“To expose the hoaxes and abuses of power that have been tearing our country apart” – President Donald J. Trump [2024 – Post Election Statement of Presidential Plan] (OFFENDER: SCOTT MCKAY)

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on November 9, 2024 – USA
Hoaxer Scott McKay (aka Patriot Streetfighter) toured with Sasha Stone who is named by eyewitness Jessie Marie Czebotar as a child victim of satanic ritual rape that occurred during a 12-year-old Blasphemy Ritual in the 1980’s at Biltmore Vanderbilt Mansion in Asheville, North Carolina. Jessie Czebotar and Lucien Greaves eye-witnessed Stone, alongside 12-year-old Elon Musk and other boys, as they were raped by Catholic Priest Timothy Dolan in all orifices with a statue of Jesus that had been dipped in blood.
McKay does not alert the world to the crimes against humanity that occurred at Vanderbilt Mansion, rather, he colludes with fellow hoaxers including David Nino Rodriquez, Michael Jaco, Craig (Sawman) Sawyer, an operative called Alpha Warrior, the Millersville Tennessee Police Department and many others to assist scummy retired General Michael Flynn, a spy called Juan O’Savin, and Roseanne Barr to advance the criminally inspired plot to remove President Donald Trump from his duly elected position by any means necessary – including assassination.