A night sky with stars and a mountain in the background.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on June 24, 2022, at 10:35 A.M. – USA

The following was posted on the GAB account of Timothy Charles Holmseth today.



by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – June 24, 2022, at 9:52 A.M. EST – USA

David Lester Straight told me he was appointed by President Donald J. Trump to serve on three Presidential Commissions under Donald J. Trump. Straight said he served on Commissions for “Judicial Corruption” “Human Trafficking” and “Space Force”.

In 2020 I was on a conference call with David Straight. He said he had been talking to a man who worked with some agency involved with space. Straight said the man told him to watch the sky. Straight said he started to watch the sky. Straight said a formation of lights appeared in the sky above him and began to move around in fascinating patterns.

I personally observed a photograph Straight captured with a camera in real-time of what he called an “orb” that he said follows him at all times and protects him.

This was only a portion of events I observed that led me to understand Straight was working and coordinating with elements of the international intelligence community, U.S. Military, and U.S. Courts, in a PSYOP of Biblical proportions based upon the Book of Revelation.

Straight told me he was required to protect a woman named [REDACTED] who was actually “Mary Magdalene” and carried the Jesus Strand.

Straight told me I should “write a book” about [REDACTED] and him (Straight). Straight said she was “Mary Magdalene” and was going to have a baby that saves the world.

Straight also emphatically insisted he is one of the 144,000.

When I realized Straight was involved with the U.S. Marines (according to Straight) in the transfer of 2,100 child slaves from cages underground in California (because he told me he was), to new cages elsewhere, I began to release facts that would expose the Biden Administration’s trafficking of kids using paramilitary and federal agents (the names of many of these human traffickers, assassins, U.S. Special Forces and/or Navy SEALS are noted and/or referred to by U.S. Judge Eric C. Tostrud – U.S. Court – MN in an Injunction for Protection filed by former MN Judge Randi Lynn Erickson).

When I began to release the information, Straight communicated to me that he had been keeping me protected from assassination, He noted I am an active target and advised me he is not going to protect me anymore.


UPDATED on December 26, 2024

On December 26, 2024, War Correspondent Timothy Charles Holmseth posted the following TRUTH SOCIAL.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth – War Correspondent – on December 26, 2024 – USA


There is a video circulating that shows strange lights in the sky over Wisconsin. SEE IMAGE BELOW

I know what is causing the lights – a MAN at a KEYBOARD.


The story said in part:

“David Lester Straight told me he was appointed by President Donald J. Trump to serve on three Presidential Commissions under Donald J. Trump. Straight said he served on Commissions for “Judicial Corruption” “Human Trafficking” and “Space Force”.

In 2020 I was on a conference call with David Straight. He said he had been talking to a man who worked with some agency involved with space. Straight said the man told him to watch the sky. Straight said he started to watch the sky. Straight said a formation of lights appeared in the sky above him and began to move around in fascinating patterns.

I personally observed a photograph Straight captured with a camera in real-time of what he called an “orb” that he said follows him at all times and protects him.

This was only a portion of events I observed that led me to understand Straight was working and coordinating with elements of the international intelligence community, U.S. Military, and U.S. Courts, in a PSYOP of Biblical proportions based upon the Book of Revelation”.

I spent that summer WATCHING THOSE LIGHTS.



A document with a text on it.

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