddleston, Actor, Fake Stage Age 38, Australian Name, David Poulten, Age 44. Australian Year’s 1988 – 1994 Address: 30 LARNOOK Crescent Victoria Australia 3195. His Father, Got a Part in British Paedophilia Ring, His Dad Moved to England in the Year 1994, To Star in (Game of Thrones) Seen Cast in Reigns of Castamere, Episode 3. Biggest Paedophilia Ring in Production to Known Child Paedophile Ring, Meaning Game of Thrones was a Production Company Filming Babies in Hard Core Child Pornography Film that Would Grow to be Actor’s as the Official Cast of this T.V. Series, Tom Hiddleston knew this Living in Australia as a Kid Age 16, As His Real Name David Poulten, He and his Father Didn’t Care, if Police Could Offer Them Secret Celebrity Status in the UK, also California Everyone Excepted new Identities. Matt Canavan MP in Queensland, Northern Energy Minister for Liberal Party of Australia, He and His Father Lived Close to Tom Hiddleston and his Father At Address: 63 LARNOOK Crescent Aspendale Victoria Australia 3195, They fileMoved to Queensland for CASH CONVERTERS In the Year of 1994, Where a Private Corporate Businessman Who Owned Shares of Hamilton Island Queensland Gave These Victorian State Residents an Alternate Cover-up for Political History as in the Year of 1994, Matt Canavan Knew He Would Join this Fascism of Australian Far Right Wing Liberalism in The International Child Sexual Exploitation Cults of UK/Canada/France/USA/Japan/New Zealand/Republic of Ireland/Italy and the Vatican With Cardinal George PELL Who Could Aid Scott Morrison or Kim Wells in Treasury Money Laundering Child Pornography Film Lucrative Corporations Profits of Racketeering Children. DOMESTIC TRADE OF MILITARY SECRET’S SCOUTING THE FUTURE (FIVE EYES) To Think the United States of America, Intelligence Agencies were Actually Notified about this Attack in Military Cyber Intelligence, Australia Army General, Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. Australian Army & Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, had Clearance and Access to all Future World Media, Access Granted through NASA or Pine Gap in the Desert of Australia. Mass Dark Portal through Military System’s only Attached to Military Branches that Handle Cyber Media Threats, in the Military Intelligence satellite Sector to Security Bases. David John Hurley, Australia Army Officer: In the Year of 1983, Made his First Contact to Team Up With Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer, U.S. Army 1983 – 1984, Later Hidden on Operation as U.S. Navy Seal. Active Service in This World Media Spy Centre, Military Clearance to Dark Portal Spy Centre to Decades of World Future’s Spying through Domestic Media Future’s. Some of This Footage here Whether True or False, was an Availability in the Year of 1983. To Military Cyber Intelligence Officer’s Only While Active to Clearance on Security Base Site, where Link Time could be Made Active back to Australia Security Intelligence Organisation. Head of CIA. William Joseph Casey, was Given Full Clearance & Access to View Central Intelligence satellite Link Time to Australia Army General, Collection of Domestic Future World Media Sale’s in the Dark Portal of Military Ranks: Intelligence Officer, General of Australia Army, New Rank for Clearance would be Chief of Staff Defence Department 1983″ William Joseph Casey, Head of CIA, Did Fully Dismiss all Intelligence Future’s Gathered through Cyber Spy System’s as (Fortune Telling) This Media Platform had Pools of Data to Spy into Future’s through Military Dark Portals, 1993 Bombing was a Guaranteed Analysis of Cyber System’s, The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. William Joseph Casey, Head of CIA, did Contact Management in Security of the World Trade Towers 1 & 2 To Clear the Intelligence Possibly it was the Month of December Year of 1983. The Domestic Media Future’s of this Vocal Recording had been Spied through the Dark Portal of the Military Intelligence Sector in Australia only Small Conversation Tone & Voice were Available in the Year of 1983, Through NASA Branch in Australia, with Pine Gap Desert Facility, Northern Territory Australia. 9/11 Still Came to Light to Manifestation after Many United States Citizen’s in Military Careers knew of Such Future Domestic Media Dismissed as Spying or Psychic Phenomenon.

July 21, 2019

RIO TINTO TOWER PERTH AUSTRALIA. Before the Allocation to Build there this High Rise Tower! The year 1983, into 1984, held many Military THUGS! Who Seen themselves Attack my Parents who were two GAY WOMEN Lesbian Lovers! My Mother Anne was from Melbourne, KEW, Australia. My Mother’s Gay Lover, Faye West, nicknamed MOON. Faye, from Perth City Western Australia. Little did she know that Australia Army Soldiers and Personnel took out a Sinister Plot to Kill her. Faye WEST, Owned the Lands and Titles for a Small Business District a Shopping Centre exactly where the Current Day RIO TINTO TOWER PERTH STANDS illegally on this Geographic Location. I Believe when I was just a Little Boy, in the Year 1983, the Land and Shops was going to be Redeveloped for the file: Current Day Rio Tinto Tower! Thus came with a Catch under the Western Australian Law on Lands and Title. The State Government W.A. had to pay back the original Landlord Financial Reimbursement for the Future Development Site in the Year 1983 of the Futuristic RIO TINTO Tower to be built in the foreseeable future. My Mother’s Lover, Faye WEST, I Believe her Father had Passed Away in Perth, 1983, possibly known as Retired Chief Justice West, He owned a small Estate in Western Australia, with the Shops in the Shopping Centre in Perth Central. Faye West, was left the Deceased Estate, which would still be Sold, She collected Her Deceased Parents Luxury Motor Vehicle a 78’ ZH Ford Fairlane, Green, Model Marquis. Faye, Would be reimbursed in the Future under Western Australia Law, she would receive Government Reimbursement of Financial Wealth over a Period of decades, thus making a slow recovery on wealth as the Western Australia Government did not have to provide immediate Financial Recovery in Full, but the Wealth Amount would be a Percentage based on the Scheme of the Future Rio Tinto Tower in the Year 1983. Faye West, Returning to Victoria to my Mother Anne in the Suburb Mordialloc Victoria, She was Attacked Violently by Australian Army Extremists Living on the Corner was a Vietnam War Veteran: James Raymond Bourke Service Personnel No. 18252 Address 246 Lower Dandenong Road Mordialloc directly across from Moorabbin Airport. Faye West, now a Wealthy Retiree from Perth, Attacked by Heartless Australian Army Soldiers at my House Address 4 Scarlet Street, Mordialloc Victoria 3195, Australian Army Soldiers excuse for Profiling Our Family was they Didn’t Believe Two Women Lesbians FAYE/ANNE are allowed to Live in a Marriage Relationship with young Children. Very Violent Scene took place, Faye West, my Secondary Guardian Mother was Attacked with Industrial Poisoning by Australian Army Soldiers holding her Down by force and Poured Poison down her Throat.. Both my Parents my Mother’s In Lesbian Marriage were Attacked and Bashed with Weapons by Australian Army Soldiers who were Fanatics Against this Arrangement of Lesbian Marriage in the Year 1983-1984 @scarlet street. Moving on to Financial Arrangements back in Perth Western Australia, Faye West, had her own Lawyer who I Believe managed this Long Term Arrangement of reimbursement for Lands and Title of Shop’s they own in Perth Central. Faye West, had my Name added to the Property WILL Which would go for over 30 years, as for some Reason the Western Australian Government refused to Payout Ownership on the Proposal for Demolition of the Shopping Centre in Perth Central where the Development Site would Later become RIO TINTO TOWER PERTH. All Monies were Stolen, by Criminals involved in the Mining Corporate Financial Central Tower RIO TINTO TOWER. Without a Doubt in mind Gina Rinehart with her Father, were involved in this Case to Non Compliance in the State Government of Western Australia collection of Percentages of Profitably for the Deeds and Titles Tax of this Geographic Location. Faye West, received no Monies before her Death, which was the Cause of Australian Army Soldiers bashing her and Poisoning in another State away from her Home Perth W.A. I Received no Money, as a Child Added to her Property Wills made by a Lawyer in Perth. Although Maximum Profit went to Peoples Families like Gina Rinehart and Her Father who defrauded the State Government Arrangement to pay a Percentage to the Previous Land Holder’s of the Current Mining Corporate TOWER RIO TINTO.

February 13, 2020

U.S. Admiral Standing Talking to a Wanted Paedophile, Charged by VICTORIA POLICE, SCOTT MORRISON. Around the Date of 11th September 1988, I was in Official Shock at the Time After Seeing my Genital Sexual Mutilation, Men Mutilated my Genitals for United States of America Hollywood Celebrities, myself a Child Age Nine Year old Boy, Political Motivated Hate Crime by Liberal Thugs Against my “Father’s House of the Australian Labor Party” Government, Affiliation to Where they Were Waterside Worker’s Federation, otherwise known in the 1970’s as Painter’s and Dockers Men Working on Melbourne WHARF. Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, was Illegaly Inside my Family Home Address 38 ILUKA AVE ASPENDALE VICTORIA 3195, Where i was Held in Bondage Drugged, Woke to Scott Morrison Stabbing a Knife into my Groin, Which Caused a Massive Blood Pressure Wound, Scott Morrison Standing there With Two Women Wearing CSIRO LABORATORIES Uniform from the Local CSIRO Aspendale Marine Atmospheric and Research file Centre. Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, were all Cowards who Quickly found United States of America to back up their Political Campaigns to Career Politicians in the Field of Child Exploitation, Rape of Minors, Homicide even Attended my Family Home Address, for what Scott Morrison did too me with his Gang Buddy, Kim Wells MP Fire Chief for Treasury Liberal Party of AUSTRALIA 1988, Living at Address: 54 Taronga Drive Aspendale Victoria 3195. YEAR 1983, MONTH OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, The Criminals from Hollywood Celebrities Cartel in AUSTRALIA, Were People Working for the FBI In Secret to Sabotage Australian Shipping Ports. Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER U.S ARMY SOLDIER 1983, Political Motivated Criminal Under the U.S. ARMY Command Joining with Australian Paedophile Ring of the Australian Federal Government Liberal Party of AUSTRALIA to “Kidnap Opposition Government Children” of Trade Union’s and Painter’s and Dockers. AUSTRALIA ARMY OFFICER DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Used me in His Task to Sell Australian Shipping Ports to Offshore Businessman, As Child Pornography Networks, Child Exploitation, Rape of Minors and Torture on Military Bases in the USA. I Remember Meeting Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, in the Year of 1983, in a Town Called Arkansas, Bill Clinton was a Governor of Arkansas, Willing to Help this Australian ARMY OFFICER DAVID JOHN HURLEY, Attempt to Stamp Out Trade Union’s and Painter’s and Dockers Maritime Union Waterside Worker’s Federation. YEAR OF 1988 FBI AGENT’S ILLEGALLY CONTACTING AUSTRALIA WITH NOW SEEN STARS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, SINGER, ROBERT SYLVESTER KELLY 1988, BRIBING OFFICIALS IN AUSTRALIA TO JOIN DRUG CARTEL NETWORKS, TO FRAME THE BOB HAWKE GOVERNMENT. Robert Sylvester Kelly, Famous Singer I had already meet Year’s before in a Child Sexual Abuse Human Trafficking Ring in Hollywood Entertainment Industry, their was a Man Driving Us All Around in his USA Government FBI Vehicle SUV, Expert in Explosives by the Name of Frank Doyle Junior from California, FBI, R.KELLY Was Told by the FBI Corruption Within this Operation you’ll be Working for U.S. as a Nigga Undercover! YEAR 1985, TO YEAR 1988, SCOTT MORRISON WORK’S FOR CALIFORNIA AFRICAN AMERICAN DRUG CARTEL NETWORKS THROUGH THE FBI IN HOLLYWOOD, That’s How these Australian Citizens Like Scott Morrison Joined Australian Federal Government Paedophile Leader’s Regime to Hollywood Celebrities Cartel in AUSTRALIA.

November 10, 2019

Some people know the Truth In France this Submarine Program for Australia was a Kiddy Sexual Abuse Show, Massive Child Sexual Abuse Orgies in the Year of 1984, we were at Two or Three Major Headquarters Buildings in Paris, Where I did meet Emmanuel Macron, as a Young Boy also, I was only Four Year’s old. Emmanuel Macron was Older than me by three year’s. His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley Kidnapped me from my Family Home in Australia, for an Operation where he did Meet many Objectives for Australian Military Intelligence. Child Exploitation Global Economics. Naval Air Space. Naval Air Station Signals Intelligence. Air Force Design Advanced Strategic Future’s in Cyber Warfare, We had First Arrived in United States of America, where Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer Retired U.S. Navy Seal, did Pick up Australia Army Officer David John Hurley, and the Kidnapped Child with him, for Australian Labor Party Government Political Espionage Against Shipping Ports Coverage Global Economics Legislation. That’s how I Entered this Crap Military Portfolio as a Child from the Hard Left Trade Union’s Shipping Ports Melbourne Painter’s and Dockers. United States of America, Agreed for Australia to Find Contacts in France Paris through the CIA, William Casey was his Name, I’m Sure we did meet in a Catholic Church in New York.. David John Hurley, Somehow Crammed this Rubbish Information into a System Called CointelPRO As most people could Easily Understand a Four Year Old Child cannot Remember Seeing this Military Intelligence Officer Ranks in Full Guerrilla Tactics. That is How I Talk About thus Failed Cronies Like Christopher Pyne, Marise Payne, all Pedophile Ring Leaders in Australia that got their Job’s in Government as Defence Minister, through His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley Kidnapping me for Worldwide Political Espionage. Barracuda Submarine Program, was Chosen not as The Final Choice for Military Submarine of Australian Futures, but Came Directly from Nuclear Energy, We Did Visit Area 51 Nevada Desert National Security Site in the Year of 1983 Month December, United States Air Force let me be a Kid, I was Allowed to Draw Aircraft I Seen at Area 51 which was Tacit Blue Whale, Test Spy Plane. United States Air Force, Asked me to Draw The Aquatic Mammals Whale in my Time at Area 51, I think they Said they Will Keep the Best Drawing I Could Draw as a Picture Frame at Area 51 Nevada Desert, for my Role in Submarine Program for Australian Royal Navy Nuclear Energy Powered Future. I was not that Stupid Even at the Young Age of Four and Half Year’s old, Cyber Security Intelligence Organisation Branch of ASIO, FIVE EYE’S SPY AGENCY, DIO AUSTRALIA ARMY MAJOR GENERAL. Had Advising Council To Intellectual Visual Security of Corporate Website Cyber Security Intelligence. I knew Britain would be Our Stop After the USA, in the Year 1983. Where His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, did meet Many Civilian base Clients in the USA to Talk About Nuclear Energy Powered Future. I Think it might have been the New Year of 1984, We Did Visit Buckingham Palace, Where I Did meet Princess Diana. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Charles. Prince William. David John Hurley, wished to meet the Queen Her Majesty for Title’s of Service for Australian Military Aircraft, Submarine Program, Australia Army Vehicle Upgrade from the Land Rover Deal Made in the USA. I Do Recall Meeting a Man in England From the Country Oman, British General. Qaboos Bin Said Al Said, he was Knighted into the Order of Saint John, while I was at Buckingham Palace as a Child with the Kidnapper His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley also Looking for his Title from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

August 19, 2019

Identity Extortion of my Family Surname DOYLE Year of 1983, This FBI Agent Received Information from His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Now Governor-General of Australia, in that Year of 1983. Australia Army Intelligence had Gathered With (ASIO) To Combine an Explosion Security Operation, in New York that Year of 1983. I Was Taken For Blackmail, Which Means Child Abduction by Australian Army Officer, David John Hurley. I Was Provided a Fake Australian Passport by Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, To Illegally Exit me From Australia in the Custody of “Secret Australian Agent” David John Hurley, To Falsify FBI System’s that he Did Engage Legal Operation to Kidnapping and Human Trafficking of Four Year Old Child, Adrian J Wells. Frank Doyle Sr. FBI Agent To my Memory were not Known by the Surname DOYLE, In the Year of 1983. Frank Doyle FBI Agent, had Full Access to Change his Name in Federal Authority to Federal Operation Required Identities. His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Had Australia Army Officer Intelligence System’s which did not Match any United States of America, Federal Intelligence Available Communication Of (Cyber Analyst) U.S. Army Had To Provide The Technology for Australia Army Officer, of Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. DAVID JOHN HURLEY. (CRAIG RANDALL SAWMAN SAWYER) U.S. ARMY – YEAR 1983, 2019 VETS FOR CHILD RESCUE, U.S. NAVY SEAL (RETIRED) The Sensitive Intelligence was Precognition Military Intelligence, on an New York City Location in the Year of 1983, Known as World Trade Building 1&2. (Military Intelligence System) Defined in many Categories Depends on the Soldier and Placements of Military Command. Cyber Analyst, Technologies would be a Close Reference to the Technology that Can Spy through any Programming of Computing Processes & Vessels Using Computing Technology Can Be Spied On Through Environmental Corporations Financial Guideline Policy. Meaning Corporations Collect Data on People, Knowing the Customers Future Purchase of Electronic Equipment. Home Entertainment, Cell Phone Technologies. MILITARY CYBER ANALYSIS, COLLECTS THE NEXT LEVEL OF PYRAMID SCHEMES, TO THE LEVELS OF PENTAGON. All Agencies and Corporations Agreed to Collect “Australian Secret Intelligence” in the Year of 1983, To Possible Financial Crash, From Bomb Making, Bomb Explosion, at The 9/11 Towers New York City USA. Australian Secret Intelligence, could be Merged With All CIA Military Cyber System Analyst Storage of Threat to National Security. CIA Refused to Handle the Australian Secret Intelligence, Saying Such Media Spying into Precognition of Foretelling Future’s of News Algorithm Will not be Handled by Any CIA Department. CIA, Did Agree to Collect the Intelligence Only as a Foretelling Banking Insider Operation Which If the Prophecy Become Reality. CIA Still Refuse All Communication to Australia Army Officer. Bomb Analyst Fortuneteller, could be an Investigation for the FBI, Head of CIA CASEY, Agreed to Silence of Such Media Future’s from Australian Military Cyber Intelligence Officer.

October 21, 2020

MH370 Disaster, No Accident or even Suicide, by a Rogue Malaysian Airlines Pilot. Suggested by the Leader of White Supremacy in Australia Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott May have been involved in the Orders to Execute this Flight MH370. I know this is Military Electronic Warfare. Thus Evidence has Been Shone on this Fact, when Australian Armed Forces with Access to Electronic Warfare, Attacked an American Ship USS Bonhomme Richard amphibious assault ship…/us-military-crash…/ The Australian Federal Government, Funding Terrorism, Child Exploitation, Human Experimentation. What they did to my Flight Out of Darwin International Airport, 30th October 2013. International Airport with Domestic Flight is a Airstrip Location owned by the Royal Australian Air Force. They Attacked my Aeroplane, with a Atmospheric Electronic Warfare Signal, The Small Plane, Flight from Darwin to Singapore, I believe, I’ departed on the 30th October 2013! The Intensity of the Military Grade Electronic Warfare Weapon, Jolted the Small Aeroplanes Electronic Systems, sending a Violent Surge of Power through the Fuselage, Scaring The Flight Hostesses, the Pilot had his Door Open all Electronic Systems onboard Malfunctioned and Immediately Reserved to Backup Power. Deployment by Orders of Criminals in Australian Armed Forces. (The History to the Australian Federal Government Espionage Portfolio) involved The Pentagon DoD in my Life back in the Year 1983, Area 51 Nevada Desert Test Area, Colorado Springs, Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Because my Brain had been Electronically Biohacked in the year 2010! Surgeon Limu! L.Anthony illegally Implant RFID Technology in my Brain. Where the Torture Devices Come from that are in my Middle Ears, still to this Day! Where the Australian Criminals getting into Hollywood to become Celebrities, were able to Source the Frequency, Signals that Functioned the Devices, how this U.S. DoD Property has been Modified by Australian Criminals who illegally obtained the Devices from my Family Home in Australia in the year 1984! Miniature Implant Technology, is no new thing to the U.S. DoD How the DoD is Responsible for Crashing Three Commercial Aeroplanes, MH17, MH370, EK521, Each Time I was in Flight Commuter as a Free Traveller not committing any Criminal Offences, except Terrorist Surgeons L.Anthony illegally implants this Highly Powered Miniature Devices in my Ears. Remembering I was in Russia USSR as a Child in the Year 1983! As His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley! Planned to Breach RADAR Systems. 2010 The Same old Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Navy Torture Devices that Fell into the Wrong Hands in Australia, has been Reengineered to the Australian Criminals in The Federal Government, who have Done this Sophisticated International Crime to Crash Commercial Aeroplanes via Signals Silicon Microchip in the Miniature Tuning Capacitor Devices. RFID, I was in the CIA as a Child! The Torture Technology I seen though was used by Men in the U.S. Marine Corps.. That’s one Marine who moved too Australia, I seen him Again all those Years. Later in the year 2010! Anyway, the Technology though was available in the year 1983! It was a Torture Technology Supplied by the CIA! Miniature High Speed Semi Conductors, or Tuning Capacitors. They were Sent to my Family Home back in Australia in the Later Part of the Year 1984! The Boxing was Wrapped in a American Flag, Sent illegally to my House by Hollywood Celebrities involved with Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER! U.S. Marine corps, he joined the U.S. Navy becoming a Navy Seal, working for the Ronald Reagan Administration in Hollywood! The Electronic Torture Devices shipped to Australia, from U.S. Military Personnel. Fell into the Wrong Hands immediately.. The Devices were used to Torture People in War Zones, Or Captured Political Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base! We were left to play with these Devices as Kids! They were sealed in Medical Catheter Tube, six Tubes were sent To Australia in 1984! From this Naval Torture Facility. Inside each Tube, was a Hardened Metal or Titanium Torture Technology. I kept it under my Pillow as a Kid! Australian Armed Forces Personnel living on our Street would Scare us! Talking about how these Tubes will Read Our MINDS and BLOW OUR HEADS UP.

February 26, 2019 I know his Face! From when I was Kidnapped in Australia, His Excellency the Honourable David John Hurley Australia Army General, to be. Flew me to USA! must have been towards end of the Year 1983 – 1984. All Hollywood Child Pornography, R.Kelly Singer, young black Slave, For another Human Trafficker, Frank Doyle FBI Agent, who stole my Family Surname to cover-up his Movements Cross USA States in Government FBI Vehicle. Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer! Proffessional Paedophile in the Year 1984 month January.. He got told by this Guy CEO photography here to Leave America or he will Face the Electric Chair for For Operating in Human Trafficking Ring, Disturbing Military Bases to make Child Porn Movies of me at Area 51. CLEARANCE TO AREA 51 ACCESS AREA, TO COVER-UP MY EXPERIENCE THERE IN THE YEAR OF 1983 MONTH DECEMBER.

April 4, 2019

MOVIE GAME IN MELBOURNE. AFTER I WAS TAKEN TO HOLLYWOOD IN THE YEAR 1983 BY HIS EXCELLENCY GENERAL THE HONOURABLE DAVID JOHN HURLEY, GENERAL AUSTRALIA ARMY, CRAIG RANDALL SAWMAN SAWYER, FRANK DOYLE FBI AGENT. Australia Army Service, Returns me Home to Australia Month of March, Year of 1984. Over 40 Countries Visited to Find Credit By Royal Families Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles & Prince’s of Abu Dhabi Crown Palace, Arabian Royalty in Arab Nation’s, Dubai, Jordan, Sultan of Brunei, Sultan of Oman at Buckingham Palace 1984, Qaboos, British Army. Australia Army Wished to Find Permanent Nuclear Weapons Deal. FUND AUSTRALIA! Lines of Credit in Australia, 1983, Early 1984, High Rise Building Scheme in Australia also Future Skyscraper Towers Sydney & Melbourne, funded by Muslim Royalty in many Nation’s. On my Return to Australia, I was Kidnapped Again Immediately for Transportation to Homes in Melbourne City & Sydney Australia, For Military Transfers of Intelligence to Chosen Clients, Ben James Australia Army Commander 1984, Human Trafficking me for V.I.P. Business Deals based on Knowledge of Australia Army Service Global Intelligence Operation, by David John Hurley, Australia Army Soldier in the Year 1984, To Climb Ranks to General. HUMAN TRAFFICKING FOR INTEL SALES. The Individuals I was Forced to Meet Included, 1. Mick Gatto MELBOURNE 1984. 2. Frank Morandini DARWIN 1984. 3. Nick Paspaley DARWIN 1984. 4. Sebastien Businessman MELBOURNE 1984. 5. John Trimble DAILY PLANET 1984. 6. Clive Palmer COAL QUEENSLAND 1984. 7. Dick Smith ELECTRONICS SYDNEY 1984. 8. Gina Rinehart PERTH MAGNATE 1984. 9. Philips Electronics AUSTRALIA 1984. 10. Anthony Pratt SYDNEY VISYBOARD 1984. 11. Kerry Packer SYDNEY MEETING 1984. 12. Lindsay Fox ADELAIDE MEETING 1984. THE AUSTRALIA ARMY SERVICE & SOLDIER BEN JAMES COMMANDER, VERBAL REQUEST. Of Each Business Deal, to Enlist the CHILD Age 5 Adrian John Wells into a Criminal Coded “GANG COSPLAY” PROGRAMME. Based on my Deceased Father 1979. Victor Frederick Allard, Painter & Dockers. Photo Below Taken in the Year 1971. The Cosplay Storyline Done by Michael Freeman & His Father Mr Freeman, his Father Chosen for this Crime Against me in the Year 1985, as he was a Paedophile who Attended my Family home at Address: 4 Scarlet Street Mordialloc, Victoria Australia 3195. To Hear About the Shutdown of the SUA, 1993, in near Ten Year’s Time of the Australia Army, Start Operation Date of October, Year of 1983, Sale of Australian Ports for Credit from Foreign TRADE Currency. Foreign Nation’s to Build (CURRENCY 1983) Infrastructure in Victoria, New South Wales. Based on His Excellency General The Honourable David John Hurley, Engaged in Meeting “Government Bodies” in Over 40 Countries, Military Intelligence Sales for Credit Australia. Kidnapped Australian Child Age of 4, Adrian John Wells, To Sell my Family into Slavery of Waterside Worker’s Federation, Melbourne Seamen’s Union. THE HISTORY IN MOTIVES IN THE CRIME! 1996, DECEMBER 23rd HOTEL ESPLANADE, SAINT KILDA, EARLY MORNING 24th DEC, 1996, ATTEMPTED MURDER BY MICHAEL FREEMAN, WITH POISON IN A BOTTLE, ATTEMPT TO MURDER YOUNG WOMAN IN THE ESPY HOTEL, BY SUFFOCATING, INNOCENT FEMALE PATRON WITH SUPPLIED POISON BY THE MUA MARITIME UNION OF AUSTRALIA. MICHAEL FREEMAN, IN PHOTO (MUA) THIRD FROM THE RIGHT BLACK T-SHIRT, SLEEVE TATTOO LEFT ARM, HIS FATHER FAR RIGHT IN PHOTO. Michael Freeman, Engaged in Premeditated Crime to Kill me as a Holy Bible COSPLAY, Ezekiel Starting Chapter 2, Once Hotel Esplanade Closed After Midnight 24th December 1996. Death Threat made by his Friend Living at my Unit, Name ROYCE, From Laverton Victoria. Royce Threatened my Sister Skye Doyle, with a Satanic Ritual of Ezekiel, in my Living Room, just Two Week’s Prior. Reason for Meeting Michael Freeman, that Night to Have him Return to my Unit & Collect his Mate Royce, who I could not Remove from my Residence without a Fight, Refusing to Leave, Sexually Harassing my Sister Skye. I Did not See the Setup Coming until around the Midnight Hour 23rd December 1996, When a Woman Approaching Michael Freeman, for a Dance in the HOTEL ESPLANADE, Gets Attacked by Michael Freeman on the Dance Floor in Public View Covering Her Mouth with a Cloth Fabric Intoxicated with a Mixture of Dangerous Poison, possibly Shipping Grade Chemical. Young Woman Passed Out Near “Dead on the Floor from the Inhalation” Hotel Esplanade, Staff Bouncer Find Her Passed Out of the Floor of the Hotel Esplanade. Michael Freeman, Show’s no Mercy in the Crime he Committed infront of me, Smiling at me with an Evil Grin that I’m Next! (My Stomach Drops in Fear) I do not know how many People’s were involved around me I become Immediately Paranoid I’m Surrounded by a CULT! Inside the Hotel Esplanade, Front Bar, On the Right First Entrance Door 1996. MY STORY OF THIS ORGANIZED CRIME 23RD DECEMBER 1996, NINE O’CLOCK ARRIVED AT HOTEL ESPLANADE, TO A NIGHT OF STREET FIGHTING, VICTORIA POLICE CORRUPTION, TO FRAME ME FOR ANAL RAPE, BY MICK GATTO, MICHAEL FREEMAN, SHARES AFTER LOSS OF FIGHT TO GOOD SAMARITAN ON BARKLY STREET SAINT KILDA, 7-11, MICK GATTO, ORDERS HIS SON JASON GATTO! AGE 15, 1997, TO CONCEAL VICTORIA POLICE EVIDENCE, OF THE FINAL REPORT FOR COURT, BY STAND OVER, TACTICS, BREAK MY WRIST, PUT A GUN TO MY HEAD, SAYING I’M GOING TO THE DAILY PLANET BROTHEL, TO BE CUT UP, IF I DON’T TELL VICTORIA POLICE, MY NEW NAME: ANTHONY THOMAS TRIMBLE. THIS FALSE NAME, CAUSED VICTORIA POLICE TO ARRIVE AT MY UNIT AGAIN YEAR 1997, FOR INVALID “IDENTITY OF VICTIM” ON VICTORIA POLICE PAPERWORK. AS MY LEGAL NAME, ADRIAN JOHN DOYLE.

October 12, 2019

12th Day of October 2019, Somewhere in the Clock of Time in the Past When His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley, Took me Overseas with a Fake Passport Provided by ASIO HQ in Canberra Around the Month of October in the Year 1983, from Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. As These Men Built This Clock of Time in Military Sector Budgets from the 1980’s Portfolio of Army Officer Regime International Relations with Area 51″ Nevada Desert USA National Security Site. All Three of Us Gained Classified Entry on Base #1983. • Adrian John Wells Age 4 Year’s Old. • David John Hurley Age 19 Year’s Old. • Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer 20 Year’s Old. United States Air Force Commanding Officer onsite of Area 51, Did Fully Understand Australia Army Request To Secret Intelligence in the Nuclear Classified Zone, For Future Development of Submarine Programming in Australian Federal Government Portfolios to What is Seen as Building Military Relationships Abroad for Australian Federal Government Programme to Design Budget Planning in all the Foreign Aspect of Military Defence Futures. As Our Stay in United States of America, in the State of California, AREA 51, CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN COMPLEX COLORADO SPRINGS, CONTINUED VISITING, UNDERGROUND MILITARY FACILITIES APPOINTMENT. Year of 1983, Month Unknown: Possibly October. Today At Station Pier Melbourne City Australia, Might be an Engineering Timeline to Military Appointments of the Past to Find Nuclear Energy for The Royal Australian Navy, Submarine Programme of the Barracuda, Attack Class SUBMARINE for Australia. Agreement for Liberal Party of Australia Portfolio to Bring Forward Government Budget for Military Expenditure (Scouting the Future’s) His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley – Made Pacts with many Nation’s Set on Date and Time. To Remember Where I Was Located on this Day in the Year of 1983, 12 th October 1983.

March 10, 2020

General David John HURLEY, Australia Army. Year of Active Duty 1983, I got Kidnapped by Australian Defence Department. Madness of Men In the ARMY will never make Sense, to The Strategy he Planned. Area 51 USA, We Entered Illegally by Memory, with an American Citizen U.S. Army Soldier Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER 1983-1984. I was Only Four and Half Year’s old, Yet Still Expected by Rough Men to Pay Attention to the Situation, where I did meet USAF Staff onsite at Area 51 USA, Where in the Month’s October to December 1983, Tacit Blue Whale, Test Spy Plane During my Stay at Area 51 USA. David John HURLEY, ARMY OFFICER of Royal Military College Duntroon A.C.T. Year of 1983, We Covered The United States of America, as He Shared Secret Intelligence Service Information, Also Known as “Cyber Future’s” 9/11 In the Year of Active Duty 1983, Already an Active Duty Service in that Cyber Security Intelligence Service, Departments of Five Eye’s Spy Agency, We Came from Australia, I was Enlisted as Major General Security Intelligence Clearance, Age 4 Year’s old. My Master, Dragging me around the world like a Rag Doll, David John HURLEY, Commanding Officer, of my Child Existence within Secret Synthetic Biology Telepathy Security Intelligence Service. Head of the CIA William Casey, I believe Ended up Granting Authorized Security Clearance, for David Hurley ARMY OFFICER and Australian Child, to Enter Military Underground Facilities in the United States of America for Research Inspection. Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER U.S ARMY SOLDIER, Remained with us Present at Most Times in USA. SR-71 Blackbird has a Stimulating Reworking Experience for me as a Child, to How we Entered USSR Russian Soviet Union, to meet Vladimir Putin Intelligence Officer, Possibly by then the New Year of 1984. I Was Granted Secret Technology used by Pilot’s and Navigators of the USAF, Head of the CIA William Casey Authorized this Technology Which became a Massive “Synthetic Black Web” Grown into my Brain Around the Upper Skull Area of the Anatomy. Seeing this Turned me into an Official CIA SPY. David John HURLEY an Officer and a SPY. We Entered USSR Russian Soviet Union for Cold War Operations Agreements where we were Taken to the FSB BUILDING Located in Moscow, Vladimir Putin Intelligence Officer, Interrogated David John HURLEY Australia Army Officer, to Where is the Child From, how does he Fit into the Operation of Delegation for the NASA Space Agency. Many Details I believe were Exchanged, for Outer Space Shuttle Program Technologies for United States of America. David John HURLEY Army Officer, Willing to Promote the Joint Venture between Russia USSR for Cold War Operations Agreements to End with Peace Administration Collective Bargaining, Becoming the Motive for United States of America, to Enter this International Space Station Arrangements. SR-71 Blackbird in the United States of America, was Our Back-up Aircraft for Signals Intelligence Development. The Rest of my Story here Clearly you Can See the Picture of the Man, His Excellency General the honourable David John HURLEY, Who Created this Operation to Space Launch Zones in Kazakhstan, Future Investment in AUSTRALIA for Rocket Launch Site in Northern Territory AUS. Craig Randall Sawman SAWYER U.S ARMY SOLDIER, Now Retired U.S. Navy Seal, Vets For Child Rescue would also have Far Better Mental Recollection of the Situation. How Human Delegation, With Minors Involved in the CIA SPY Technologies, Seen Really Contradictory Results in USSR for Cold War Operations Agreements, to Waste a Buran Space Shuttle Program Bought by David John HURLEY Army Officer with DIO Defence Intelligence Organisation, Australian Federal Government Authority to Inspect the Russian Space Construction of the Buran Space Shuttle. Anyway Image here Also of me as a Child Returned to Australian Soil Still in CIA Authorized Military Commander Ranks. Age 5 Year’s old by this Point in time.

November 18, 2020

Angus Campbell, another War Criminal from my Childhood! Angus Campbell goes all the Way Back to the Bob Hawke Government, When I was Initially Kidnapped by the Australia Army 1st Battalion of Royal Military College Duntroon ACT. I Did meet Angus Campbell as a Child, in the Year 1984, my Age been 4 Years Old Close to my Fifth Birthday! SASR Australia Army Regiment, had Joined the Special Operations Branches of the DoD The Pentagon. This been the Year Before my Return to Australian Soil, by His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley, who was a Young Australian Army Officer in the Year 1983! U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, “Special Operations†of the Ronald Reagan Administration was Classified in the Year 1983, meaning no one knew it Existed Except for The SAS in England. David John Hurley, Australia Army Officer, Child Exploitation Ringleader, he was the Man who Built a Military Intelligence Portfolio of Everyone’s Identity’s he did plan for Official Contact in The USA. Which is How I did meet this Man in the Year 1983, by the Name of Jeffrey Epstein, on a Private Plane Flight In United States of America. A U.S. Marine Corps Personnel did travel with us Through many States of the USA outside Arizona, the Home State of Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer, who Joined Special Operations in the Ronald Reagan Administration in the Year 1983, Classified DoD Special Operations, until Later Years, the U.S. Navy Seal Teams, opened up on the Australian Army Connected SASR. Harvey Weinstein, was another Character I got to meet as Young Child, in My Travels across all States in the USA by Private Jets, FBI Vehicle Movement in California by Frank Doyle Jr. FBI Agent. Meghan Markle, Married to Prince Harry all these Years Later 37 Years to Now 2020! Her Father was Employed by David John Hurley, Australian Army Officer, as We Did Travel by Private Jet, which Tom Cruise The Hollywood Celebrity Did Purchase this Private Jet! In Later Decades. “Which was Booked for V.I.P. Guests In Special Operations 1983†The Private Jet, seen in Photography with Tom Cruise, was used for Strategic Space Force Intelligence, The NASA Corporation Reaching out into the Private Market of Global Government Espionage Around the Globe by The British SAS, and the SASR In Australia Army Abroad. My Kidnapping was Strategic for Global Shipping Disputes, I was the Only Known Child, in Australia 1983, to be the Known Future Succession To Maritime Union Representation on Australian National Shipping Wharves. In other Words, the Future Head of Unions, of my Father Victor Frederick Allard. Rupert Murdoch, the Media Mogul, was involved in this Child Exploitation of me As a Child Exploitation V.I.P. Victim of Privatisation of Australian Shipping Wharves in the Near Future Year 1993, one Decade. Angus Campbell, Chief of Australia Army, was another Link in the Chain, of the Ronald Reagan Administration AGENDA for Globalisation of Government.

December 6, 2020

Repeat of Command Information, SASR Committed To War Crimes Against their Own Civilian Populations In Australia for a Far Right Wing Liberal Party of Australia Political Agenda 1983 – Global Child Exploitation Affiliations of His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley. Jeffrey Epstein, British Royal Family Prince Andrew, Harvey Weinstein in the 1983 British Connection that seen Nicole Kidman Taken under the Wing of the Special Operation, disguised as Celebrity Status. Details to how Meghan Markle, and her Father, Thomas Markle were Employed to Australia Army Global Regime, in the Year 1983, to Take over My Fathers Shipping Wharves.. in Melbourne Australia, through Hollywood Mockery Style & Tactical Fascism in Spy Agencies such as Five Eyes Spy Agency! Thomas Markle, Employment of the Australia Army, would remain Secret in CIA/MI6 Case Files, of the Illegal Operations of His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley! Who kidnapped me for Abused Powerhouse, to Become, Rupert Murdoch’s Empire, Anthony Joseph Pratt, Donald J Trump, long lost List of Billionaires who would Profit from Tyrant Theft of Global Shipping Wharves handed into The Conglomeration 1983, Creating A Fake Conglomerate PATRICK STEVEDORES. AUSTRALIA. British Royal Family, Tyranny Against The Australian Labor Party, and the British Labour Party, to dismantle Maritime Unions. Pedophiles on the Queens Guest List, would Remain Secret Owners of the New Liberals Order, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein were both Hired for Government Espionage in Melbourne Australia on Shipping Wharves. In Australia, I got Attacked by my Own People, Enlisted in the SASR, Australia Army Commando David Day, his Son Climbed the Ranks, Steve Day Major General of Australia Army, and Cerberus Cradle of the Navy, Fort Gunnery Flinders. ATTACKED MY BRAIN, WITH A MICROWAVE WEAPON, ATMOSPHERIC ENERGY YEAR 1987, POST THE DEATH OF WILLIAM JOSEPH CASEY. I was a Child Spy, CIA Agent, used in Global Special Operations, of the Ronald Reagan Administration 1983, which did not Officially Exist in this Year, it was Then Stored as Classified CIA Files. We did meet with Vladimir Putin, Russian Intelligence Officer 1983, Contacts were Supplied by Government Cooperatives in MI6. This was the COLD WAR! His Excellency General the honourable David John Hurley, Offered Strategic Operations of SIGINT from the NRO, Which made Contact with Rulers & Intelligence Agencies, a Breeze, to Travel on Specific Timeline. All Deals, were Military Secrets, from the DoD, DARPA, GRUMMAN, LOCKHEED, USAF, Many other Top Secret Ground Operations of Cyberspace Futures U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Army. Special Operations held under Classified DoD in the U.S. Navy 1983! This Became if you would Call it, Massive Uplinking Systems, of NASA, The NSA. FBI Offering Civilian Affairs to Coverup the Movement of the SASR of the Australia Army Officer, David John Hurley! Secrets were Sold to France, Military Intelligence Service, on a Arrayed Spectrum of U.S. Air Force Special Operations 1983, Unknown Commandos. David John Hurley, sold secrets of the GRUMMAN X-29 Forward Swept Wing, Canards Control Systems Tested by NASA. Obviously the French Air Force, could develop a Military Aircraft called the Dassault Aviation Rafale. We Visited Belgium, Brussels, where Hollywood Clients were utilised, Jean Claude Van Damme JCVD in the Year 1983! I’m near 100% Certain I did meet him in Europe under Shadow Commander Field Abroad of the CIA. This Meeting, would a Coverup in Hollywood with Craig Randall Sawman Sawyer, in the Year 1983 a U.S. Marine Corps Personnel, Building The Cold War Operations around Hollywood Celebrities in the Year 1983! Cold War..Institutional Structure of the Ronald Reagan Administration. Brussels Received Secret Technology, of this Grumman X-29, Canards Systems Operation Tested by NASA! Aiding a Globalised Push to Develop the Typhoon Eurofighter, Wing Commander Assets were Merged through Heraldry Symbolism, As We Visited Germany, to meet with Government Officials, in Many Parties, I know by Memory I did meet Angela Merkel of Germany. Tupolev Design Bureau, in Russia, we did meet the Russian Military of the Cold War Intercontinental Ballistic Missile False Alarm, Threat Sequence 1983. Vladimir Putin, many Other Russian Military Intelligence Officers I did Meet, in Russian Territory, at the FSB Building Moscow, Security Nuclear Clearance, Granted to David John Hurley, Australia Army Officer. The Child Adrian Wells Age 4, was Called an Official Spy for the CIA! Russian Tupolev Design Bureau, Willing to Allow this Exchange in U.S. Secrets, on Many Military Secrets, Grumman X-29, Lockheed Blackbird SR-71, Grumman Tacit Blue Whale, DARPA Prototype Design, which became The Russian Clone Over One Decade Later, Forward Swept Wing Experiment.



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