A man in a suit and tie with the words plan b.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 10, 2023 – USA

The photo of Robert Kennedy Jr. with Oliver Anthony (singer/songwriter Rich Men North of Richmond) set the stage for what TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS told the public was coming.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has announced he will be running for President as an Independant in the 2024 election.

The plan for Robert Kennedy Jr. to run for President is Plan B to an original plan by plotters against Trump, which was to trick the public into believing John F. Kennedy Jr. was still alive and was/is the acting vice president of the United States under President Donald J. Trump.

The “JFK JR ALIVE” hoax was part of a multi-faceted military psychological operation called “Q” and/or “QAnon”.

The original plan of the plotters was to introduce their witness Jessie Marie Czebotar during “trials” that were going to held and published. Czebotar, as a child, was trained and tortured by the military and satanists to be the “Queen Mother of Darkness”.  Czebotar eye-witnessed U.S. Presidents and world-leaders rape, torture, murder, and cannibalize children. She named names.

The coup suffered a significant blow when Czebotar’s sworn affidavits were filed into the U.S. Court by former Truth and Taxation Judge Randi Lynn Erickson, Elk River, Minnesota.

While there are significant elements of the United States Military involved, there also exists members of the Sovereign Military of the Knights Templar, Luciferian Brotherhood, the British Accreditation Registry (BAR Association), and many other splinter groups such as witch covens and secret societies with their own oaths that supersede their oath to the United States Constitution.

The “Q” operation, which was only a part of the larger operation, was comprised of messages called “drops” that were posted on the Web. The poster of the messages deceived the public into believing they were an operation being run by President Trump.

The “JFK JR ALIVE” dynamic was effective and played upon the publics love for JFK and the little boy, John Jr., who stepped out into history as shown in the iconic photo where the child (John John) saluted his father during the funeral procession.

Timothy Charles Holmseth infiltrated and exposed the “JFK JR ALIVE” PSY-OP which resulted in a scramble by the plotters to salvage their failing plan. The plotters are now attempting to replace “JFK JR” with “RFK” and hope nobody will notice.

Holmseth identified many of the plotters including (but not limited to):

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army General Mark Milley

Attorney Steven Scott Biss

Retired Gen. Michael Flynn

Retired Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore

Juan O’Savin (not real name)

Field McConnell

Attorney Lin Wood

David Lester Straight

Attorney Sidney Powell

Patrick Byrne

Mike Lindell

Former Navy SEAL David Hancock

Aaron Vick

Bonnie Thomas (aka Bonnie Straight)



Timothy Charles Holmseth


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