WAKE UP MINNESOTA! GEORGE FLOYD cried for his mom – JACOB WETTERLING pleaded with his dad

George Floyd
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2020 at 8:37 P.M.
George Floyd cried for his mom before he died.
There’s something you need to know about the cult that really runs Minnesota.

In 1989, the Luciferian cult in Minnesota fooled the whole world when they brought in the Minnesota National Guard to search for a little boy from St. Joseph, Minnesota named Jacob Wetterling who was abducted off the side of the road.

It was a false flag ritual.
Patty Wetterling went on to use Jacob’s name to run for office and received a campaign donation from Barack Obama. She is now the Chairman of the Board at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
In case you didn’t know – the NCMEC is an information harvesting operation used to collect intelligence from possible witnesses in missing children cases. It is run by the bad guys, folks.
And then there is the evil witch Amy Klobuchar – eyeballs deep into it all.

“Patty Wetterling is a woman of unbelievable courage. Her son Jacob was kidnapped at gunpoint 27 years ago, and all that time she has kept the hope alive that he would be found,” said Klobuchar. “Patty Wetterling and her family for years have turned their grief into action. She has saved so many lives in Jacob’s memory. I just wanted to take the moment personally to recognize Patty for her strength and her courage and her grace.”
In 2016 the Minnesota cult members tried to pretend like they ‘solved’ the Wetterling case by coercing a false confession from a local pervert named Danny Heinrich (who had been cleared by the FBI very early on in the case).
Heinrich ‘confessed’ to murdering Jacob in exchange for not being charged with the murder, and the State dropping all but one child porn charge against him.
It was all bullshit.
Law enforcement claimed Heinrich led them to Jacob’s burial site where they found Jacob’s bones etc. FOX NEWS and all the rest of the fake news spread the news far and wide that Jacob’s remains had been found.
Guess what?
It was planted animal bones mingled with an old shirt of Jacob’s.
Jacob, according to an eyewitness, said he was present and assisted when Jacob’s father, Jerry Wetterling, murdered Jacob during a ritual sacrifice.
The eyewitness said Jacob’s last words were “Daddy, daddy don’t”.
Pure evil runs Minnesota.
It’s been reported (not by the MSM) that George Floyd and Derek Chauvin worked together as security guards at El Nuevo Rodeo club in Minneapolis up until the end of last year.
Exactly. George Floyd is probably still alive. The whole thing stinks to high heaven.
I am shocked! I knew both parents had something to do with their daughters murder! Where is this man now, john Ramsey?? Alive , dead?? Things I do not do I can usually understand the why’s surrounding it. But this raping children I can’t except! I hate it! They are so lil & delicate! There is nothing that can make me understand why ppl hurt children! I’m disgusted ,so angry. So grateful for Q! Whatever has to be done to end this I’m in.
Maureen, just from reading your words I feel your pain. Many of us have been hurting over this tragedy, for a long time. I have know for 17 years and I’ll tell you: It doesn’t get easier. Your desire to do whatever is necessary to end it, is in all of our hearts. Fortunately, at this time there are massive numbers of trained and empowered Americans and others who are doing the work RIGHT NOW. So, here is what I recommend: Pray about it and don’t let up. Start following Q and keep reading this website. Connect with other like minded people. Someday, ordinary citizens may be asked to help in a more active way, but for now we have prayer, hope, information and the certain knowledge that NOTHING CAN STOP what is coming. Learn as much as you can and soon you will find yourself helping others become aware of what is going on. This evil will end and we will be able to live in a decent world, run for the benefit of humanity.