This is WHY I fight against the CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS, MINNESOTA BABY CHAINED TO WALL – CHILD RAPE – Naked Children in Cages of Masonic Center – Names and Places REVEALED

Child rape - cannibalism are the babies i'm fighting for baby chained to wall.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on February 12, 2019 at 10:42 CST

BABY CHAINED TO WALL – CHILD RAPE – Naked Children in Cages of Masonic Center – Names and Places REVEALED


My Prosecutor Ronald I. Galstad

BABY CHAINED TO WALL – CHILD RAPE – Naked Children in Cages of Masonic Center – Names and Places REVEALED

I am being prosecuted for exposing the names of the people of STEAL the babies for the CIA

I have court today in Polk County, Minnesota

I won’t back down.

I promise.


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2 thoughts on “This is WHY I fight against the CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS, MINNESOTA BABY CHAINED TO WALL – CHILD RAPE – Naked Children in Cages of Masonic Center – Names and Places REVEALED

  1. They’re, very, very, very, very powerful! Their poor young woman is so brave, and it’s beyond my ability to wrap my head around what she went through.

    I’m fucking angry!!!! Powerful people run amuck just raping, torturing, and terrorizing children! The fact that she fears for her life proves beyond the shadow of doubt she is telling us what she has experienced, and what she knows! I’m not a patient person, and I want something done to these motherfuckers who did this to her and many other children!!!

    1. I agree with you Julie Tremp! I cant believe scum like Mike Pence and his wife get away with this shit! Motherfuckers is even too good a word for them! How can someone hurt abuse innocent children? It makes my blood boil! Mr. Holmseth I have been following you for a long time and you are a hero to me! I am so sorry for all of the horrible abuses you have suffered, especially since they are being done by people masquerading as officers of the court, and law enforcement! As I have gotten older I have seen how law enforcement has gone from being protectors of citizens to being protectors of the hand that serves them, and that hand doesnt belong to your average run of the mill citizen! The fact that people can be pulled over due to the color of their skin and terrorized by people who have a badge and have sworn to serve and protect is so worrisome to me! I mean shooting someone 16 times? What, the kid wasnt dead after 3 or 4 shots? I hope that cop is in general population around people who arent white! I bet he isnt a bully anymore! I am from Chicago, and police officers have changed drastically since I was a kid, and not for the better. The reason Chicago streets are the way they are is because you cant differentiate between the criminal and cop anymore, they are in cahoots with each other! I have seen it with my own eyes when my kids father was involved with the streets many years ago, I am sure it hasnt changed much. I feel so bad about the children. God bless you Mr. Holmseth!

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