PRESIDENT TRUMP WARNS THE WORLD – “Bedlam” [will open] “Pandora’s Box” (The Witch’s Candy)

A tweep with a picture of hillary clinton.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 10, 2024 – USA

On January 10, 2024, President Donald John Trump warned of “Bedlam” and the opening of a “Pandora’s Box”.

President Trump is actively executing a normal and lawful political campaign in effort be win enough Electoral votes during the Election to be held in November 2024, so as to become the next President of the United States.

Here’s what Trump was saying when he talked about “Bedlam” – and then “Pandora’s Box” – in that sequence/order.

The act of judicially declaring that the President of the United States is not protected by “immunity” would result in the United States having no leader; this due to the fact that every Presidential candidate would be subject to “prosecution” by their political opponent, which would substitute ‘courts’ for ‘ballots’.

The before-mentioned ‘judicial process’ would subvert the election process, which will subvert the will of the American People, which would/will create “Bedlam“.

If “Bedlam” ensues – “Pandora’s Box” will be opened during the “Bedlam”.

“Pandora’s Box” is a body of facts, information, and evidence (e.g. videos), some of which has been kept hidden from the eyes of the American People because it is so horrible that not only will it shock the conscience, but, in many cases, men’s hearts will fail them for what it is they see.

President Donald John Trump, as Commander in Chief of the United States Military, has looked into “Pandora’s Box” but has, through his wisdom, skill, and care, strategically managed to allow only very small amounts of the contents of Pandora’s Box to leak out.

President Trump and his trusted Generals/Admirals/Commanders (not the “TV Generals”) have a short/mid/long-term plan to release the contents of “Pandora’s Box” for the good of all Mankind. As President of the United States, he will execute his plan in a fashion that maintains order, protects life, and avoids chaos.

If “Bedlam” ensues, “Pandora’s Box” will open instantly during the “Bedlam”, which will create madness and chaos that could cost millions and millions of innocent lives.

President Donald John Trump and Space Force has/have monitored the public’s reaction to something that leaked out of “Pandora’s Box” which is referred to as “The Witch’s Candy“.

“The Witch’s Candy” was a rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism event committed by Hillary Rodham Clinton with the help of her sovereign military Protectorate.

The horrific event was contained in a video that was on the secret Web server Hillary Clinton possessed in what became referred to as an “email” scandal. During a debate in October 2016, then-candidate Donald J. Trump told candidate Hillary Clinton “You’d be in jail” if he (Trump) was President. Trump was referring to the secret private Server. But Trump was not only referring to emails, but to “Witch’s Candy” events that were on videos on the Server.

One “Witch’s Candy” event involved children being tied to the floor whereupon they were scalded with hot water to raise their adrenochrome levels. During the extended torture, Hillary Clinton danced around singing about the Grimm’s Fairy Tale called Hansel and Gretel, and gleefully singing that the “witch” will have her “candy”. After the children were raped, ejaculated on, tortured, and dismembered alive, Hillary Clinton ripped the Pineal gland from a little girls’ head at ate it (The Witch’s Candy). The event was witnessed by a little girl who was present named Jessie Marie Czebotar. The murder is set forth in the narrative of a RICO Complaint authored by Attorney Steven Scott Biss, Virginia. Biss’ authored the RICO for his client, former Minnesota Government judge Randi Lynn Erickson. Jessie Czebotar is classified as a witness.

The murder Jessie Czebotar witnessed involved, what Czebotar calls Hillary Clinton’s “signature kill”, which means Clinton has committed this type of satanic crime many times – always using the same tactics. Those events were filmed to meet the “evil quota” that is required by members of the Luciferian System.

The Witch’s Candy event witnessed by Jessie Marie Czebotar, which is contained in sworn affidavits that are in the possession of President Trump, the U.S. Court, and U.S. Military is not the first time President Trump became aware of the horrific satanic crimes against humanity.

On January 9, 2024, Dom Lucre on Twitter/X posted a report that circulated that said, “‘Horrific Hillary Clinton Snuff Film Circulating On Dark Web”.  SEE IMAGE BELOW


Timothy Charles Holmseth




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