EPSTEIN/MAXWELL/WAYFAIR group created child rape porn of missing Florida kindergartner

by Susan L. Lawson on July 14, 2020 at 10:25 P.M.
Timothy Charles Holmseth, investigative reporter, learned in 2009 that a missing little girl from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings had been sexually abused and filmed after she vanished.
The group of child traffickers that filmed the child were connected to Wayfair, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Hillary Clinton.
Dont buy this bullshit. The fact checkers are dead wrong and obviously playing cover. Only 115 of the 800,000 or more yearly cases of reported missing children are news worthy and likely candidates for sex trafficking. There’s only 0.06% to 0.5% chance any one of the nine $10,000+ Wayfair pillow names are both random and coincide with a missing child in the last year. There are at least 9 of them that can be linked to a news worthy abduction in the last year. Thats a 1 in 6 trillion quadrillion chance (6.1E-27.) of them all being a coincidence. I have not done the math but I think you have more of a chance of hitting the power ball jackpot 5 times in a row. I just blew his fancy speak out of the water with math/statistics. As a psychology major I know stats well.
If you’re a billionaire running a child trafficking scheme, paying a child to lie on YouTube is child’s play. In my world perception is reality, not some “intellectual” on a screen trying to explain something while calling everyone else a conspiracy theorist.
What is this for a fucking world?
Please, Mr. Trump put it right!