“There are animals in these “freak off / assault parties”. Animals are forced on kids and kids are forced to do sexual things to animals. If you throw up , like I did , your face is rubbed in it or you eat it. There are crazy spinning wheels that child sex slaves are strapped to and spun. It’s a demonic frenzy everywhere like pirahnas after 1am” – Ally Carter

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 28, 2024 – USA
Ally Carter, a victim of the P. Diddy satanic sexual orgies and trafficking is revealing details of the satanic horrors that occurred during the child-rape-fests she was forced to participate in.
Carter posted today on Telegram at https://t.me/AllyandShelly
“There are animals in these “freak off / assault parties”. Animals are forced on kids and kids are forced to do sexual things to animals. If you throw up , like I did , your face is rubbed in it or you eat it. There are crazy spinning wheels that child sex slaves are strapped to and spun. It’s a demonic frenzy everywhere like pirahnas after 1am. Satanic Ritual abuse is not a joke. It’s everywhere and it’s in your face. He’s not the only one who has parties like this. He’s just the only one that the media is allowing you to see. I’ve talked about this before and I was called crazy. When are we going to talk about the child victims? Ally”
You are encouraged to visit Alley Carter’s website to see how you can get involved – – – Ally’s Army (allysarmy.com)