Closed Until After Election: Suspicion surrounds closing of County Recorder’s office in Minnesota

A map showing the state of minnesota.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 22, 2020 at 1:05 P.M.

What exactly is going on in Minnesota?

According to experts, county offices in Minnesota are assuming roles regarding official vital documents, such as birth and death records, passports, and other vital records, which are supposed to be processed by the state and/or federal government.


Something is happening right now in Cottonwood County, Minnesota that does not feel right.

Today, the Cottonwood County Recorder announced by email, to people who were on a select mailing list, that the County Recorder’s office will be closed until after the 2020 election.

“The office will be closed through November 4th. I am very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,” said Kathy Kretsch, the recorder for the county.

The email did not even explain why the county office, which is located in Windom, Minnesota is closing.

The Cottonwood County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the closing. The closing is because somebody tested positive for COVID 19, the Sheriff’s office said.

The closing is suspicious for several reasons.

  • Recorder Kretsch somehow knows the issue of COVID-19 in the office is going to be over on November 4, 2020, which is the day after state and federal elections. Where did Kretsch obtain that ‘medical prognosis’ based date for her decision and announcement?
  • Recorder Kretsch opted to not even mention COVID-19 in her email announcing the closing. Rather, the information was sought out by a news reporter.
  • The office is completely closed to the public, which according to experts is both unlawful and illegal.
  • According to another Cottonwood County office we contacted, the Recorder’s office will be completely closed. However, Recorder Kretsch will go in at night and record documents. It is not known why it would be necessary for the office to stay closed during the day, while, at the same time, it would somehow be appropriate for the office to be occupied during the night.

Investigators have learned that this strange and unlawful activity involving government offices that work with “vital documents” is happening all over the United States.

The role of the County Recorder is to act as a third neutral party to any transaction, an expert said.

But that is not what is happening.

“County recorders across the country, whether elected or appointed, are losing control of their offices,” said an insider.

“They are creating these little associations and then making their own rules up. They are making rules that are not allowed by legislation. They are outsourcing their work to private contractors such as Tyler Technologies which may not have the public’s best interest in mind,” our source said.

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