by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 14, 2024 – USA
On January 12, 2024, a video appeared on Bitchute that was entitled, “JUST #@#!!! WOW – JAIL CALL – NEELY BLANCHARD’S (QANON MOM) ATTY WORKING WITH FBI AGAINST HER!“.
There are now continuing developments in the State of Florida vs. Neely Petrie Blanchard.
We have learned that according to Susan Blanchard, Neely Blanchard’s mother, on November 15, 2020, her daughter Neely was on the telephone all night with a man named Ronnie Knowles – including during the time Neely Blanchard allegedly shot and killed Christopher Edward Hallett.
“He (Ronnie Knowles) was talking to her that whole night,” Susan Blanchard said. “He talked to her through the whole event. The whole event. That whole night.”
“I’m going to tell you right now I think Ronnie Knowles had as much to do with it as anybody,” Susan Blanchard said.
We have now learned from Ronnie Knowles himself, that he was “never interviewed”. Because this is a first-degree murder case it is presumed Knowles is talking specifically about not being interviewed by detectives from Marion County, Florida regarding the Hallett murder.
Knowles said he “talked” to “many Sheriff departments in Tennessee and Florida. I’ve also talked to the Florida bar,” he said.
If Susan Blanchard’s observations from the night of the Hallett murder are accurate, it seems Knowles would be one of the very first witnesses law enforcement would want to interview.
This shocking revelation by Knowles is not the first inexcusable suspicious anomaly in the STATE OF FLORIDA vs. NEELY PETRIE BLANCHARD.
The fact pattern and evidence in the State’s case against Neely Blanchard doesn’t appear to prove Neely Blanchard committed the murder, but rather, appears to show someone went to great and significant lengths to create the appearance that Neely Blachard committed the murder.
Blanchard was arrested shortly after the murder of Christopher Edward Hallett who was shot in his Ocala, Florida home on the evening of November 15, 2020. Hallett had been shot point blank in the head – execution style. The only two people at the scene when law enforcement arrived were Shannon Mutter Tanis and Tanis’ minor daughter. Shannon Tanis said she and her daughter were not checked for gunpowder residue by detectives.
During the 911 call Shannon Tanis referred to the shooter as “he”.
Blanchard eventually retained an attorney named Jack Maro. Since retaining Maro, Blanchard has been in the Marion County Jail for over three years with no Bond hearing. Blanchard told Alexandra Koukounakis, Canada, that Maro told her he didn’t want a Bond hearing because he was just trying to keep her “alive“.
Blachard recently told Koukounakis, a talk show host for the program Infiltrated by Truth, Canada, during a recorded call, that she was painfully and systemically tortured and described being taken somewhere where she felt like she had been “raped” “in the ass”.
The following is a partial transcription from the video.
Neely Petrie Blanchard told Alexandra Koukounakis she was placed in “suicide prevention”.
“I kind of feel like the Sheriff was there watching”.
“There was two men there and there was a woman there”.
“Something was, I don’t know how it had a hold of my body or what was going on or it was showing people what they were doing with the Satanic rituals but I was on my period okay at the time when this happened so in SP they don’t give you like pads or anything I was literally screaming, remember I told you I literally had a bowl, I had scars, I was being like held down and my whole body it was almost like a ritual like it was like they had my leg it was up on a thing and it was being like pushed down – my leg was being like pushed down – and then this side would be pushed down – and then my arms were being pushed down the best way I can explain it was its like I was like literally screaming like I was screaming ‘helllllpppppp’ [help] like I was screaming ‘owwwwww’ girl because it hurt and it was like I was so – it had me – like it was showing like how you know like when one side would do it my other side would do it – you know what I mean then like my hips lie I think it was like showing people they were like killing I don’t know how else to explain it besides maybe possible they were trying to show how they were doing it you know what I’m saying like a sacrificial like killing or something like that”.
“I’m about to die”
“I felt like I was going to be killed”
“There was a Navy SEAL that was in the pod with me”
“I thought people were being beheaded under the jail”
“Like, like, like, I kept on hearing, like, people, like, literally like they were chopping people’s heads off”
“I have scars from my body”
“I screamed – they pepper sprayed me”
“I would say it was military”
It has now been reported by Blanchard herself, that when Blanchard tried to show Attorney Maro how she had been harmed in custody, Maro joked it off calling her “Rapunzel” – focusing on her “long hair” that had been growing while in a “castle” and referring to her wounds/scars as “battle scars” – but seeking no assistance for his traumatized client.
Attorney Maro’s conduct during this report of abuse by Neely Blanchard is greatly concerning. Neely Blanchard said she felt like she was being used in a satanic ritual. According to the world’s leading expert in government torture programs and satanic ritual abuse, Jessie Marie Czebotar, who herself was ritually tortured by CIA Director John Brennan, Nazi Michael Karkoc, and U.S. Army Colonel Michael Aquino, victims of horrible crimes by cults, including sexual torture, will often be praised for having endured it, as they’re proverbially high-fived by others within the System – as if it’s a badge of honor. Essentially, when the victim tries to report the abuse, the person they tell acts like that’s the coolest shit they ever heard, and the victim is treated like they have become a warrior with battle scars – just like what Attorney Maro did to Neely Blanchard.
We have learned that Neely Petrie Blanchard was recently taking actions to terminate her ineffective counsel, Jack Maro, and find another lawyer, when she was yet again, abruptly thrown into segregation.
Information coming out about Attorney Maro from Neely Blanchard regarding his legal counsel to her has gotten to the point that Maro’s conduct shocks the conscience.
Blanchard said Attorney Maro told her he was/is not requesting a Bond hearing because he wants to keep her “alive“. Such a comment by Maro should be investigated as part of the Hallett murder investigation. Who is trying to kill Neely Petrie Blanchard? What does Jack Maro know?
Court records show a document entitled Nefarious Network Report authored by Alexandra Koukounakis, Canada, was entered into the court file. The Report is a very detailed analysis of an organized group that was involved with Neely Blanchard BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER (to this very day) the murder of Hallett. The group included an FBI operative named William Kevin Murtaugh who, according to federal court records, has arrogantly suggested he may be the infamous mobster, FBI informant, serial killer, and pedophile, James (Whitey) Bulger. Murtaugh suggested on his radio program that if he is in fact James (Whitey) Bulger, he would be in the Witness Protection Program. Murtaugh then warned the public that if anybody outed him, they could be charged with attempted murder because it would be attempted murder to reveal his true identify.
Shortly before the Hallett murder in 2020, Murtaugh traveled to Minnesota and met with the FBI for what he called “The Chaos Project”. Murtaugh did a video report from the FBI parking lot and said he met with federal agents for “four hours”. Murtaugh predicted the demise of Hallett during the video report. Only a short time later the Chief of Police of Ocala, Florida died in a single fatality airplane crash. Shortly after that Hallet was assassinated.
In 2020, shortly after he met with the FBI in Minnesota for “four hours” regarding “The Chaos Project”, Murtaugh described a human trafficking case the FBI was investigating regarding “Timothy Charles Holmseth” and children being trafficked on the High Seas. LISTEN
Murtaugh wears FBI letters and nomenclature on his person as he reports the news.
Murtaugh did a video after the Hallett murder and bragged that he predicted the murder. Murtaugh announced that Neely Blanchard was “cooperating”. On December 4, 2020, we reported, “Retired truck driver in Florida claims to be FBI investigator – says he “predicted” Hallett murder – announces from his trailer home “Neely Blanchard” is “cooperating”.
On another occasion Murtaugh announced he met with the FBI in Florida after it became known he possessed a photograph on his telephone of a ‘vagina’ set amidst small hips, with no pubic hair, with strange discoloration and/or bruising on the thighs (possibly a corpse). Murtaugh reported he showed the photo from his phone to the FBI, with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) on the phone during a conference call regarding the investigation. Murtaugh said they conducted a Web search using the term “shaved pussy” and determined it was an adult. Murtaugh said the FBI identified the female, and the case, he said, was then “closed”.
Former government judge Randi Lynn Erickson requested the Indiana State Police rule out slain child Abigail Williams, who was murdered in Delphi, Indiana in 2017, as being the female in the photograph. Timothy Charles Holmseth submitted the photo by FED EX to the Indiana State Police and FBI.
It has now been discovered through conversations between Alexandra Koudounaris and Neely Blanchard that Blanchard’s attorney Jack Maro has been passing questions to Blanchard on behalf of Murtaugh.
That means – Attorney Maro is literally working hand-in-glove with an FBI operative who produces videos and uploads media on You Tube where he tells the world that Neely Blanchard (Maro’s client) is guilty of murder.
Murtaugh has also gone around the Clerk of Court in Marion County and has been communicating with the Marion County States Attorney’s Office, including with SA Toby Hunt and SA Amey Berndt, who have turned over gigabytes of case files and media to Murtaugh, who then publishes the files to the public with commentary that Blanchard is “guilty”.
To learn more read ARRESTED SUDDENLY.