WAL-MART TODDLER DRESS: I’m available for you to rape

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 1, 2020 at 3:38 P.M.
WAL-MART has a toddler dress (and other similar items) for sale that says “You Wanna Pizza Me”.
Translation: I’m available for you to rape (the adult I’m with traffics me for sex).
If you believe such a thing is impossible I will give you an example – something that might wake you up.
Below is a photo of a man named Steve-O from the famous TV show called Jack-ass. Millions of people have watched Jack-ass and thought it was funny.
The following photo reports Steve-O got a tattoo of himself raping a baby.
This isn’t hiding in plain sight. This is right in our face. The sexualization of children is part of the Luciferian agenda. They want to see if the public will accept it, or even care.
This is well past the sexualization of children. It’s the rape of children.
Beyond SICK.
MAPLE VALLEY, Wash. — The search for this missing Maple Valley teenager has turned urgent after investigators have determined her disappearance is suspicious.
Gia Fuda, 18, has been missing since early Friday when she left her Maple Valley home in her silver 2008 Toyota Corolla.
King County Sheriff Deputies said her car was found on Saturday on Highway 2 East between Skykomish and Stevens Pass.
Deputies said it was out of gas, and her purse was still in the car. Her phone was last pinged to the location where her car was found, but it’s now gone and turned off.
She was nowhere to be found.
“It’s a nightmare,” said Gia’s mother, Kristina Fuda. “It’s really hard to deal with. You want to be positive but it’so hard.”
Gia’s family said she just graduated from Tahoma High School. She was active in her church youth group, positive and had a lot of friends, so this disappearance is very unsettling.
“We just want her back,” said Gia’s father Bob Fuda. “She’ never not come home. So, when she didn’t come home, immediately we called the police. It’s just not right and obviously it wasn’t.” https://katu.com/news/local/missing-womans-disappearance-called-suspicious-officials-say?fbclid=IwAR2oid3XFafICCnLYuiJpjrREaFq4EG3HornN5-nJwO9yVNDkq7110Rynk0
I went to an Operation Underground Rescue (Rise Up For Children) event on World Day Against Trafficking in Elk River, MN. I met a woman who had two sons in the U.S. Military. She told me that one them had gone on operations in the D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases) and had rescued children. The rescue missions are real and are happening, regardless of any reports to the contrary.
Related videos have been posted on this site; here’s another. The one discrepancy I’d like clarified is the number of children rescued from CA DUMBs (TCH states around 2,100, while this video mentions in excess of 35,000). I’m not clear if these refer to different operations…
There are multiple operations being conducted in various places.
Timothy, I think I speak for everyone who supports you. We are so thankful for the information that you put out. You have taken so much garbage, including insults of every kind, slander, harassment, stalking, and attempted murder. You have uncovered some of the darkest things on this planet, and you haven’t done it to bring attention to yourself. You’ve done it for the children. I know that God is definitely going to honor that.
God bless.
GO get em’ all President Trump!!! KEEP EM’ COMING!!!! WWG1WGA!!!!!
Timothy ,
Thank you so much for continuing the diligent work in locating the abducted children .
I believe there are so many more .
I noticed a large water tank with a little Latin girl painted on it in the vicinity of west palm beach near a small Masonic lodge on 845 Bradley st. There were quite a bit of Santeria symbols in the neighborhood around the lodge . Please have someone investigate . It is near the back end of the zoo .
In the Palm Beach area there are
Also many large Masonic mansions lining both South and North Ocean Blvd and around the island / lagoon opposite El Brillo way , Jeffery Epstein’s former home in Palm Beach . On that Island as well ,when one takes a right turn and on a dead end is a house with a large iron rabbit sculpture holding a rod and a tambourine . It is directly on the inter coastal . Many of the homes have (pineal gland )cones on the pilasters at the entrance to the properties themselves . One that particularly stands out is a house on Ocean blvd north of Mara Lago with golden eagles on the Pilasters and gargoyles on the stone walls . May the Lord Jesus Christ and his angels cover you as you continue to do his work in helping take down the Cabal . You are in our prayers for safety !
Bless you for the work you are doing ,
Is this item a Wal-Mart exclusive? Is there any way to determine who was the “designer” and what is Wal-Mart’s explanation (that kids like pizza!)? I want to know what others do when they see this type of open trafficking. I wept when I saw a child on Halloween wearing this:
There are these traffickers dressing their kids up like this and taking them from house to house on Halloween to display their human merchandise. It is horrific. I followed the child/trafficker back to a house, but was too afraid to take action. I picked up the trail a few days later where I saw the trafficker take the poor child to Cherry Berry — which is a known location for trafficking “meet ups.” Should we be reporting this to the PPTF? In Christ, Donny.