by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on July 30, 2023 – USA
We are categorically confirming the following information was authored by Jessie Marie Czebotar.
~begin Jessie Marie Czebotar narrative~
I’m horrible at drawing things to proportion.
The control room at Calderock, MD Naval Base is one of first stents of training for defense for those in Sovereign Military. The first few times there, there was a grey cloaking that made it look like there were four grey walls in the room. In the center is a huge cistern with water. Each child gets introduced to dinosaur 🦕🦖 🐲 🦑 toys and a kraken. Usually you get to pick three. You get to throw them in the water and decide who battles who. These are the first demonic alliances and battles. After a few battles and telling your little dinosaur or dragon how to win, you get to meet them at another base.
My choice was the red dragon, Leviathan.
We met in the ice caves in Antarctica, up there. (The northern base in Greenland.
After meeting, I showed up for training. Grabbed my red dragon toy that comes to life and thru it in the water, next I know, I find myself in the ocean underwater with Leviathan and having to battle other water demons.
After Star Wars training, you learn the control room is a control command center. The water in the cistern can be pulled up like a hologram and all the waterways of the world strategically seen at your fingertips, as also all the demonic players on the map. Once you know who to summon, you can see and strategically war with any of them.
This base also has an under sea level part to the base. The walkway between the spiritual gate to under sea part is marble floor area with solomonic symbols on floor. The glass dome is completely under water. I remember one time megalodon was mad, so he attacked the dome. Next thing I know, I find myself in the water between him and Leviathan.
Generals watched that day from the glass dome, grinning, cheering, and gloating. I was not amused. It was live or die for me.
There was a second favorite castle of Hitlers.
Wewelsberg was a mirror of MD control room. Mother’s would fill it with blood to use like the water in the cistern in MD. They could use any liquid surface as a portal or gate. The world is literally always at their fingertips.

~end Jessie Marie Czebotar narrative~