“Apart from the Bible, it’s the most epic woven story I have read in my life—and I’m not exaggerating. The world is going to be shaken & shocked when the full tapestry is unrolled & each thread intertwined reveals the full image of truth & exposes the lies”

holmseth timothy

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on January 28, 2025 – USA

The following was authored by someone called C Leonard who posted this on the chat of a Telegram channel called the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. The person who wrote this summary below has eyes to see, ears to hear, and mind to think with.

It would be a shame to not share it – so we are.


You are going to be shocked as to how many are in the trafficking biz past their eyeballs. I consider President Trump’s appointments more like a police lineup, going all the way to his V.P. (& beyond!). It’s like he puts a big spotlight on them. I like to call it the Fauci effect. None of us knew who this Dr. was until P. Trump brought him to the forefront w/ C*vid. Now it’s nearly mainstream that he’s an absolute criminal. P. DJT plays the LOooooONG GAME!!

Documenting the entire process is the one & only Timothy Charles Holmseth! Each article on his website is like a thread from a massive, complex tapestry of characters. This tapestry displays villains, heroes, peasants, rulers, the tortured, murderers, the innocent, caves, tunnels, forests, (underground/above ground & flying) cities, oceans, the sky, castles, realms, mythical creatures, a power struggle of historic & biblical proportions, magik, tech & so much more. Apart from the Bible, it’s the most epic woven story I have read in my life—and I’m not exaggerating. The world is going to be shaken & shocked when the full tapestry is unrolled & each thread intertwined reveals the full image of truth & exposes the lies.

Pray that they repent. God is the God of grace while also the God of judgment. There must be justice for the countless (to us) victims that the Lord has NOT forgotten. His long suffering will come to an end & He will vindicate. Pray they fall on His mercy before it’s too late.


UPDATED 01/28/25 5:39 EST


The level & layers of sacrifice you & Jessie have paid is unfathomable & brings me to tears, Timothy. It’s easy for us to read Bible stories where God used people like Noah & Esther to save mankind & think it’s just a story. But these things happened and at great risk & sacrifice. And those ‘characters’ had no idea they’d make the editor’s cut of the most epic book of all time. Many tend to view the Bible as exclusively past-tense. But is it? I see elements that have not yet come to fruition. The Lord chooses to use His people & His leaders to carry out His plan. We see it time & time again. What *if* the Lord is still writing the story & still uses people who will one day fill in the details to the last book that currently names no human names (except the author’s)?

Timothy, I believe your name belongs alongside the ancients of Hebrews 11, who we are encouraged to imitate. “But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” You fit in the category as one who by faith is conquering kingdoms, performing acts of righteousness, have obtained promises, escaped(/ing) the edge of the sword, from weakness are made strong, is mighty in war, & has put foreign armies to flight. All this while documenting (like a scribe) on the run. 🤯

Shalom & strength to you, my friend. May the Father of compassion, comfort you in your troubles & affliction. 🙏🏻



ALSO VISIT https://t.me/INFILTRATEDbyTRUTH (the most important Telegram channel in the world hosted by Alexandra Koukounakis).

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