by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 29, 2023 – USA
Today, a video appeared on the Bitchute channel called The_High_Command – the video is entitled WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WITH BEAST?
The cover image of the video appears to show young people that are running through the wood at night in what might be a ‘human hunting’ party by satanists. Another mysterious dynamic of the video is at the 4:17 marker where a strange sound is heard that sounds like “chee chee hah hah, chee chee hah hah”. It is suspected the sound effect comes from the horror movie ‘Friday the 13th’ where a psychopath named Jason hunts people and chases them through the woods before butchering them in the most hideous way possible.
Yesterday, Timothy Charles Holmseth posted on TRUTH SOCIAL regarding his on-going investigation into the Old Sheldon Church Ruins located in Yemassee, South Carolina.
Holmseth, who has been running parallel investigations into a satanic human trafficking network that includes the double murder in Delphi, Indiana, s ritual murder case which has now become the focus of the world’s leading satanic cult expert Jessie Marie Czebotar, notified the public he was receiving questions about Jessie Marie Czebotar and whether or not she was assessing the Sheldon Church area.
The extent of Holmseth’s coverage of the Old Sheldon Church story is not readily known, although he has filmed himself in front of the Yemassee, South Carolina city sign, as well as in front of 300 Cotton Hall Rd, Yemassee, SC, the address of disgraced former attorney Lin Wood. An association between Wood and Holmseth was created when Wood tweeted Holmseth’s MEMO (that warned President Trump about Mike Pence) to President Trump on January 4, 2021. It is notable the Old Sheldon Church Ruins are a mere 2.4 miles from Wood’s Tomotley Plantation.
Jessie Marie Czebotar has made observations about the Old Sheldon Church Ruins.
Yemassee, SC
From pics post fire, we can see that the St Sheldon Church has structure in the building that leans towards being a spiritual gate or temple where priestesses in the Brotherhood would gather for worship. (pic 2)
As we look at (pic 3) we see two pillars around an entry way that resemble the Boaz and Joachim poles. In the Bible they were called the Ashtaroth and Baal poles that marked high places or places of worship. To know if a gate is just a gate or a temple, we have to see the top head stone. At first glance it appears to be flat, that would mean it is just a gate, meaning it gives access from a point A to B, C, D, E, etc. However, as we look at a reconstructed picture of St. Sheldon Church, we see the cap stone over pillars is not flat but triangular. That means that the building is used by priestesses as a place of worship. In the System, it is classified as a temple. (See pic 4)
The face front of the Temples tell you which deity (god or goddess) is being worshipped.
The number of columns on the fronts helped to identify which deities temple it was.
As you can see in (pic 5) the temple of Artemis is distinguished by 4 colonnades on the left, a doorway in the middle, and 4 colonnades on the right. (One of the names Ashtaroth goes by is Artemis. The Priestesses of Delphi and Melissae are known to worship Ashtaroth by many names.) The colonades also tell you what is offered in that temple.
St Sheldon is not a temple to Artemis. It has four colonades at the face front marked with three archways in the face front, meaning it is considered a Northern Wall. That is important because whereever Northern walls are marked means there is a western wall underground where the ritual altar is placed. Is there a ritual altar placed underground at St. Sheldon Church?
In the graveyard, we see a grave stone marked with priestess laurels, which indicates there is priestess worship there. (See pic 6)
We also see what looks like altars that were maybe in the sanctuary (are they placed over what would be the western wall underground? (See pic 7)
We do see possible secondary gates located at the Yemassee SC station and in connection to Military base at Pariss Island. The sigil for Pariss Island has the statue that is located at the Library of Congress. (See pic 7 )The Library of Congress has a spiritual gate. (See pics Statue Library of Congress, Pariss Island Marines 1, Library of Congress 2, Library of Congress 3)
I believe there is direct spiritual gate access from Pariss Island Marine Corp base to the Library of Congress. In fact, it looks like they train (priests and priestesses to entertain there.)