90sNationNews Release – Call to Action #1 – #ALLYSARMY is everywhere! ** Graphic **

ally's army

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 6, 2024 – USA

The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force, TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS, and War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth support Ally Carter and her mom, Shelly.

Find Ally and Shelly on TELEGRAM – – – https://t.me/AllyandShelly

UPDATE: October 6, 2024

Our support for Ally’s Army is support limited to the personal plight of Ally Carter. The support does NOT extend to any others who might have helped create Ally’s Army.

We are investigating information that has come in from multiple sources that Jodi LoDolce is involved in creating Ally’s Army.  LoDolce is involved with Hillary Clinton’s bodyguard and accused kidnapper, child rapist, torturer and murderer Craig Randall (Sawman) Sawyer. Sawyer is credibly accused in a federal RICO Complaint authored by Attorney Steven Scott Biss of preparing a child torture victim for Hillary Clinton to eat (the Pineal gland).

Ally Carter is a heavily targeted abuse survivor.

READ JESSIE CZEBOTAR AFFIDAVIT – – – Craig Sawyer Affidavit by Jessie


#ALLYSARMY is everywhere!
Fight for the children. We THE people have had enough. The torture abuse , murder , and rape of all individuals in the shadows needs to come to light. No one is coming to end this war. It is up to all of us. When will people have enough? You don’t live in the world you think you do. This survivor Ally Carter, lived to tell her story. Now she is fighting till the death for those she had to leave behind. There are millions of survivors everywhere. What side will you tell your children you stood on? If you don’t know that Crimes against Humanity , Human Sex Trafficking, Organ Harvesting and Sex Slavery is the biggest problem facing the world (including the US ) it is time for you to Wake up. HUMAN SLAVERY KNOWS NO RACE , CREED , RELIGION OR GENDER. It is in every city /town across the globe. It DEMANDS warriors. Will you stand?



Timothy Charles Holmseth

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