
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 20, 2024 – USA

Evidence captured by the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force shows an organized group of individuals surrounding the murder trial of Neely Blanchard have, all together, in unison, over a long period of time, been saturating the Web and social media with an ominous message in the form of a question ‘who whispered in Neely’s ear?‘ to make her murder Christopher Hallet.

We’re going to show you.

In a deposition of Kirk Lee Pendergrass, agent, E~Clause LLC, it was revealed that two weeks before Christopher Edward Hallett, the CEO of E~Clause was murdered in his home on November 15, 2020, he had been contacted by Congress to testify regarding his Petition that challenged the BAR Association as holding an illegal monopoly of the Law.

On April 19, 2024, Neely Petrie-Blanchard, another agent of E~Clause, was convicted of first-degree murder in the Marion County, Florida case and sentenced to life in prison.

Blanchard had been in jail for 3-1/2 years since the murder of Hallett on November 15, 2020.

In early 2021, Blanchard retained an attorney from Florida named Jack Maro.

On June 17, 2021, Maro sent a letter to Blanchard that contained a message; a message that, although understood by Maro and others, Blanchard would not understand until 2024.

Maro and others were planning an attack on President Donald Trump that would become known as the BIDEN INDICTMENTS. 

On June 2, 2023, WCJB 20 (ABC) reported, “Trial pushed back for QAnon supporter accused of killing a man in Ocala – – – Court records indicate the woman could claim the insanity defense”.

Blanchard wholly endorsed Maro’s Notice to the court that she intended to rely on the “Insanity” defense.

Recorded phone calls between Blanchard and a friend from Canada, Alexandra Koukounakis, who began talking to Blanchard in September 2023, revealed Blanchard really liked and trusted Maro. Blanchard and Maro had developed a defense strategy and hired a high-profile clinical psychologist, Dr. Harry Krop, to evaluate Blanchard.

Maro and Blanchard were very much on the same page that Blanchard had a Temporary Insanity defense.

During conversations with Koukounakis, Blanchard began learning things about Maro that she did not know – or in some instances, because she was in jail with no access to the Web, did not fully understand. For instance – Maro told Blanchard he had communicated with a man from Florida named William Kevin Murtaugh. Upon hearing this, Koukounakis immediately alerted Blanchard that Murtaugh worked with the FBI and had been wearing FBI clothes on his You Tube news program where he was publicly saying Blanchard was “guilty”.

Blanchard continued to talk to Koukounakis and began to realize that in regard to her defense strategy – Maro was not really who she thought he was.

In March 2024, Blanchard terminated Maro and asked the court to give her time to find a new attorney. The Court denied her request for time to find a new attorney, claiming Blanchard was simply stalling and playing games.

However – the idea that Blanchard was stalling would be proven false by the fact that Blanchard did NOT rescind her “Insanity” plea. She stayed with the “Insanity” plea but refused to have Maro involved. She also did not jump from Maro to representing herself – she notified the Court right away she was seeking an attorney – the Court forced her to represent herself because the Court would not grant her request for time to find a new attorney.

There was a reason.

Blanchard had discovered Maro, and others, were planning an attack on President Trump that would become known as the BIDEN INDICTMENTS. 

In a recorded call between Blanchard and Koukounakis in March 2024, Blanchard said, “I think I found the people that are going after Trump”. Blanchard read a letter aloud to Koukounakis that she’d received from Maro on June 17, 2021, that revealed the names of rabid anti-Trumpers that Maro contacted to testify as “expert witnesses”.

Joseph E. Uscinski, Brooke Binkowski, and Steven Alan Hassan were Maro’s “expert witnesses”. 

Uscinski is the author of several books including Conspiracy Theories and the People Who Believe Them, published in 2018.

Binkowski is a former employee of the website SNOPES – a website that has link for the public to “SUBMIT A RUMOR”.

Hassan is an author and published The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control.

Blanchard realized that Maro was using the “Insanity” defense in a plan that explained Blanchard’s “Insanity” as being the result of political preferences, ideology, belief systems, and associations.

Blanchard supported Donald Trump (wore a cap that said Trump) and was working with Christopher Edward Hallett (E~Clause LLC), who had been contacted to testify to Congress that the BAR Association formed an illegal monopoly of the Law.

After Blanchard terminated Maro, and the judge would not allow her time to find another attorney, it became known what Blanchard had always believed her “Insanity” defense was going to be based upon – it was “Havana Syndrome“.

Court record show a document filed into the court on April 2, 2024, after Blanchard fired Maro, was entitled NOTICE FOR DISCOVERY BROUGHT BY DEFENSE. The evidentiary exhibit pertained to the “Havana Syndrome“.

The development reveals that while Maro and others planned to attribute Blanchard’s temporary insanity that resulted in her murdering Hallett to “QAnon” and the mythical “Sovereign Citizen” ideology, which would be presented as the “Cult of Trump” – Blanchard had been fooled into believing Maro and Dr. Krop were going to reveal Blanchard had been attacked by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW).

During the trial Blanchard took the witness stand and her testimony described experiences at and around the time of the murder that involved painful sounds and frequencies and voices in her head.

The Ocala Star Banner reported that Neely Blanchard took the witness stand. The Star Banner reported Blanchard did in fact testify that she shot Hallett. Blanchard said she “heard a voice telling her she was there to kill Hallett”.

Blanchard also recalled hearing weird noises and “frequency sound” that she said, “hurt my brain”.

The STATE OF FLORIDA panicked after Blanchard fired Maro and fast-tracked a Kangaroo Court Sham Trial to prevent Blanchard’s Defense. SEE VIDEO BELOW.

Jessie Marie Czebotar, a world expert on the Luciferian Brotherhood provided an assessment.

It is my belief that Havana Syndrome would be considered a matter of National Security correlating to spiritual gate projects; particular to the Voice of God Project.

There are questions “we the people” should be asking in regard to Havana Syndrome.

Has the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military working in connection with the U.S Military found a way to weaponize spiritual gates?

Is the weaponization of the spiritual gates connected to the trafficking of children through the U.S Military?

It is my full belief that Havana Syndrome is a “cover” for things far more sinister in regards to trafficking and election interference.

It is my belief that Havana Syndrome is being used as a weapon against President Donald J. Trump and Neely Blanchard to cover the truth about crimes being committed against children and humanity by the Luciferian Brotherhood and Sovereign Military Order,” Czebotar said.


A document with a red arrow pointing to it.


Timothy Charles Holmseth







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