kappy bridge

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 20, 2024 – USA

On January 17, 2024, David Shurter posted a video on You Tube.

“I was told they took Isaac to that base and tortured him to death in a chair. So rigor mortis set in and he was sitting. And that’s the reason why on the bridge he was motionless, and he had sunglasses on. Because when they put him on that bridge he was already dead. Because that’s how these motherfuckers work,” David Shurter said.

Jessie Marie Czebotar has authored sworn affidavits regarding crimes against humanity that she has witnessed. Czebotar’s affidavits are filed in the U.S. Court, U.S. Military, and she has Petitioned U.S. Congress to allow her to testify about what’s in those affidavits.

Czebotar provides intricate details of torture she witnessed that involved a preferred method by a torturer she knew who tied the victim to a “chair”.

Here is what you need to know.

On February 1, 2021, Patrick Byrne authored “How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 3: Crashing the White House (December 18-22)”.

Patrick Byrne authored a play-by-play of the December 18, 2020, meeting.

Byrne’s story said in part:

“Mr. President, I think you should appoint Sidney Powell your Special Counsel on these election matters and make General Flynn your Field Marshall over the whole effort. I know Rudy’s your lawyer and friend, and he can have a great role in this. Rudy should be personally advising you, and we don’t want to do anything to embarrass him. But it needs to be Sidney taking point legally on this. And if you really want to win, make General Flynn here the Field Marshall. If you do I put your chances at around 50-75%. You should see how he well he has this planned, it would run like clockwork…”, Byrne wrote.


Patrick Byrne makes it clear former General Michael Flynn has a “plan”. One detail that Byrne leaves out of his article is that the “Plan” was developed at the Yemassee, South Carolina plantation owned by Attorney Lin Wood called Tomotley. Tomotley was once owned by Ted Turner. Wood purchased Tomotley along with other properties. Wood made the strange purchase out of the blue in April 2020, while he still resided Atlanta, Georgia.

Two men standing on a dirt road with spanish moss in the background.
Lin Wood and Michael Flynn at the Tomotley command post.

Why is Attorney Lin Wood important in this, you wonder?


Tomotley is where General Michael Flynn, Attorney Sideny Powell, Patrick Byrne, and many, many others, assembled with a gaggle of outlaw Navy SEALS connected to Fortress Global LLC, as well as an organization purporting to be comprised of veterans that rescue children from sexual captivity in cages run by pedophile rings, to firm-up their Plan that you heard Patrick Byrne talking about.

Patrick Byrne does not mention “Lin Wood” in his article.

But Lin Wood was standing around the proverbial table at the Command Post and Fusion Center when their plan was developed.

Byrne said the Plan proposed to President Trump was to make Attorney Powell a “Special Prosecutor” and General Flynn a “Field Marshall”.

That was the “Plan”.

By December 18, 2020, up and through to a few days before January 6, 2021, the “Plan” had not come into fruition.


Shortly before January 6, 2021, Attorney Wood launched a massive Tweet storm. He told the world he possessed video evidence in the form of “encryption key & other information” of high level officials torturing, raping, and murdering children, which Wood described as a “blackmail scheme”. Wood called it a “blackmail scheme of child rape and murder”. Wood said Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy, who “forced himself off a bridge” in Arizona on May 13, 2019, had the “key”.

Twitter article by timothy being shared by Lin Wood

A screen shot of a twitter page with a group of people.

A screenshot of a page with a picture of a president.

Wood said, “I know the key…”.

So… in his very own words, Lin Wood is connected to Isaac Kappy.

So, using his Twitter account and Tweet storm, Attorney Wood then attempted to enforce what Byrne, Powell, and Flynn tried to convince President Trump to do during the December 18, 2020, Oval Office meeting, by stating in a Tweet “@realDonaldTrump must appoint special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate. We need answers. We must investigate. For the children,” Wood said in a Tweet.

Attorney Wood then let President Trump and the world know WHO he wanted the “special prosecutor” to be. He said, “If asked to turn over the encryption key & other information I have to law enforcement, I will only agree to @realDonaldTrump, @GenFlynn or @SidneyPowell1. I trust them”.

The Tweet storm Wood launched BEGAN with a Memo authored by Timothy Charles Holmseth. Holmseth went on to file Holmseth vs. Page – 3:22-cv-00912 – 18:1962 Racketeering (RICO) Act – Middle District of Tennessee.

Following the Tweet storm that Attorney Wood launched using the MEMO authored by Timothy Charles Holmseth, Wood received blow-back on Twitter. Some SAW what Wood said. One was like, MAN, why did you say those things.

One of the Navy SEALS employed by Attorney Wood at Tomotley was Jeff Wobig. Anybody who has SAW Wobig’s LinkedIn or reviewed his bio usually says, MAN, he knows a lot of famous military guys.

Jessie Marie Czebotar petitioned Rep. Jim Jordan and U.S. Congress because she wants to testify under oath to Congress about what she SAW.

The American public is like, MAN, Let Jessie Speak!

Perhaps Jessie Marie Czebotar can explain to U.S. Congress what she SAW. Maybe Rep. Jim Jordan will be like, MAN, so that’s who tied Isaac Kappy to a chair and tortured him to death.

Kappy was concerned about his safety before he died. WATCH


Timothy Charles Holmseth

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