“THEY ARE GOING TO RAPE YOUR ASS TIM” – Field McConnell’s attorney Howard Sohn has interesting friends

Gerald Brummel (left) and Norm Traversy
by by Debra M. Matthew on May 26, 2020 at 1:20 P.M.
Legitimate advocates for abused children NEVER joke about rape.
Legitimate attorneys and judges NEVER associate and deal with people who joke about rape.
That said…
There are two men from Canada who want you to believe they live their entire lives with a burning passion to ‘save the children’.
And one of the men boasts his professional relationship with attorneys and judges in BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA.
Who are these two men?
Let’s start with Norm Traversy.
Norm Traversy, Canada, is well known for knowledge he claims to have about something that happened at a pig farm in Canada; knowledge that compliments his self-professed mission to help abused children.
Should you trust Norm Traversy?
Let’s take a look.
On February 26, 2020 Traversy appeared on a You Tube video with Gerald Brummel, who calls himself Agent Margaritaville on the Web. Brummel appeared drunk and was berating Timothy Holmseth (news reporter for the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force) while promoting what he and Traversy call The Children’s Army.

Brummel is very angry at the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force and has sent many threats to Timothy Holmseth. The threats are always sexually charged and extremely violent. In one message, Brummel told Holmseth he was going to have Holmseth arrested and put in prison. He then said he would then have Holmseth raped in prison and would receive telephone updates about the rapes.
One message from Brummel to Holmseth featured the words THEY ARE GOING TO RAPE YOUR ASS which was written out over a thousand times; as if written by a psychopath. WATCH VIDEO BELOW
Brummel frequently claims to possesses troves of child sex abuse evidence against high level government officials (which he refuses to produce) and has been consistently asking the public for money for what he calls The Children’s Army.
Brummel was a semi-frequent guest on the ABEL DANGER show with Field McConnell where he (Brummel) claimed to possess evidence of a $68 Billion money transfer from Jeffrey Epstein to the Toronto Dominion Bank.
Brummel claims to have been in contact with Howard Sohn, McConnell’s defense attorney. McConnell, 70, Plum City, Wisconsin, is presently being held on house arrest in the state of Florida where he faces trumped up bogus charges of cyberstalking.
Brummel claims extensive contact with Attorney Sohn, as well a host of judicial and court officers in Broward County, Florida. Brummel authored a ‘plea-bargain’ model which he wanted the Prosecution to offer McConnell which would set McConnell free in exchange for (false) testimony against Timothy Holmseth.
Brummel most recently claimed he is ‘wanted’ – he said that there are “dogs” tracking him – and claims he is being hunted down by Canadian officials. He make these ridiculous and stupid claims while he runs computer graphic images behind him and asks the public for donations to The Children’s Army.
Traversy recently appeared on a You Tube interview with cirstenw where he touted a plan to merge Canadian territory with the United States.
Likewise – in the same time-window as the Traversy interview with cirstenw – Brummel appeared on his Agent Margaritaville channel and held up an American flag which he said he received as a gift.
It appears Brummel and Traversy really don’t want to live in Canada anymore.
I wonder why?
Gerald and Norm get my vote for Canada’s Creepiest Couple. I saw the video of them above attacking Timothy Holmseth and it was as if the mask was off. They showed their true hand and what side they really serve. It sounds that Sohn is highly questionable, to say the least. I really pray that Trump can do something about Field’s situation. I’ll continue to pray for Field.
Sohn, the inner circle, and various bad actors have set up Timothy Charles Holmseth to take the deep and dark fall into the pit of despair, hence to mitigate the consequences for one Field McConnell. “There must be some kind of way outta here, said the joker to the thief” as Robert Zimmerman wrote, and “None were level on the mind, nobody up at his word”. “Hey, hey” cat in the box, run to the round house, they’ll never corner you there. Run, don’t walk.