Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 30, 2020 at 5:39 P.M.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 30, 2020 at 5:39 P.M.
Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. He is an FBI witness in a national profile kidnapping case. He captured rogue CIA and FBI child traffickers on tape discussing their operations. He has been targeted for a decade. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Timothy Holmseth is the only reporter authorized to report original content for the PPTF. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and President Trump.
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Take your pick for Treason. So many Governors that are complete fools but yet have their states eating from their palms. NY, Michigan, WA – they have no control and are incompetent. Probably MK-Ultrad in some fashion. The storm is about to begin. Fake News focuses on these protests and just feeds it. It is time to start taking down the corrupt behind the fake media. Everything needs to change. CNN – if people cannot see that this is a scripted narrative by now, then they may never. Super Technology is being hidden from us and we are focusing on riots and a virus that is less deadly than the flu.
I agree that what we are seeing is once AGAIN … a SCRIPTED “EVENT” in front of CNN…
We are being dominated by “KARENS”
PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORism is being enacted on the masses.
Q: WHO allows the government to tell YOU (the general population) what to THINK?
A: MILLIONS have !!
Q: WHAT does this tell “THEM”?
A: That YOU (the masses), are READY to take their luciferian “MARK”
in order to buy or sell
The Bible speaks to this prophetic word…
Q: And those who DON’T take it? US? Patriots? God fearing?
What happens to us who are rebellious to their NWO Agenda(S)?
A: Why we get BEHEADED.
Perhaps by be-heading us, they will be able to HARVEST all our other vital organs
for their luciferian needs, sacrifices, etc etc
They are all SICK…sick with control, power, and demons.
Trump spoke truth to those last week, when speaking to governors of their states…”We need MORE prayer, NOT less”
ONLY “Fervent PRAYER of a righteous man, Availeth MUCH”.
Never underestimate the enemy, that they don’t know this too!
Thank you Tim for your undying loyalty to chidren