Article: Hillary’s bodyguard (Craig Sawyer) – “The Sawyers are drug traffickers”

A person is holding a piece of a bag of drugs.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 2, 2020 at 9:34 P.M.

Hillary Clinton’s bodyguard (Craig Sawyer – Veterans For Child Rescue) isn’t fooling anyone.

The following are excerpts taken from – – –



The Sawyers are drug traffickers. Tressa supplies drugs she obtains from Mexico, to her friends and to V4CR staff – even if they don’t want them. V4CR Board Meetings were pot smoking gatherings in which Aspen joined. Aspen is a drug mule. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, hanging out with drug dealers and gang members. She often disappeared to California for weeks at a time. Aspen started off as a straight A student, but she went off the rails after Tressa forced her to undergo a nose job, after telling her she wouldn’t get anywhere in life without one. And it didn’t help that Craig Sawyer beat her, as she posted on Facebook. Sawyer is a steroid user and the family dog is visibly terrified of him. Staff witnessed his bursts of roid rage.

The donations provided to V4CR were not spent on rescuing children. They were spent on the Sawyers who had no alternative means of income. Tressa makes almost nothing from her real estate work. The family lived the high life on V4CR donations. Craig personally took $11,000 per month from V4CR donations, on top of all the extras V4CR donations paid for. V4CR donations paid for the Sawyers to attend sporting events and gun shows all over the USA. For example, Craig and Aspen Sawyer flew to Dover and to Martinsville for Nascar events, on October 6 and 21. They attended another Nascar event in Phoenix AZ. Worse, a party of 6 people (Craig, Tressa, Aspen, Aspen’s boyfriend, TJ Smith, plus some random brunette friend) flew to a Louisiana State University Game. During his trips away, Craig has sexual affairs with Blonde Barbies. With the knowledge of staff members including Jeannette Carlisle, Craig hooked up with a Barbie lookalike named ‘CJ’ at an NRA show in Atlanta in 2017, and with another at the Vegas gun show.


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