America’s worst in-grown ass hair Craig Sawyer exposed AGAIN!

A red and white fraud alert sign on a black background.

Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s creepy former bodyguard has been busted again.

Yes, Craig Sawyer is one dirty, dirty, dirty little Thailand-visiting-to-help-kids man.

Yep, he’s a nasty one.

In case anyone forgot…

In 2017, (supposed) (claimed) (alleged) (self proclaimed) Navy Seal Craig Sawyer founded Vets 4 Child Rescue with the help of fellow con-man Alex Jones (Jones is actually the comedian Bill Hicks) where the two freaks embarked on a fraud of epic proportions – raking in tons of money from donors based on promises to free children who had been human trafficked, from cages – and then rescuing no children while keeping the money.

Well…Craig ‘Sewer-man’ Sawyer has been called out again. This time he was exposed by a real U.S. Marine – Author Robert O’Dowd.  “I served 52 months on active duty from Jan 25, 1962 to May 24, 1966 in the 1st, 3rd and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings and then 20 months in the 14th Marines on inactive reserve status.  Honorably discharged in January 1968. Total service of 72 months,” O’Dowd said.

O’Dowd reviewed ‘Sewer-man’s’ resume which is posted online, and after doing some simple math, realized scumbag Sawyer, 56, had to be lying about his years of military service. Sawyer’s online resume shows he was in the Army for 29 years, and, in the Navy and Marines for 13 years.

“He couldn’t have served 29 years in the Army and 13 years of combined service in the Marines and the Navy, a total of 42 years. He would have to have enlisted at age 14 to do all this service,” O’Dowd said.

“Army Command Sgt. Maj for 29 years!  No way.  It’s the details that will get you into trouble all the time. You don’t make this type of mistake,” O’Dowd said.

Sawyer was previously outed by someone inside his own operation who provided documents and showed how Sawyer was using shell companies and funneling Vets 4 Child Rescue donations to himself.

The newest question is – does MONTAGRAPH (born Dale Ellis Bennett) have any videos of Craig Sawyer in ‘Thailand’???

Read ‘Famous Navy SEAL that operates Vets For Child Rescue accused of rampant fraud by Board member’ and find out just how much of an in-grown ass hair Craig Sawyer really is.

View also – – – SECRET POLICE in America? VIPR teams silencing witnesses? On AMERICAN soil?


Robert O’Dowd is a Marine Corps veteran who served on active duty for 52 months with the 1st, 3rd and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings in the 1960s.  At Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, CA, he was assigned to Marine Wing Services Group 37, “Spook Corner,” the area where CIA proprietary C-130s, offloaded cocaine in the 1980s and 1990s. This was the most industrialized area of the base. The perfect location to offload cocaine in the early morning hours with only a few Marines on duty watch. To cross the Mexican border, the aircraft had government-issued transponder codes to avoid interception by US Customs and Border Protection aircraft. The white powder was off-loaded by long-air civilians in jeans into waiting vans.  Marine MPs would stop any vehicle without a government-issued decal. It was obvious that this was a government approved operation.  Retiring from the Defense Department in 1996, he teamed up with Tim King, Marine veteran and founder of, to write about the environmental contamination at El Toro and Camp Lejeune, two EPA Superfund bases, and the health effects to veterans unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals and radiation.  His reporting led him to the sensational murder and government cover-up of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow at El Toro, the sabotage of Arrow Air 1285 and the deaths of 258 Americans in Gander, Newfoundland, other murders and the trafficking of cocaine into El Toro, the fuel for the crack cocaine epidemic. The official dead count from Arrow Air 1285 was 256 Americans, including 248 Airborne troops and 8 crew members. Arrow Air reported 250 passengers. There are convincing reasons to believe that the Army deliberately understated the dead to avoid including two Special Forces passengers, escorting the bodies of dead Green Light team members, loaded in the cargo hold of the DC-8 in Cairo, to Fort Campbell. Arrow Air 1285 failed to clear US Customs in Cairo when the officer responsible for inspecting the aircraft was denied a ramp pass. This and other factors support an aborted covert mission to deploy a nuclear backpack in the Middle East.  The names of the dead Special Forces are known only to God. You can write Robert at [email protected].

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2 thoughts on “America’s worst in-grown ass hair Craig Sawyer exposed AGAIN!

  1. I served 52 months on active duty during the Vietnam from Jan 25, 1962 to May 24, 1966 in the 1st, 3rd and 4th Marine Aircraft Wings and then 20 months in the 14th Marines on inactive reserve status. Honorably discharged in January 1968. Total Marine Corps service of 72 months. I’m a 100% disabled Marine veteran of MCAS El Toro, CA. To date, I have survived 4 cancers and multiple other medical conditions linked to service in the Marines. El Toro is an EPA Superfund site, one of the most toxic environments in the US. I worked and slept on duty watch in Hangar 296 for 20 months. Hangar 296 was the source of a Trichloroethylene plume spreading off base into the Orange County aquifer. The plume cut a path right through the base wells. My workspace and sleeping quarters in the hanger were contaminated with Radium 226. The Navy completed clean-up of the hangar in November 2018. No El Toro Marine was notified by the government of their risks of toxic exposures to toxic chemicals and radiation. There are 26 contaminated sites at El Toro. El Toro Marines have to fight for VA disability compensation, one Marine at a time. Many have died from toxic exposures.

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