fbi photos

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 17, 2022 – USA

The following information was submitted today via courier to the Office of the Attorney General in Arizona.

The Phoenix FBI and Attorney Steven S. Biss were copied.


From: Timothy Charles Holmseth

808 Carmichael Rd.

PMB 156

Hudson, Wisconsin


Contact Tel: REDACTED

In Re: Greg Phillips

October 17, 2022

To: Office of the Attorney General – AG Mark Brnovich

Reginald “Reggie” Grigsby

Chief Special Agent

Special Investigations Section

2005 N. Central Avenue

Phoenix, AZ



Dear Agent Grigsby,

I have information that I believe will assist your investigations into Gregg Phillips and True the Vote.

I have evidence and information that will show that although Gregg Phillips is the highly visible front man for True The Vote, he is acting as a visibility buffer for a former Navy SEAL from Arizona named REDACTED. Evidence will show REDACTED is likely the mastermind behind the illegal activities you are investigating.

Greg Phillips, REDACTED, and many others within their cartel have a plan to spy on the American people, and are plotting to violate the rights of the People. Phillips publicly describes their plan to put surveillance on drop boxes, use artificial intelligence, and gather intelligence which will be bundled and sent to “fusion centers” which will then be sent to what he calls “Constitutional Sheriffs”.

I have evidence that this this is simply the continuation of an already existing plan to take over the United States by organized criminals comprised of ex-military special forces and rogue federal agent(s) that are attempting to form their own government.

My professional background will streamline right into the information I am going to provide you.

I have been an award-winning news reporter with the North Dakota Newspaper Association. In 2010, I was interviewed by the FBI regarding a child kidnapping in Florida and was deemed credible by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, Minneapolis FBI. I alerted the FBI to a man named “John Regan” who was telling searchers he was a “undercover pedophile” for the “FBI” and “CIA”. I was told during recorded interviews with Wayanne Kruger, Avondale, Arizona, that John Regan was working with FBI/CIA child traffickers, including a REDACTED from Broward County, Florida REDACTED REDACTED, to steal children and move them out of the United States through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

During the course of my investigations, and over a decade later, I discovered “John Regan” was in fact one and the same as an FBI agent named “REDACTED” who became famous (as seen on Oprah, FOX NEWS, etc.) after he supposedly went REDACTED the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Evidence actually shows a cover-story was created by the FBI for REDACTED REDACTED illegal activities in NAMLBA.

You need simply compare the photo I obtained of “John Regan” and compare it to “REDACTED” and you will see they are the same man with the same Bio (e.g. undercover pedophile, etc.)

REDACTED sits on the Board of Advisors of REDACTED, Arizona. REDACTED was created by Hillary Clinton’s former personal security guard, REDACTED.

REDACTED openly stated on social media he was involved in the illegal movements of children across the U.S/Mexican border. REDACTED characterizes himself as if he is law enforcement.

Filings and Exhibits in the U.S. Court case of Erickson v. REDACTED 21-cv-2536 (ECT/ECW) show REDACTED, REDACTED, and others threatened Randi Lynn Erickson and Timothy Charles Holmseth. Some of the threats that came in via interstate electronic communications contain threats by REDACTED to kidnap and murder Erickson and Holmseth. One message is so psychotic it describes a plan to take Holmseth’s daughter to the Fort Campbell military base where they will have a dog rape her while they film it.

Filings in the U.S. Court case of Erickson v. REDACTED 21-cv-2536 (ECT/ECW) show REDACTED attorney Brendan Tupa, Droel Law (MN-TX) talking about trafficked children.

On February 15, 2022, Tupa/Droel included my name “Timothy Charles Holmseth” in a filing. Tupa/Droel named me and evidence I obtained regarding an FBI agent named “John Regan”. Droel said, “sold kidnapped babies through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC”.

Tupa/Droel said, “Jessie Marie Czebotar” and then talked about trafficked and murdered children, saying “…as well as several murders by Hillary Rodham Clinton in Chicago in the early 1980s, which included the raping, torturing, and eating of children during satanic rituals”.

Tupa/Droel said, “…and other high-profile individuals, such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Mike Pence, John Kerry, Muammar Gaddafi, Amy Coney Barrett, and Elon Musk to name a few, as being involved in some Satanic cult that tortures, rapes, murders, and eats children.”

REDACTED is working directly with Greg Phillips of True the Vote. REDACTED and Phillips appear together in photographs and cross-promote each other on social media.

Evidence shows REDACTED and Phillips are involved in something they call “geo-fencing” which they say was used at the Capital on January 6, 2021. REDACTED appeared regularly on Alex Jones’ Info Wars.  REDACTED was interviewed by Owen Shroyer and talked about the geo-fencing technology which he said was going to be used to fight human trafficking. Obviously, that is the cover-story to use their spy technology on innocent people.

Evidence shows Gregg Phillips and REDACTED are operating an organized criminal enterprise in violation of the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

In 2020, Randi Lynn Erickson retained Attorney Steven S. Biss, Charlottesville, Virginia, to represent her in a Defamation case. The case soon evolved into a RICO case because the necessary predicate acts for RICO had been met. Biss is an officer of the U.S. Court; Biss has evidence implicating REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED; Erickson has paid $30,000.00 in attorney’s fees to date.

On January 4, 2021, Attorney Lin Wood launched his famous Tweet storm, which he began with a Tweet to President Donald Trump that contained a MEMO I authored warning Trump about Vice President Mike Pence and an international human harvesting operation involving “John Regan”.

In the days leading up to the 2020 Election, Attorney Wood was operating a command post out of Tomotley Plantation, South Carolina. The command post saw many comings and goings by nefarious individuals who, as is demonstrated by evidence, were plotting the overthrow of the United States government and falsely implicating President Donald Trump.

Tomotley Plantation hosted Retired General Michael Flynn, Attorney Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne, and a gaggle of Navy SEALS including Jeff Wobig, David Hancock Jordan Molatch, and Aaron Vick.

Tweets show Attorney Wood communicated with REDACTED and discussed me. REDACTED was furious that Wood named me in his Tweet to Trump. Wood is seen praising REDACTED and his child rescue operations (Which does not exist. REDACTED is running a fraud akin to the ‘Catch a Predator’  TV show where he brought Hollywood-grade cameras and baited a few perverts to a location. REDACTED then suggested to gullible donors that laying a trap for a pervert means he is rescuing thousands of children).

In the days and weeks leading up to the events of January 6, 2021, I talked to a man from Bend, Oregon (now of Keene, Texas) David Lester Straight.

In 2019, Straight told me during a recorded call that he was an agent of the U.S. Secret Service. Straight told me he viewed videos of “Mike Pence” raping a little boy. He said he was able to view the videos because he worked for the “Secret Service” and once protected President Bush. Straight told me he served on three Presidential Commissions under President Donald Trump. The commissions were “Human Trafficking” “Judicial Corruption” and “Space Force”.

Straight told former Minnesota judge Randi Lynn Erickson that he trained “six hundred” sheriffs at a seminar. I believe your investigations will lead you to David Straight who is attempting to form his own government and his own law enforcement. It will be David Straight’s so-called ‘sheriffs’ who Greg Phillips and REDACTED pass their data along to.

David Straight printed business cards and gave himself the title of “Colonel” for the Republic of Texas -Texas Rangers. In a communication with Randi Erickson, Straight said he is on a “battlefield” and he is the “General”. David Straight has a fake wife named Bonnie who has business cards that say she is “Counsel General” of the Republic of Texas. David Straight has set up what he calls an “Embassy” in Keene, Texas.

David Straight talked to me on the phone during recorded calls in the days and weeks leading up to the events of January 6, 2021. He told me he wrote and “indictment”. He told me they were going to arrest “Mike Pence” and some members of U.S. Congress. He told me they were going to “try them” and “hang them”. Straight told me he spoke to Attorney Lin Wood a few days before January 6, 2021 and would be meeting Wood in Washington DC.

The organized criminal enterprise network Gregg Phillips, REDACTED, David Straight, and others are creating, conspires and coordinates with local and municipal police and courts (e.g. Family courts) to target and kidnap their enemies.

On August 13, 2022, Alexandria Goddard, Ohio, who bragged to the media that she conspired with Ohio cops to kidnap a man, handcuff him to a bed, and sexually torture him with hot sauce, texted a photo of a very ‘small’ looking vagina to Randi Lynn Erickson. The vagina had no hair around it. The photo looks like it might be a corpse. Goddard, who is not believed to be an American citizen, told Erickson that she is the person that prepared the Restraining Orders that were filed in the Anoka County Family Court division by REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED against Randi Erickson and Timothy Holmseth. I am attaching the letter I sent to the Cleveland FBI regarding that matter.

In short – Gregg Phillips, REDACTED, David Straight and their cartel are building a Nazi type evil government regime right under the noses of the American people – and they are doing it by tricking people into foolishly believing they are MAGA and connected to our duly elected President Donald Trump.

Very respectfully yours,

Timothy Charles Holmseth

War Correspondent/News Reporter/Investigative Journalist/Author

Cc: Phoenix FBI, Attorney Steven S. Biss



Timothy Charles Holmseth

808 Carmichael Road

PMB 156

Hudson, Wisconsin


Contact Tel: REDACTED

In Re: Possible Interstate Transmission of Child Pornography by Alexandria Goddard / RICO / HOBBS ACT

October 7, 2022

Federal Bureau of Investigation

1501 Lakeside Avenue

Cleveland, Ohio


Dear Special Agent in Charge,

Attached you will find evidence of what appears to be the federal crime of interstate electronic transmission of child pornography.  Enclosed is a litany of documents and files that will aid your investigation.

Clear and convincing evidence shows Alexandria Goddard conspired with others, including members of law enforcement in Ohio, as they conspired to frame Randi Lynn Erickson, as well as myself.

Randi Lynn Erickson and myself both submitted Affidavits and/or evidence to the Belmont County Courts in Ohio but the filings do not show up on the Register of Actions.

Evidence shows this matter may involve the case and arrest of Justin Foley in Ohio for child pornography related charges.

Enclosed you will find documents. You will also find a USB Flash Drive. I will direct you to a folder entitled STATE OF OHIO; in that folder is a folder entitled ERICKSON GODDARD TEXT. In the folder you will see a text exchange that took place between Randi Lynn Erickson, Elk River, Minnesota, and Alexandria Goddard, Martins Ferry, Ohio.

In the folder you will see Goddard texted a photo to Erickson (un-solicited by Erickson) of a ‘small’ vagina amidst ‘small hips’ with no surrounding pubic hair whatsoever. It appears to have strange bruising and may even be a corpse.

There are too many federal crimes occurring for me to list the statutes.

The body of material enclosed herein easily demonstrates evidence that Alexandria Goddard and her co-conspirators are committing violations of the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act and the HOBBS ACT.

Respectfully submitted,

Timothy Charles Holmseth

War Correspondent/Investigative Journalist

Enclosed: PRINTED PHOTO OF VAGINA, Documents, Belmont County Summons/Complaint, Article “OHIO IN CRISIS – MURDER, TORTURE, PORN – COPS IMPERSONATING THE EXECUTIVE – (THE JUDGE RANDI LYNN ERICKSON CALLS)”, Text Exchange Between Goddard and Erickson, Screenshots of media productions in violation of RICO by Levi Henry Page, Tennessee, and William Kevin Murtaugh, Florida, evidence available at


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