by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on February 19, 2024 – USA
Attorney Lin Wood possesses the contents of the infamous laptop from hell – “Hunter’s Laptop”.
This, according to former Navy SEAL David Hancock, who resided at Wood’s South Carolina plantation Tomotley for a period of time in 2020, where he served as Executive Director of #FIGHTBACK.
But wait… there’s more that is not showing up in any official court filings by Fulton County DA Fani Willis who has listed Lin Wood as a witness for the State of Georgia in her RICO case against President Donald Trump and others.
According to Hancock, he (Hancock) was contacted by the U.S. Secret Service and asked for a “tactical layout” of Wood’s South Carolina property before, Hancock said, they put Wood into a “Secret Service threat matrix”.
“I almost forgot that President Trump had Lin barred from getting within 1000 meters from him,” Hancock said.
Hancock said Lin is a “self-admitted informant” for the “FBI”.
Hancock taunted Wood about the infamous laptop in a social media post on Telegram where he said Wood possesses the “photos and videos from Hunter’s hard drive“.

Based upon messages and media archived during a very public online battle between Hancock and Wood – it’s clear Hancock is referring to the laptop owned by Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.
The allegation by Hancock against Wood is now shining a white-hot spotlight on Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis who neglected to criminally charge Wood in the State’s RICO case against President Donald Trump and others, despite a recommendation by the Grand Jury to charge Wood.
Willis however named “Lin Wood” as a Witness for the State.
The back-story surrounding Wood and his activities is set to expose a scandal so profound it won’t be called a scandal – it will be evidence of crimes against humanity that involves human trafficking, torture, rape, murder, satanic ritual sacrifice, and cannibalism at the industrial level.
The relationship between former SEAL Hancock and Wood began in 2020 following a very public falling out between Wood and his then client Steve Wynn, the well-known Casino mogul out of Las Vegas.
According to Wood, Wynn kicked him (Wood) out of his Palm Beach home – where Wood was staying as a guest – on the weekend before his (Wood’s) photo with President Trump in the Oval Office that was taken on March 11, 2020. According to Wood, following the heated break-up between himself and Wynn, he (Wood) was given a ride to the airport by Wynn’s ex-Navy SEAL security guard, who was kind and gracious and directed Wood to, yet another Navy SEAL named Jeff Wobig – who Wood then hired to perform services on Wood’s South Carolina plantation Tomotley.
In the months, weeks, and days before the chaos of January 6, 2021 in Washington DC, Wood’s Tomotley plantation in Yemassee, South Carolina was used as a command post by Wood, retired General Michael Flynn, Attorney Sidney Powell, Overstock CEO and FBI informant Patrick Byrne, and many others along with a gaggle of outlaw Navy SEALS associated with Fortress Global LLC, that included Jeffrey Wobig.
Wobig was holding himself out online as working with fellow “veterans” who work “for” the good of children doing “child rescue”.
Evidence and exhibits in U.S. Court case 3:22-cv-00912 (Tennessee Middle District – RICO) show that in 2020 Wobig was partnering with federal agents, foreign intelligence networks, and high-level military brass including the then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army General Mark Milley, retired U.S. Navy Vice-Admiral Charles W. Moore, and retired U.S. Army General Michael Flynn. The cadre was issuing kidnap, torture, rape, and murder threats to War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth and former Minnesota government judge Randi Lynn Erickson.

Hancock openly states he is a colleague of Wobig.
In an email from 2020 Wood said, “Dave [Hancock] is Executive Director of #FightBack foundation and is a fine man”.
However, upon the falling out between Wood and Hancock, Wood accused Hancock of being an “unpaid volunteer” who was “paid to perform IT services for #FightBack “which is likely how he was able to hack the domain after he was ordered off my property”.
Documentation between Wood and Hancock after their falling-out in late October 2020, contains messages that show Wood and Hancock were communicating in a civil manner about the process of Hancock turning over his Company’s work product (i.e., passwords, etc.) to Wood’s new IT firm.
On January 4, 2021, Wood launched a Tweet storm where he announced to the world that he possessed videos of world leaders raping and murdering children. Yesterday TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS reported, “DA FANI WILLIS MELTDOWN LEADS TO QUESTIONS ABOUT STATE OF GEORGIA’S KNOWLEDGE OF STATE’S WITNESS LIN WOOD’S CHILD RAPE and MURDER BLACKMAIL VIDEO LIBRARY & #FIGHTBACK FUNDS“.
Following the chaos of January 6, 2021 in Washington DC, the content in Wood’s internet system for #FightBack, which now appears to be the photos and videos from Hunter Biden’s laptop to which Hancock had access, became an increasingly heated point of contention between Wood and Hancock, until Wood actually tried to have Hancock arrested by local police.
On June 8, 2021, Wood published a letter he received from Police Chief G.Z. Alexander, Yemassee Police Department, that referenced Wood as the “victim” in “The State of South Carolina vs. David Joseph Hancock, case 21YE3806” that declared there was an “active arrest warrant with the Yemassee Police Department” for Hancock.
This is a developing story.