by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on April 12, 2024 – USA

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Prosecutors plan to ask a jury in a first-degree murder trial to consider whether or not Michelle Obama has a penis, and if so, to further determine how big her penis is, when assessing the guilt or innocence of Neely Petrie-Blanchard.

The issue of Michelle Obama’s possible penis has been made relevant in the murder trial by the Prosecution in STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE-BLANCHARD, where the STATE has entered into evidence a news story inexplicably connecting Blanchard to “QAnon” (which the State is presenting as a bad thing) – and then connecting Blanchard’s alleged ‘QAnon’ interest with Michelle Obama’s possible penis (which the STATE also suggests is crazy) in the SAME STORY.

The document regarding the State’s evidence involving Michelle Obama’s penis has been published on the State of Florida’s website for the prospective Jury Pool to read for a year. SA WILLIAM GLADSON MICHELLE OBAMA PENIS

The plot by the FBI, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and members of the judicial community to remove President Trump from the political playing field, in advance of the 2024 Presidential Election, has officially led to evidence being submitted by a Marion County, Florida Prosecutor into a First-Degree Murder trial in Florida where the size of former First Lady Michelle Obama’s alleged “well-hung” penis is to be considered as evidence.

On April 19, 2023, William Gladson, the State’s Attorney for Florida’s 5th Judicial Circuit, filed TANGIBLE EVIDENCE into STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE-BLANCHARD described as OTHER MEDIA TYPE – News Article – Ludicrous QAnon conspiracies from satanic paedophile.

Screenshot from TANGIBLE EVIDENCE filed by States Attorney William Gladson in STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE-BLANCHARD


The Mirror article entered by SA Gladson refers to stories that have circulated about former First Lady Michelle Obama being a biological male with a penis.

The story promotes a Channel 4 Documentary called “The Cult of Conspiracy: QAnon” by Benjamin Zand.

The story discusses “Neely Petrie-Blanchard” and the murder of “Christopher Hallett” and paints Blanchard in a very bad light.

Daily Star TV Channel 4 published “Michelle Obama ‘is a well-hung man’ QAnon conspiracy theory‘.


There does not appear to be any evidence submitted into the court record that would establish the gender of former President Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama.

President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama have not been listed as witnesses in the case.

There does not appear to be any Discovery provided to Blanchard pertaining to Michelle Obama’s gender or the size of her penis (if she has one).

SA Gladson’s reliance on Zand, which has been available for the public to read for a year, creates a focus and emphasis and area of research for the eventual Jury in STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE-BLANCHARD to direct their attention to Zand – and Michelle Obama’s potential penis.


Zand refers to interviews he conducted with a man named Dustin Nemos. “His [Barack Obama] wife is better hung than I am and I’ve seen it on YouTube – multiple videos,” Zand said, quoting Nemos.

It’s not disputed that Nemos is a male, however, the size of Nemos’ penis is not readily known and he’s not on the Witness list.

Gladson’s trial strategy to encourage the prospective jurors to think about the size of Nemos’ penis, and then compare it to Michelle Obama’s (possible) penis, is unusual.

Some believe the Prosecutors in this case are exhibiting psychosis.

It is not known how Administrative Judge Lisa Herndon will issue the Jury Instructions in regard to the penis issue created by Gladson, which involves the definition of “well-hung’.

It’s not known what the STATE OF FLORIDA will present as the STATE’S position regarding the assessment of “well-hung” which could involve length and width (i.e. girth).

It is possible Blanchard, who has repeatedly stated she is not a so-called “Sovereign Citizen” or QAnon junkie, may argue she is receiving an unfair trial before a tainted jury.

It is a fact that ASA Amy Berndt and Judge Herndon both stated in open court that Blanchard is a “sovereign citizen” which was promptly published by the Ocala Star Banner for the jury pool to read.

There is no known evidence that Blanchard has ever even once said Michelle Obama has a penis, much less that the penis is big.

The late Joan Rivers publicly stated Michelle Obama was a man and then she (Rivers) died mysteriously quickly thereafter.

Gladson’s decision to enter stories and videos from the Web into evidence in the Blanchard murder trial could also lead to interesting developments. There does exist videos online of Michelle Obama dancing on television, where there appears to be (in the opinion of some) something large swinging around and protruding out in the crotch area – something you would not see when a woman dances.

Legal scholars may conclude to believe that if Blanchard could prove Michelle Obama has a large penis that swings around in her pants for the world to see, it would negate Gladson’s arguments about Blanchard and QAnon and be favorable to her Defense.

However, Blanchard certainly will not be able to call the former First Lady to the Stand, and then ask her to pull her pants down in front of the jury during the public trial so they can inspect her genitals.


With the importance of a fair trial, and the need to maintain the integrity of the justice system in the United States, many are questioning why SA Gladson and DeSantis have chosen to create this FREAKSHOW that involves images in the mind of jurors of a naked man with a large penis, mixed with the issue of transgenderism, and integrate those mental images into a murder trial?

There’s a reason.

Three and a half years after the assassination of Hallett, Blanchard discovered her attorney, Jack Maro, was conspiring with the FBI to develop an Insanity Defense Theory that would implicate President Donald Trump, which would be supported by rabid-anti-Trump “expert witnesses” who were going to provide testimony regarding “QAnon” “the cult of Trump” and the non-existent “Sovereign Citizen” movement (created by the FBI). Blanchard fired Maro in March 2024.

Rapidly emerging facts, evidence, and information has revealed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was involved in the FBI-CIA -U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT-BAR Association conspiracy to implicate Trump.

The plot involved the four coordinated BIDEN INDICTMENTS against Trump. The plan was to hit Trump with the cooked-up “QAnon” “cult” “Sovereign Citizen” scandal in April 2024, as Trump is campaigning for the White House. DeSantis believed the media coverage of the ‘E~Clause murder’ by the ‘QAnon’ ‘cult’ ‘sovereign citizen’ mom Neely Petrie-Blanchard would remove Trump from the political playing field – making DeSantis the frontrunner for President of the United States.


Timothy Charles Holmseth


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