A man standing in front of a helicopter.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on November 8, 2023 – USA

HELPFUL HINT: Microsoft Word has a feature that is easy to use that will read text out loud to you. Simply type the words “Read Aloud” into the Search Bar and the computer will start reading from wherever your cursor is located.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on November 8, 2023 – USA


In the summer of 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth walked into a radio studio in Plum City, Wisconsin where Field McConnell was airing another installment of his program ABEL DANGER. Holmseth greeted McConnell and sat down on the studio couch as McConnell entertained his viewers with his usual color and brain-droppings of all kinds. Holmseth casually picked up one of the props that was laying around – a popsicle stick that had a picture of the face of John F. Kennedy Jr. taped to it. McConnell had created the JFK Jr. props as part of a continuing subliminal message campaign he was pushing along with his colleague, a shadowy figure called Juan O’Savin – that JFK Jr. – the son of slain U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy is still alive.

A man is holding up a t-shirt with trump on it.
Timothy Charles Holmseth plays along with the JFK Jr. hoax as he infiltrates the “Q” PSY-OP.

In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth developed what he called “Q – PROJECT [secret] AMBITION” whereby he eventually completely infiltrated the inner circle of a sovereign military (Luciferian Brotherhood) psychological operation called “Q”.

Since 2011, Holmseth, an award-winning news reporter, had been kidnapped by the Minnesota government four times after he stumbled upon an FBI-CIA child trafficking operation that was supplying Jeffrey Epstein and Ukraine with children.

Holmseth developed the counter-op in effort to save his own life, and to warn President Donald J. Trump of the enemies that surrounded the President and his family.

Holmseth played along with McConnell that day – and now the world is going to see why.


In 2016, Gene Ho became the personal campaign photographer for Donald Trump.

Jump ahead in time to July 2020, and Ho is in South Dakota at Mount Rushmore.

ABC news reported “President Donald Trump’s trip to Mount Rushmore Friday for flashy fireworks and military flyover was the culmination of his years-long push to bring a July Fourth display back to the larger-than-life monument to four American presidents that has long fascinated him”.

Ho’s attendance at the Trump event in South Dakota soon brought Ho to the forefront of a controversy that began as somewhat of a novelty – but after it became connected to the transfer of 2,100 children who had been held in cages in California – some of whom died – the far-reaching implications of Ho’s contacts and connections became quite serious.

In 2021, David Lester Straight, self-professed U.S. Secret Service agent and self-described JSOC task force member communicating with First Lady Melania Trump, while serving on Presidential Commissions under Donald J. Trump, spoke to an audience about his task force activity surrounding six intelligence agencies connected to what Straight called “Q”.

Straight categorically told Timothy Charles Holmseth during recorded calls, that he assisted the U.S. Marines in the movement of 2,100 children from their captivity in cages, as well as claiming he viewed videos of Vice President Mike Pence raping a little boy.


Not only did Straight tell Holmseth he was working with the U.S. Marines – he also told Holmseth that if anybody crossed him, he would “kill them in their kitchen”. Straight told Holmseth how he could assassinate someone and not get caught because he knew how to commit the murder without appearing to have been in the area. Straight told Holmseth he would fill 5-gallon containers of gas and put them in the trunk, so he never had to stop at a gas station. Straight said after he committed the murder he would dump the car in a gravel pit. 

A mugshot and personal details of an arrested person

“Q is the most trusted. There’s only 200 naval pilots at any given moment on the face of this planet that are Q-capable. They’re the most trusted. They can carry a nuclear weapon. No one else can. Q is six military intelligence agencies led by the President of the United States of America. And a very, very special man that is helping him that currently serves as Vice President of the United States of America. And it was kind of fun to be on that helicopter that dropped him off on Mt. Rushmore so he could stand on George Washington’s head,” Straight said.

“Who’s the Vice President,” a member of the audience asked.

“John F. Kennedy Jr,” Straight responded.

Straight elaborated.

“I got the privilege of being on Don Jr’s helicopter with Gene Ho. Gene Ho is President Trump’s photographer. And eh, and John Jr. on July the second (2nd) of last year and we just flew him up on top of Mount Rushmore dropped him off – let him walk out there – and Gene took a picture,” Straight said.

A picture of a statue with a man on top of it.

Straight’s claim to have been with Ho and JFK Jr. began circulating on the Web and garnered attention.

On May 31, 2022, Ho appeared on NICK.TV where the host specifically asked him about “David Straight” and JFK Jr.

“Everyone in the United States is asking me about that – asking me about JFK Jr. and all of that stuff. It is a resounding ‘no comment’ on any of that. There might come a time that I’ll speak in the future but I’m going to tell you right now that anything to do with JFK Jr. is a one hundred percent resounding no comment,” Ho said.

“One hundred percent no comment,” Ho reiterated when the host asked again.

Ho’s reluctance to talk about Straight or JFK Jr. did not hinder him in any way when it came to promoting himself and his brand.  As of today – the FACEBOOK home page of Gene Ho describes Ho as “the 2016 Personal Campaign Photographer for Donald Trump” and features a photograph of Ho standing in front of a red, white, and blue helicopter that says “Trump 2020”. Ho also features himself in photographs with President Trump.

Photographs published by Ho on his Facebook show Ho posing with President Trump, Don Jr., Kash Patel, Gen. Michael Flynn, Mike Lindell, and others.

Through visual imagery – Ho’s photographs from 2022 merge the Trump’s with Flynn, Lindell, Patel, leaving no doubt in the mind and the eyes of the reader Ho is a Trump supporter.

“Me today with Kash Patel. If you know – you know. But he was the chief of staff to Trump’s Secretary of Defense. We are in New York,” Ho said.

On May 23, 2022, Ho said, “Me with Don Jr, way back when when we were in South Dakota during the 4th of July weekend. But THIS is the NEW news!! This COMING UP July – I will be with Don Jr. AND with Eric Trump when we will all be speakers in Virginia Beach. Like the two brothers will share the same stage on the same day! Thank you friends for supporting me. I am currently in Arkansas to support my friend Jan Morgan who is running to be U.S. Senator. Jan was a Fox Business commentator and was the National Spokesperson for Citizens For Trump. Please show her some love!!!”.

He follows up.

“At sound check tonight. I will be a speaker at this weekend’s event in Virginia Beach. The headliners tomorrow are Don Trump, Jr. – Eric Trump – and Gen. Flynn. I am also a speaker – but I’m kind of like a “garage band” that gets called to open for Metallica. I’m kind of along for the ride. But the ride is good…,” Ho said.

Notably – Ho also features several photos of Gen. Flynn with his (Ho’s) son.

There’s no doubt that as of 2022 Ho is a big-time Trump and Flynn supporter.

So, let’s jump back to the days and weeks and months before the 2020 Election when Gen. Flynn, Attorney Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne, and a gaggle of outlaw navy seals connected to Fortress Global assembled at Attorney Lin Wood’s plantation in Yemassee, South Carolina called Tomotley.

Telephone calls between Straight and Holmseth revealed Straight was involved in the planning of events that occurred in Washington DC on January 6, 2021.

Straight said he was working with three groups on their plans to indict members of U.S. Congress and “hang them” on January 6, 2021 in DC.

Remember – this is the same David Straight that was supposedly on a helicopter with Gene Ho and JFK Jr. !!!

Straight noted that in advance of J6, he met up with retired General Michael Flynn at a “Q” event in Arizona. Flynn was a speaker in DC when the J6 chaos erupted. Straight told Holmseth that he was meeting Attorney Lin Wood in DC and said “Juan” O’Savin was going to be there.

On January 4, 2021, Attorney Wood, who had been publicly targeting VP Mike Pence with statements about Pence facing a firing squad, launched a Tweet storm and declared he possessed videos of high-level officials raping and murdering children. Wood led the Tweet storm with a MEMO authored by Holmseth where Holmseth warned President Trump about Pence and an international human trafficking operation being run by the FBI through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

As the days, weeks, months, and years passed, Holmseth revealed to the American public what he learned about the “Q” operation and a sovereign military order called the Luciferian Brotherhood that was conspiring with other factions of satanists, the BAR Association, witch covens, FBI, CIA, and international human harvesting cartels that are trying to overthrow the legitimate United States Government through Election Interference and organized “chaos” planned by organized crime and FBI agents at the Minneapolis FBI.

Now… Gene Ho’s ABSOLUTE RELUCTANCE to discuss JFK Jr. or his involvement with David Lester Straight has begun to make sense.


By 2023, evidence had long since began seeping out in all direction that the JFK Jr. ‘alive’ narrative was bogus, and had been created by the Luciferian Brotherhood, after Timothy Charles Holmseth published multiple stories that provided intricate details about how the American population was being deceived by the creators of “Q” and “QAnon”.

The PSY-OP that JFK Jr. was the active Vice President under President Donald Trump could not be sustained and was utterly collapsing.

On October 10, 2023, TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS published, “RIP “JFK JR ALIVE” HOAX” after Robert Kennedy Jr. announced he was running as an Independent. The psychological operators were apparently hoping they could swap out one Kennedy Jr. for another Kennedy Jr.

And who was there to announce it for RKF Jr’s run as an Independent?

Gene Ho and his publication called George that had been originally created by JFK Jr.


Holmseth pointed out the new PSY-OP included a song released by Anthony Oliver called Rich Men North of Richmond, who posed for a photo with RFK Jr.

A group of people are sitting on a bench with the words the new plan.

Holmseth provided a very, very short list of plotters.

~begin list~

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army General Mark Milley

Attorney Steven Scott Biss

Retired Gen. Michael Flynn

Retired Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore

Juan O’Savin (not real name)

Field McConnell

Attorney Lin Wood

David Lester Straight

Attorney Sidney Powell

Patrick Byrne

Mike Lindell

Former Navy SEAL David Hancock

Aaron Vick

Bonnie Thomas (aka Bonnie Straight)

~end list~

On the list was General Michael Flynn’s attorney, Steven Scott Biss, Virginia.

In July 2023 Holmseth filed AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH REGARDING VIOLATIONS OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT into the federal court in Eastern Tennessee.

Shortly after Holmseth filed the Affidavit, Attorney Biss suffered a catastrophic stroke and can only communicate by blinking his eyes. His office was broken into, ransacked, and his computer is gone.


Joe Flynn, the brother of Gen. Michael Flynn, both Biss clients, took to Twitter to defend his brother Michael Flynn, and said a man named Manuel Chavez (aka Defango) (also a Biss client) and his group are actually “Q”.



We know Gene Ho doesn’t want to talk about JFK Jr. and David Lester Straight – the man who said he moved 2,100 children from their cages and viewed videos of Mike Pence raping a little boy.

Gene Ho only wants to talk about RFK Jr.

But we have to ask the question – what does Gene Ho know about David Straight, Lin Wood, and Michael Flynn – men that made their names claiming they watch videos of children being raped and murdered.

On November 4, 2023, TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS dug into it all.


The suspicious catastrophic stroke recently suffered by high-profile attorney Steven Scott Biss, has led to local court records in Charlottesville, Virginia that reveal an attempt has been made by the Virginia State BAR Assocation to seize all of Biss’ records – – – and now – the trail is leading to the RICO prosecution against President Donald J. Trump brought by Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis. Receivership for Steven Biss

Here’s what we know.

Shortly before Attorney Biss suffered a “stroke” and became so incapacitated that he can now only blink his eyes, he filed a lawsuit against disgraced former attorney Lin Wood on behalf of his client John Sabal.

Wood has been named as a witness for the Prosecution against Trump and others in the RICO case filed in Georgia.

Wood publicly claims to possess blackmail videos of child rape and murder that can be used against high level officials and judges.


There is an increasing outcry and demand from the American public for Lin Wood to tell the world where he stores the library of child rape and murder videos, which he announced possession of during his Tweet storm on January 4, 2021.

Twitter article by timothy being shared by Lin Wood


A screenshot of a page with a picture of a president.

As Wood is being called as a witness in the Trump RICO, the public has been demanding Wood name the judges and officials that he said are seen in videos raping and murdering children.

Wood commenced the famous Tweet storm on January 4, 2021 with a link to a MEMO authored by Timothy Charles Holmseth who alerted President Trump about an international human trafficking operation being run by the FBI for Jeffrey Epstein through U.S. Embassies – including the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

Wood said in his January 4, 2021 Tweet storm that he would only turn the videos over to Attorney Sidney Powell, retired General Michael Flynn, or President Trump.

Attorney Biss is the attorney for Timothy Charles Holmseth AND retired General Michael Flynn – Biss possessed within custody ABOVE TOP SECRET evidence, which was sent to him by his client, former Truth and Taxation Judge Randi Lynn Erickson. Biss drafted a RICO for Erickson against multiple Defendants, which included the details of a rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism event committed by Hillary Clinton and her Protectorate, which was witnessed by Jessie Marie Czebotar. Biss said he was ready to file it when he suffered his “stroke”.

The member of Clinton’s Protectorate is a documented colleague of Wood, and, according to U.S. Court records (Holmseth v. Page et al – 3:22-cv-00912 – Middle District of Tennessee (RICO), is also a colleague of retired General Michael Flynn.

Before Biss became incapacitated and his office was ransacked (computer missing) Timothy Charles Holmseth filed an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH REGARDING VIOLATIONS OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT into the U.S. Court – Eastern District of Tennessee.

Timothy Charles Holmseth posted the following on TRUTH SOCIAL today.



Attorney Steven Scott Biss suffered a stroke.

Tanya Biss, his wife, advised me her husband is a “spy”.

Tanya Biss said, “I am doing battle with the state bar over informing his clients he is controlled opposition”.

Tanya Biss said she needs a “real estate lawyer” because there is “A LOT of money in it”.

The Virginia BAR has hijacked Atty Biss’ entire law practice and federal court files (including ABOVE TOP SECRET) files and now claims authority through a local court in Charlottesville, VA.

Atty Biss is in the hospital following a stroke and can only blink. His office was ransacked, and his computer is gone.

Shortly before Biss suffered the medical emergency, he filed a lawsuit against former Georgia attorney Lin Wood.

Wood is named as a witness for the Prosecution that brought a RICO claim against President Donald Trump in Fulton County Georgia.




When Randi Lynn Erickson demanded David Straight account for the location of the 2,100 children, he threatened to release naked pictures of her.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on August 4, 2022 – USA

The following was posted on the GAB account of Timoty Charles Holmseth, today.





by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – on August 4, 2022 – USA

Today, David Lester Straight warned former Minnesota judge Randi Lynn Erickson that he has “naked pictures” that he will submit the U.S. Court if he is arrested.

“Your naked photos will go well in court,” Straight said.

Straight said it twice.

Ironically – in 2019 Straight told me on a recorded call he possessed Secret Service clearance to view highly “classified” videos of VP Mike Pence raping a little boy. Straight said he was Secret Service and protected “George Bush”.

In 2019 Straight told me he assisted the U.S. Marines with the transfer of 2,100 children from their underground cages in California. Straight said the U.S. Military rescued another 400 children using information Straight and Marcella Crandall turned over. Straight said he was working with Sgt. Robert Leroy Horton and Generals with the U.S. Military. Straight said the children were confined and waiting for an order from traffickers (like you order a pizza). News reports in 2021 revealed the children were, in reality, being trafficked by the Biden Administration (Biden was blaming Trump for the disappearance of the children).

Erickson is a federal plaintiff who escrowed crimes against humanity affidavits and submitted the evidence to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

Filings by Droel Law Firm (TX-MN) into the U.S. Court – Minnesota reveal horrific details of crimes against humanity.

On February 15, 2022, shortly before Donald J. Trump’s RICO suit was filed – Droel Law, TX-MN, included my name “Timothy Charles Holmseth” in a U.S. Court filing in Minnesota. Droel named me and evidence I obtained regarding an FBI agent named “John Regan”. Droel said, “sold kidnapped babies through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

Droel said, “Jessie Marie Czebotar”.

Here’s more from Droel.

Droel Law said in a filing, “…as well as several murders by Hillary Rodham Clinton in Chicago in the early 1980s, which included the raping, torturing, and eating of children during satanic rituals”.

Droel said, “…and other high-profile individuals, such as Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Dan Quayle, Mike Pence, John Kerry, Muammar Gaddafi, Amy Coney Barrett, and Elon Musk to name a few, as being involved in some Satanic cult that tortures, rapes, murders, and eats children.”

For more news and information go to www.timothycharlesholmseth dot com

Also go to The_High_Command on Bitchute

Believe in me I’m with the High Command



Timothy Charles Holmseth




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