Military man stands near BIDEN’S fake AF1 hanger with PENIS out waiting for BLOW-JOB from…

Man with penis exposed stands near fake AF1 hanger awaiting blow-job.
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on May 20, 2021 at 10:32 A.M.
The following photos appeared today on the Telegram account of THE OFFICIAL CHARLIE WARD SHOW.
One photo reveals Joe Biden’s Air Force 1 airplane is merely a Hollywood movie prop – not an actual airplane.
One photo shows five people. The group is comprised of four men in military uniforms, and a fifth person whose gender cannot be identified because the person is wearing a hooded coat (hereby Hooded Person). Hooded Person’s age cannot be known but the person is wearing sneaker type tennis shoes. The one military man (hereby Penis Man) that does not have a military cap on his head has removed his penis removed from the inside of his trousers. There is no urine stream visible. Penis Man is holding his penis with both hands and looking at Hooded Person. The placement of Hooded Person’s feet creates the appearance he/she is stepping toward Penis Man. Penis Man’s penis appears to be partially erect. It is possible that Hooded Person has been summoned to give Penis Man oral sex.