by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on May 20, 2024 – USA
So… you’re wondering why President Donald J. Trump keeps mentioning “Hannibal the Cannibal Lecter”.
U.S. Judge Eric C. Tostrud knows why.
U.S. Judge Eric C. Tostrud, United States District Court, Minnesota received information in a federal case filed by Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota, (0:21-cv-02536) from a Texas/Minnesota law firm, Droel Law, that U.S. Presidents and other high-profile figures had been accused of crimes against humanity including cannibalism.
In a document filed by Droel, Attorney Brendan Tupa expressed his displeasure against Jessie Marie Czebotar, whose sworn affidavits had been escrowed by Erickson. Droel [Law] said, “…and other high-profile individuals, such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Mike Pence, John Kerry, Muammar Gaddafi, Amy Coney Barrett, and Elon Musk to name a few, as being involved in some Satanic cult that tortures, rapes, murders, and eats children.”
The case was brought before Judge Tostrud because Erickson, a former Minnesota Administrative Tribunal Judge, who could get no help from the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office, was desperately seeking federal help after she became the target of death threats by a group that was ominously suggesting they had caused Erickson’s husband to develop an extremely rare form of cancer.
The threats were being transmitted to Timothy Charles Holmseth through GO DADDY to TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS located at www.timothycharlesholmseth.com and included threats against Erickson, who had escrowed Holmseth’s evidence and website to secure it.
Erickson was also assisting a task force set up by self-described U.S. Secret Service David Lester Straight, who said he was on “Human Trafficking” and “Judicial Corruption” and “Space Force” task forces under President Trump and Melania through Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) reporting to the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon).
On August 3, 2020, Timothy Charles Holmseth, native Minnesotan, began to receive a series of 20 written threats on his life, his children, and his colleagues, that were enforced with the names of U.S. Army General Mark Milley, retired U.S. Army General Michael Flynn, retired U.S. Navy Vice-Admiral Charles Moore, and President Donald Trump.
Holmseth, an award-winning news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association, and credible FBI witness in a child kidnapping investigation, was reporting on human trafficking and black-market baby sales through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC by associates of Jeffrey Epstein, which had infuriated a cadre of organized crime.
On August 5, 2020, Holmseth received a message, “This is Vice Admiral Moore. I am a personal friend of the President, General Milly and General Flynn. Your fake reporting on our organization must stop now”. Another message said, “When my team catches up, someone will be in a very bad place. You know what happens to people when they go off the deep end. As a seal we get water training and can swim good. We learn to put things in very deep places where they will never be found”.
“I put your kid on a list The police can not help you. You know what will happen soon” said another message.
“Just wait till it all catches up to you Randi Q. You are not going free yourself. Your time will soon be coming. Real soon.” one message said.
Another message said, “For you….. did you know what happens when things are placed far under water in a nice cool Minnesota lake??? Things do not float when we put them down. We preserved items that stay below 40 degrees become fish food. No one ever scuba dives in those cold lakes. VIPR teams have seals on them. Can you hold your breath?”
The group under Milley and Flynn and Moore even threatened to have a dog rape Holmseth’s daughter. “Timothy, we will get a dog and picture your girl doing the nasty when we arrive at the artillery section at Fort Campbell. We are coming”.
By September 2020 the foreign agents had announced a REWARD for Holmseth and were telling Holmseth they were going to film his capture. “I am collecting the $5000. Your time is up now Timothy. Going to be fun. We hired someone to take video”.
Several counties in the State of Minnesota were complicit in the plot against Holmseth including Polk and Anoka.
On May 17, 2024, Associated Press reported, “Trump campaigns in Minnesota, predicting he will win the traditionally Democratic state in November”.
He will.
Here’s what’s happening.
The May 19, 2024, story alerted the American public to a plan announced by Ivan Raiklin, an attorney and former Green Beret who is traveling with retired General Michael Flynn across country on a bus tour. Raiklin, who in February 2024, appeared on Info Wars with Alex Jones where the two men spun a ‘Trump assassination‘ as a positive thing for the United States, recently publicly announced he has a “Deep State target list” of individuals that are going to be “raided” under the authority of unnamed “Sheriffs” while the events are Livestreamed. Raiklin declared the individuals raided will suffer the consequences of “Treason” which according to U.S. Law includes Death.
The activities of Raiklin and General Flynn have long since been reflected in a RICO Complaint filed by Holmseth in the United States District Court.
On November 9, 2022, War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth filed the first of three attempts to receive help from the U.S. Court regarding threats of torture, murder, and mutilation he was receiving from a cadre of individuals working with federal agents and military Special Forces. Holmseth set forth the details in three consecutive attempts filed by COMPLAINT under Holmseth v. Page et al – 3:22 – cv – 00912 under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) in Tennessee’s Middle District. In a Holmseth filing entitled FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT he set forth facts, circumstances, details and exhibitive evidence, of an organized-crime paramilitary cartel that is hunting him while announcing his arrest is going to be filmed and Livestreamed.
Holmseth personally drafted and then filed the Tennessee RICO on his own after his attorney, Steven Scott Biss, Virginia, purposely tanked a prior Defamation case he filed for Holmseth by missing a filing date. On November 15, 2020, shortly after the threats began to be made against Holmseth, his colleagues and family (and his colleagues’ families), Christopher Edward Hallett, CEO, E~Clause LLC, who was assisting Holmseth with his case through U.S. Congress was assassinated in his Ocala, Florida home – shot seven time with 3 kill shots to the head. Hallett had filed Lawful Notification of Process on behalf of Holmseth to President Donald Trump and Senator Lindsey Graham.
The fact pattern is the same pattern as the threats being issued by Raiklin, as well as the fact that “Michael Flynn” is named in exhibits.
The First Amended Complaint (there are 3 Complaints filed altogether – all rejected by Tennessee Judge Eli J. Richardson) says in part:
“…maliciously and strategically exploited the good and honorable name of the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, to publish an international WANTED poster and issue a REWARD for “Timothy Charles Holmseth” on Twitter that libeled and defamed Plaintiff to the President’s 88 million followers. The Defendants are collectively operating an organized criminal enterprise that is using media as a tool and instrumentality to slander, libel, and defame Plaintiff, in advance of a plan to kidnap and murder Plaintiff. The Defendants are executing the operation for the purpose of preventing Plaintiff’s truthful news-reporting and Constitutionally protected publishing about the Defendants’ involvement in child exploitation, interstate transmission of child pornography, missing children, human trafficking, crimes against humanity, and to protect themselves from prosecution by preventing Plaintiff’s communication with law enforcement and ability to attend court hearings. The Defendants’ racketeering enterprise is structured to profit from the criminal activity of the Defendants by filing false police reports and bad-faith Petitions for ‘restraining/protection orders’ against Plaintiff and his colleague Randi Lynn Erickson with State corporations, by filming, recording, imaging court documents, and publishing their extortion, and using it to promote an international manhunt for Plaintiff via Livestreams, social media, and film”.
- The Defendants are working together in an extortion plot they devised to achieve a common goal between them of intimidating Plaintiff; discrediting Plaintiff; silencing Plaintiff; shutting down Plaintiff’s publications; kidnapping Plaintiff; imprisoning Plaintiff; murdering Plaintiff; and profiting from Plaintiff’s image, likeness, and journalism.
- To advance the objectives of the criminal enterprise, the Defendants have collaborated and coordinated to produce Livestreams, films, and movies.
- The Livestreams, films, and movies serve to mislead, confuse, mis-direct, and prey upon the ignorance and naivety of viewers, such as the disinformation campaign called the “Mockingbird Media” that President Donald J. Trump refers to as “fake news”.
- The extortion campaign against Plaintiff is perpetual, and continuously projects and communicates information out to the public that supports a narrative that accentuates and emphasizes the false accusation that Plaintiff is a “pedophile” and other horrible things.
- The Defendants profit from their Livestreams, films, movies, and media productions that feature Plaintiff.
- The Defendants themselves are merely actors, and as part of the role they each play in their productions, they present themselves as advocates for children, which is strategic for their narrative and storyline where they are cast as heroes who love children. They are only acting. Their personas are fake.
- The purpose of demonizing Plaintiff as a monster who is a danger to children is strategic and done to cause the public to hate Plaintiff.
- Each Defendant assists in advancing the storyline narrative as they act together toward achieving their common goal.
This is a developing story.