SPECIAL NATIONAL SECURITY REPORT: CHINA LAKE NAVAL BASE – Human-Scorpion Hybrid, Human-Crow Hybrid, Human-Centipede Hybrid, Human-Spider Hybrid – “Dr. Alan Foster, injecting a human subject with a gene-editing serum, resulting in the growth of centipede legs over 72 hours. The subject’s screams were audible for the first 48 hours”

baby hybrid

Hard drives recovered contained 1.2 terabytes of data, including video logs of the experiments. One video showed a scientist, Dr. Alan Foster, injecting a human subject with a gene-editing serum, resulting in the growth of centipede legs over 72 hours. The subject’s screams were audible for the first 48 hours before vocal cords mutated.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on March 23, 2025 – USA

In 2018, award-winning news reporter and FBI witness (against Jeffrey Epstein) Timothy Charles Holmseth announced “Q – Project Ambition” [the strategically shortened version of “Q – Project Secret Ambition” [Nobody Knew His Secret Ambition – Michael W. Smith]    which was a coded message that he (Holmseth) was launching a journalistic infiltration of a movement called “Q” and/or “QAnon”.

In 2019, Holmseth was named the only reporter authorized by JSOC to report for the “Pentagon Pedophile Task Force”.

Timothy Charles Holmseth successfully infiltrated the INNER CIRCLE of the Luciferian Brotherhood System that was collaborating with the United States Military (Holmseth sat in on calls with U.S. Military Generals and others), the Federal Courts and U.S. State Department (e.g., Biss Law Office) (e.g. Attorney Lin Wood) the CIA (e.g. Robert David Steele) (one telephone call was supposedly with MELANIA TRUMP but Holmseth later determined it was very likely FAKE and was probably David Lester Straight’s fake wife, Bonnie Thomas Straight impersonating the First Lady).

Timothy Charles Holmseth successfully exposed what the System called “THE PLAN” which was a catchphrase that had been attached to a psychological operation called “Q”. THE PLAN was for General Michael Flynn to seize VIDEOS, that included all the child porn and child ritual sacrifice murder videos that were contained in the Pentagon computers at the Department of Defense headquarters which was blackmail material so profound that it equates to having the POWER TO RULE THE WORLD. Holmseth exposed other aspects of “Q” which included a claim that the System possessed the DNA of Jesus Christ, that Mary Magdalene’s descendent was working with them, that the Book of Revelations was unfolding, the JFK Jr. alive hoax, the planned chaos of January 6, 2021, the PLOT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT TRUMP (Holmseth warned the U.S. Secret Service), and the largest human trafficking operation in the history of the world.

NEW INFORMATION published on Twitter/X by Aerial – Prolotario1 is now revealing that the VIDEOS that General Michael Flynn planned to seize from the U.S. Department of Defense contained more than rape, torture, and murder films. Evidence shows the videos contained HELL ON EARTH military experiments that involved GENE SPLICING and the creation of ANIMAL-HUMAN HYBRIDS to be used as military weapons.


In 2019, on a date AFTER August 26, 2019, David Lester Straight, who claimed to be a U.S. Secret Service agent serving on 3 Presidential Commissions under President Trump and JSOC, told Timothy Charles Holmseth that he assisted the United States Maries with the rescue of 2,100 children from their confinement in cages underground in California. Straight told Holmseth (as well as Holmseth’s escrow agent Randi Lynn Erickson) that the ‘rescue’ had occurred the very night before he (Straight) told Holmseth and Erickson about it.

David Lester Straight told Randi Lynn Erickson the children were rescued from the “China Lake” military base.

Although David Lester Straight claimed to Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi Lynn Erickson that the transfer of the 2,100 children occurred AFTER the date of August 26, 2019, Wikipedia reports that on July 5, 2019, an earthquake having an epicenter within the China Lake boundaries occurred – and the base was shut down.

The time discrepancy appears to show that AFTER the July 5, 2019, earthquake, military-type forces went into the China Lake facility and MOVED 2,100 kids that remained in the closed military base.

In 2019, Timothy Charles Holmseth contacted David Lester Straight and asked Straight about “China Lake”.

David Lester Straight told Holmseth that the “China Lake” base could be used with “grease-cash” as a place “to do their dirty work”. SEE IMAGE BELOW


Holmseth referred to David Lester Straight as Pentagon 1 in his earliest reports. Holmseth reported Pentagon 1 told him they used the names of movies to describe what was found during the so-called “rescue”. Straight used the movie names “The Wizard of Oz” – “It” – “Back to the Future” – “The Matrix“.

The following is an earlier publication by TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 1, 2020 at 9:44 A.M.

On October 14, 2019 the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force reported 2,100 children were rescued by U.S. Marines from underground bases in California.

The children were rescued during night raids conducted by U.S. Marines using night vision at five different locations in California.

The military had PG&E cut the power in advance.

The children were held in hell-on-earth conditions of Biblical proportions.

My source, who I will refer to as Pentagon 1, referenced movies such as It, The Matrix, Back to the Future, and The Wizard of Oz to describe the insanity.

There were arrests and the children were taken to various medical and psychiatric facilities.

“I’m almost going to guarantee the majority probably came from CPS,” said Pentagon 1.

The children’s ages are “anywhere from three to seventeen,” Pentagon 1 said.

“There’s both girls and boys. I would say mostly girls but there’s both. All their needs are being met right now. They are being taken care of – the military has stepped up,” Pentagon 1 said.

“Not all those kids are making it. There all in base hospitals. There all trying to be fixed up and made whole and get some nutrition in them and they were in incredibly bad shape. And it’s going to be a long lengthy process to get those kids back on their feet” Pentagon 1 said.

“To investigate – to find all their parents – I mean it’s going to be a freakin’ nightmare,” Pentagon 1 said.


Pentagon 1 said the operation was done under cover of darkness.

“Why do you think PG&E shut the power off? That was the military telling PG&E to shut the power down they got to go in in the dark. So, they went in with all night vision – all in the dark. They did this stuff in the middle of the night,” Pentagon 1 said.

“And they blew – all those underground fires was because [those] military boys were pissed. They just blew it. There was tremendous amount of emotion there,” Pentagon 1 said.


“A lot of [the children] are not from the U.S. A lot of Spanish (children) from Mexico and Guatemala and South America. You know? Who knows who their freakin parents are? That’s a big reason [Trump] is putting up the wall. It’s to protect all of us – everybody,” Pentagon 1 said.


In 2020 Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi Lynn Erickson spoke with David Lester Straight.

“There’s instances where they [the rescued children] probably shouldn’t be alive,” David Lester Straight told Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi Lynn Erickson. Holmseth inquired if some of the children are “not even human” and Straight confirmed that was in fact the case.


On March 21, 2025, the Twitter/X account called Ariel located at @Prolotario1 published an extensive report entitled “Unclassified After-Action Report: Operation Nightshade – China Lake DUMB Clearance (2018)”. The information by Ariel was rolled out in multiple posts.

Unclassified After-Action Report: Operation Nightshade – China Lake DUMB Clearance (2018)

The poster Ariel slid in a “Q” and/or “QAnon” reference in his introduction that indicates Ariel is an agent of the System that created and deployed the “Q” psychological operation.

We are examining this information by Ariel and processing for a report.

~begin Ariel posts~

Preface- Names of operatives were changed to protect the integrity, reputation, and nature of this incident to ensure this is not used to defame those involved. Except for a few names. One being Thomas Castello. He is already well known. He will be in the 3rd post. Victims are unchanged in this regard as they are the true casualties in these experiments and maybe things will be taken more seriously in that regard. This will be a long thread. As I wanted to mention Emily Harper in this report as her info will be found under this post. Nothing needs to be taken at face value. Come to your own decision. Look into these reports. I left a link that gives you a huge library to start from. I will also leave it below this post. These events are just not something we will find in any extensive detail on mainstream or alternative media. But sometimes it’s so sensitive that I post on on platforms where not that many follow me anyway. One of course is Patreon. Some of this info is so out there it’s basically CreepyPasta territory. I can see why things had to go this route. It really is our choice to know per the Q-Drops. The horrors these people endured is something that can never truly be rectified. Operational Overview (Allegedly) – Location: Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, Kern County, California – Coordinates: Classified (Sublevel 9, Sector 4, accessed via Entry Point Bravo, a reinforced shaft 2 miles east of the main airfield). Facility Layout: The underground complex spans 12 sublevels, with Sublevel 9 designated for genetic experimentation. The area is a grid of reinforced concrete tunnels, 20 feet wide, with blast doors every 100 meters. Sublevel 9 has 15 chambers, each 50×50 feet, connected by a central corridor. Lighting is minimal industrial sodium-vapor lamps at 50-meter intervals. Mission Objective: Neutralize hostile entities, secure classified materials, and extract surviving personnel following a containment breach on 03/14/2018. Unit Assigned: 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Delta Force), Team Echo-7, consisting of 12 operators. Team Leader: Captain Nathan Cole, 34, 10 years in special operations. Weapons Loadout: M4A1 carbines with suppressors, M320 grenade launchers (loaded with 40mm HE rounds), M9 Berettas, and breaching charges. Each operator carried 6 magazines (30 rounds each) and 2 flashbangs. NVGs (night vision goggles) and thermal scopes were standard issue due to low-visibility conditions. Background Program Details: Sublevel 9 housed a DARPA-funded project, “Operation Helix,” initiated in 2009. The program focused on human-animal genetic hybridization to develop entities for military applications, including reconnaissance and combat support. The experiments involved CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to splice human DNA with animal and insect genomes. Containment Breach: On 03/14/2018, a power surge disabled the electromagnetic locks on containment cells, releasing 8 hybrid entities. The breach resulted in the deaths of 14 scientists and 6 security personnel before Delta Force was deployed. Mapping and Approach Entry: Team Echo-7 inserted via Entry Point Bravo at 0200 hours on 03/15/2018. The shaft descended 300 feet, requiring rappelling gear. A 5-ton elevator, disabled during the breach, was bypassed. Route to Sublevel 9: From the shaft, the team moved west through Tunnel Alpha-3, a 1,200-meter straightaway with 3 intersections. At Intersection 2, they encountered the first signs of the breach blood splatter and a severed human arm, later identified as belonging to Dr. Karen Ellis, a geneticist. Thermal scans showed no heat signatures in the immediate area. Sublevel 9 Entry: The team breached the blast door to Sublevel 9 using a C4 charge (2 pounds, shaped for maximum penetration). The door, 6 inches thick, gave way after 10 seconds. The corridor beyond was pitch black, with power offline. NVGs revealed claw marks on the walls, 8 feet high, indicating a large entity. Hostile Entities Encountered Entity 1: Human-Scorpion Hybrid Description: Approximately 6 feet long, 4 feet tall at the shoulder. The upper body was human male, mid-20s appearance, with atrophied arms. The lower body was that of a scorpion, with 6 legs and a 3-foot tail equipped with a venomous stinger. The entity’s skin was a mix of human flesh and chitinous exoskeleton, resistant to small-arms fire. Genetic Profile: Post-mission analysis revealed the human DNA belonged to a missing person, James Carter, 24, reported missing from San Diego in 2015. Scorpion DNA was sourced from *Hadrurus arizonensis* (desert hairy scorpion). The hybrid was engineered for close-quarters combat in confined spaces. Engagement: Encountered in Chamber 4 at 0230 hours. The entity ambushed the team from a ceiling vent, striking Specialist Mark Evans with its stinger. The venom caused immediate paralysis and cardiac arrest; Evans was KIA within 2 minutes. Captain Cole ordered suppressive fire with M4A1s 5.56mm rounds penetrated the human torso but ricocheted off the exoskeleton. Sergeant Ryan Holt fired a 40mm HE round from the M320, striking the entity’s tail joint. The explosion severed the tail, and a follow-up burst of 30 rounds to the torso neutralized the threat. Aftermath: Evans’ body was evac’d. The entity’s remains were bagged for analysis but later incinerated on orders from command to prevent biohazard risks. Entity 2: Human-Crow Hybrid Description: Humanoid, 5’8” tall, with a human head and torso but crow-like wings (10-foot wingspan) and taloned feet. The entity’s eyes were fully black, with enhanced night vision. It weighed 120 pounds, making it agile but fragile. Genetic Profile: Human DNA traced to Maria Lopez, 19, reported missing from Los Angeles in 2016. Crow DNA was from *Corvus brachyrhynchos* (American crow). The hybrid was designed for aerial reconnaissance but suffered from brittle bones due to genetic instability. Engagement: Encountered in Chamber 7 at 0300 hours. The entity was perched on a lab table, surrounded by the bodies of 3 scientists necks slashed by talons. It emitted a high-pitched screech, disorienting the team (sound measured at 120 decibels). The entity took flight, diving at Corporal David Kim with talons extended. Kim fired a 15-round burst from his M4A1, hitting the entity mid-air. The rounds shattered its wings, and it crashed into a wall. A single headshot from Captain Cole’s M9 Beretta (9mm) ended the threat. Aftermath: The entity’s body was photographed and documented. Autopsy revealed a malformed skeletal structure its bones were hollow like a bird’s but unable to support sustained flight. The remains were destroyed per protocol. Entity 3: Human-Centipede Hybrid Description: 12 feet long, 2 feet wide, with a human head and upper torso fused to a centipede body 50 segmented legs, each tipped with a sharp claw. The entity’s mouth had mandibles capable of exerting 300 pounds of bite force. Genetic Profile: Allegedly Human DNA belonged to an unidentified male, likely a prisoner, based on tattoo fragments on the torso. Centipede DNA was from Scolopendra gigantea (Amazonian giant centipede). The hybrid was intended for tunnel navigation and sabotage. Engagement: Encountered in the central corridor at 0345 hours. The entity moved at 15 mph, using the walls to climb and flank the team. It attacked from above, wrapping around Specialist John Tate and biting his shoulder. The bite severed Tate’s brachial artery; he bled out in 90 seconds despite a tourniquet. The team deployed flashbangs to disorient the entity, followed by concentrated fire. Sergeant Holt used a breaching charge (1 pound of C4) placed under the entity’s midsection. The explosion split the entity in half, and the human head continued to scream for 10 seconds before expiring. Aftermath: Tate’s body was evac’d. The entity’s remains were collected for study but showed signs of rapid decomposition likely a fail-safe to prevent long-term analysis. Tactical Observations Environment: Sublevel 9’s layout favored the hybrids. Narrow corridors limited maneuverability, and the lack of light gave the entities an advantage. Thermal scopes were ineffective against the human-scorpion hybrid due to its exoskeleton masking heat signatures. Hybrid Capabilities: The entities displayed heightened aggression and situational awareness. The human-crow hybrid used echolocation-like screeches to map the environment, while the human-centipede hybrid exploited vertical surfaces for ambushes. Team Performance: Echo-7 maintained discipline despite losses. Fireteam Alpha (Cole, Holt, Kim) held the central corridor, while Fireteam Bravo (Evans, Tate, others) cleared chambers. Communication via encrypted radios (AN/PRC-152) remained operational despite interference from the facility’s steel structure. Casualties and Extraction Casualties: – Specialist Mark Evans, KIA (venom-induced cardiac arrest). – Specialist John Tate, KIA (exsanguination from bite wound). – 3 additional operators wounded shrapnel from the C4 blast and talon slashes. All were stabilized and evac’d. Extraction: The team exfiltrated at 0500 hours via Entry Point Bravo. Surviving scientists (2) were extracted, along with classified hard drives containing experiment data. The facility was rigged with thermite charges and destroyed to prevent further breaches. Post-Mission Findings Victims: – James Carter, 24, San Diego, CA, missing since 2015 confirmed as the human-scorpion hybrid’s genetic source. – Maria Lopez, 19, Los Angeles, CA, missing since 2016 confirmed as the human-crow hybrid’s genetic source. – The human-centipede hybrid’s human DNA could not be identified due to degradation, but tattoos suggested a prison background. Documentation: Hard drives recovered contained 1.2 terabytes of data, including video logs of the experiments. One video showed a scientist, Dr. Alan Foster, injecting a human subject with a gene-editing serum, resulting in the growth of centipede legs over 72 hours. The subject’s screams were audible for the first 48 hours before vocal cords mutated. Witnesses: – Dr. Sarah Bennett, 42, a surviving scientist extracted during the operation. She later provided testimony to a classified Pentagon inquiry, detailing the use of abducted civilians in the program. She disappeared in 2019, presumed silenced. – Staff Sergeant Michael Ortiz, 29, a member of Echo-7. He suffered PTSD from the operation and was medically discharged in 2019. He has since spoken privately about the mission to select researchers. Current Status China Lake: The facility was officially decommissioned in 2019, but satellite imagery from 2023 shows renewed activity construction equipment and personnel entering the site. Ongoing Programs: Intelligence suggests that hybrid experimentation has been relocated to a DUMB in Nevada, possibly Groom Lake (Area 51). The programs are now under stricter oversight but have not been fully terminated. Key Takeaways – Operation Nightshade revealed the extent of human-animal hybrid experimentation at China Lake, involving the use of missing persons as genetic material. – Delta Force encountered three distinct hybrids human-scorpion, human-crow, and human-centipede each designed for specific military applications but deemed uncontrollable. – The operation resulted in 2 KIA and the destruction of the facility, but the broader program persists in other locations. – Recovered data and witness testimony confirm the ethical violations, including the use of civilians and the creation of sentient, suffering entities

The Creatures Encountered Human-Spider Hybrid (Little Girl’s Face with Spider Body) Description: This creature was encountered in a sublevel of the China Lake facility in 2017 during a military sweep ordered after a security breach. The entity had the face of a young girl, approximately 8–10 years old, with pale skin, blue eyes, and a disturbingly human expression of fear and pain. Its body was that of a large spider, roughly 5 feet in diameter, with eight segmented legs covered in coarse black hair. The creature’s human head was seamlessly fused to the spider thorax, and it could vocalize, producing a mix of childlike cries and insectoid chittering. Creation Process: This chimera was the result of splicing human embryonic stem cells with DNA from the Theraphosa blondi (Goliath birdeater tarantula). The human DNA was sourced from a child abducted in 2014 from Bakersfield, California, named Emily Harper, who was reported missing and never found. Her genetic material was used to create a sentient hybrid capable of limited telepathic communication, intended as a reconnaissance tool for navigating tight underground spaces. Behavior: The creature was found in a containment cell, restrained with titanium chains. It exhibited extreme aggression when approached, lunging at soldiers with its legs while simultaneously crying and begging for help in a child’s voice. Soldiers reported that it could project images of its past flashes of laboratory settings and scientists in white coats directly into their minds, causing severe psychological distress. Military Encounter: A Delta Force unit, tasked with clearing the facility after reports of a containment breach, encountered this creature on Sublevel 7. The team, led by Captain Daniel Rivera, was unprepared for the psychological impact. Two soldiers suffered mental breakdowns upon hearing the creature’s cries, and one opened fire, killing it. The creature’s body was later incinerated on-site to prevent further study or exposure. Other Chimeras Encountered at China Lake Human-Wolf Hybrid: A 7-foot-tall creature with a human torso, arms, and head but the lower body and fur of a wolf. It had enhanced strength and speed, capable of lifting 1,500 pounds and running at 40 mph. This hybrid was designed as a shock troop but was deemed too aggressive and uncontrollable. It killed three scientists during a 2016 test and was terminated. Human-Bat Hybrid: A winged creature with a human face and bat-like wings spanning 12 feet. It was created for aerial reconnaissance but suffered from severe skeletal deformities, rendering it unable to fly. It was found in a state of extreme suffering, with broken wings and self-inflicted wounds, and was euthanized by the military in 2018. Human-Serpent Hybrid: A 15-foot-long creature with a human upper body and the lower body of a snake. It was engineered for underwater operations but developed a venomous bite that killed handlers. It was destroyed after escaping its containment in 2015 and killing five personnel.

Broader Operations Across DUMBs Dulce Base, New Mexico (Site 1 in Document: “Linked to deep underground oceanic tunnels”) Operations: Dulce Base was a primary hub for chimera experimentation, focusing on human-reptilian hybrids. These creatures were created using DNA from abducted individuals and reptilian species allegedly sourced from extraterrestrial contacts. The hybrids were intended as a labor force for underground construction but became hostile, leading to a 1979 conflict known as the “Dulce War.” Creatures: Soldiers encountered 8-foot-tall reptilian-human hybrids with scaly skin, slit-pupil eyes, and human-like intelligence. These beings could speak in guttural English and were armed with advanced weaponry. They were responsible for the deaths of 66 U.S. soldiers during the 1979 conflict. Witnesses: A surviving soldier, Thomas Castello, who worked as a security officer at Dulce, fled the base in 1980 and provided detailed accounts of the experiments. He described seeing vats filled with human body parts used for genetic splicing and reported that over 30,000 hybrids were created at Dulce before the program was shut down in the 1990s. Area 51, Nevada (Not Listed in Document but Relevant) Operations: Area 51’s underground levels were used for human-avian hybrid experiments. The goal was to create beings capable of flight and enhanced vision for surveillance. Creatures: A notable chimera was a human-owl hybrid with a human body, owl wings, and large, reflective eyes. It was capable of flight but suffered from extreme light sensitivity, leading to its termination in 2013 after it attacked personnel during a test. Victims: The program used DNA from missing persons, including a 22-year-old woman named Sarah Mitchell, who disappeared in Las Vegas in 2010. Her family was never informed of her fate. Casualties and Extraction Casualties: (Allegedly) Specialist Mark Evans, KIA (venom-induced cardiac arrest). Specialist John Tate, KIA (exsanguination from bite wound). 3 additional operators wounded shrapnel from the C4 blast and talon slashes. All were stabilized and evac’d. Extraction: The team exfiltrated at 0500 hours via Entry Point Bravo. Surviving scientists (2) were extracted, along with classified hard drives containing experiment data. The facility was rigged with thermite charges and destroyed to prevent further breaches. Post-Mission Findings Victims: James Carter, 24, San Diego, CA, missing since 2015 confirmed as the human-scorpion hybrid’s genetic source. Maria Lopez, 19, Los Angeles, CA, missing since 2016 confirmed as the human-crow hybrid’s genetic source. The human-centipede hybrid’s human DNA could not be identified due to degradation, but tattoos suggested a prison background. Documentation: Hard drives recovered contained 1.2 terabytes of data, including video logs of the experiments. One video showed a scientist, Dr. Alan Foster, injecting a human subject with a gene-editing serum, resulting in the growth of centipede legs over 72 hours. The subject’s screams were audible for the first 48 hours before vocal cords mutated.

~end Ariel posts~


Timothy Charles Holmseth 


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