BOMBSHELL!!! Navy Admiral Charles W. Moore involved in death, rape by beasitialty, and pornography threats against journalist?

Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore Jr. - U.S. Navy (Retired)
by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on October 14, 2020 at 12:07 P.M.
Is a retired Admiral from the U.S. Military claiming to be close friends with President Trump, General Mark Milley, and General Michael Flynn…while simultaneously being involved in death, rape, and beasitialty porn threats against a journalist and his children?

Did Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore Jr. contact award-winning news reporter and FBI witness Timothy Charles Holmseth on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s goon Craig Sawyer?
On August 5, 2020, somebody using the name Vice Admiral Charles W. Moore contacted and said, “This is Vice Admiral Moore. I am a personal friend of the President, General Milly, and General Flynn. Your fake reporting on our organization must stop now”.
The Admiral Moore contact was made two days after “Craig Sawyer” threatened Holmseth that his “team” was coming to get Holmseth.
Holmseth has received a steady stream of death and rape threats including a threat to have Holmseth’s daughter raped by an animal on an Army base and filmed.
Sawyer said he formed Veterans For Child Rescue in April of 2017 with the “top of the FBI”. KGUN in Tucson reported Sawyer’s team is comprised of FBI, CIA, Navy SEALS, and Delta Force.
We have reported Hillary Clinton’s former bodyguard Craig Sawyer formed a fraudulent child rescue group called Veterans For Child Rescue, which was a front for a heavily armed paramilitary operation running black ops inside the United States.
Sawyer has been called a “pedophile” “kid basher” and “human trafficker” by a past victim named Adrian John Wells.
Click Here to view more reports on Craig Sawyer and his domestic terror group.