Trans allegheny lunatic asylum, west virginia.

by Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on August 25, 2023 – USA

President Donald Trump’s jet liner Trump Force One recently circled an area that included West Virginia. The attention brought to the area by Trump resulted in researchers analyzing the geographical location. The event by Trump Force One occurred after TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH REPORTS reported on the presence of U.S. Military at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and subsequently, a “satanic slaughterhouse” at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina.  The torture, murder, and cannibalism were from the testimony of Jessie Marie Czebotar.

The testimony of Jessie Marie Czebotar witnessing the torture, rape, murder, and cannibalism of a child by Hillary Clinton, with the help of a high profile former military person and federal agent, was found credible by Attorney Steven S. Biss, Charlottesville, Virginia. Biss has drafted a RICO complaint against various Defendants on behalf of his client, Randi Lynn Erickson, Minnesota. Biss is the attorney of retired General Michael FlynnTruth Social CEO Devin NunesCIA agent Robert David Steele, and Timothy Charles Holmseth.

The following information (below) was authored by Jessie Marie Czebotar.

Note: The following is not the exact same formatting as the Czebotar document due to translation by the Web program.

~begin Jessie Marie Czebotar statement~


1)  I (Jessie Marie Czebotar) sworn under the pains and penalty of perjury claim the following facts to be the truth.  And that I am of age, of sound mind, and competent to put these facts upon the record.

Part 2:

I would like to submit upon the record additional information and details that enhance previous testimony I have submitted in affidavit form.  I testify that I did not always have the specifics about locations where I experienced crimes and abuse as a child in the Luciferian Brotherhood. Once discovered, it is important to me to bring forward these truths and further details, because these are generational locations used by the Luciferian Brotherhood where crimes are committed against children. Such crimes I witnessed included: rape, torture, satanic ritual and murder, grotesque experimentation, bestiality, breeding programs, adrenochrome harvesting, cannibalism, and the weaponization and training of children. These crimes are being committed by individuals in U.S. Government and U.S. Military, as well as individuals in foreign government and military who are members of the Luciferian Brotherhood and their Sovereign Military. Throughout this affidavit I will also refer to the Luciferian Brotherhood as the System.

My main teachers in these training areas were:

  1. Laurie Cabot Kent
  2. Nazi Michael Karkoc
  3. Gloria Vanderbilt
  4. Clara Odelia Acker Church

Other Luciferian Brotherhood involved at various times:

  1. Hillary Clinton
  2. Jerry M. King (One of several spiritual gate missional leaders.)
  3. Michael Aquino (DOD)
  4. James E. Longhofer (one of spiritual gate missional leaders)
  5. Mary Lou Whitney
  6. (There are many unidentified men/women who were high priests/priestesses and Knights of Pythias in area).

Brotherhood Hierarchy Children I witnessed at these facilities:

  • Douglas John Killrush Mysecko
  • Elon Musk
  • Mary Lou Whitney’s daughters
  • Laurie Cabot Kent’s two daughters (I knew oldest by her ritual name Drizelda and Penny. Both were Cabots)
  • Several unidentified hierarchy children

Part 3:

I confirm that I experienced training at Alton Towers Mansion, Conservatories, and Gardens and the surrounding areas I have named in this affidavit. I testify this area was the next level of training after me and other children went through the Greenbrier area training. It was more of a missional and operational learning ground.

  1. Alton Towers Mansion, Conservatories, and Gardens located at: Farley Ln, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4DB, UK
  2. Laurie Cabot Kent’s Atrium inside her home under The Chateau de Amorois
  3. The Spiritual Gate or Train Station located at Flagler Mansion in Miami, Florida.
  4. Underground City of Avalon under Edinburgh, UK
  5. Kew Palace: Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond TW9 3AE, UK, Elizabeth Gate: Richmond TW9 3AE, UK, and Palm House at Kew Gardens.
  6. St Giles Catholic Church: 18 Charles St, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1ED, UK
  7. St Giles Cripplegate Diocese in London Fore Street London EC2Y 8DA
  8. St Lukes Church located on Old Street north of London; includes catacombs.
  9. St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Sulfer Springs, WV: 40798 Midland Trail E, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986
  10. Uttoxeter Station (15 miles from Alton Towers) and St Mary’s Catholic Church in Uttoxeter on Balance St, Uttoxeter St 148 JB, UK
  11. St Cutherts Church in Doveridge UK across the swinging bridge.
  12. The Swinging Bridge in Doverridge is a gate. and is connected to swinging bridge at Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, Yellowstone (wood bridge from 1980s), and New River Gorge Bridge in Sulfur Springs WV.
  13. London Museum of Water and Steam: Green Dragon Ln, Brentford TW8 0EN, UK
  14. Carderock Surface Naval Warfare Center: Carderock, Bethesda, MD 20817 (From here on out abbreviated as Carderock.)
  15. NORAD Military Base
  16. Antarctica Military Base and Alaska Underground Base

(Antarctica Military Base, Alaska Underground Base, and the Greenland Base were known as Ragnarök.)

  1. Palisades, CA Subterranean Base
  2. The Greenbrier Breeder Facility which included the following facilities. (See affidavit on Greenbrier for further testimony)

The Greenbrier or White House 101 W Main St White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986

Greenbrier Academy for Girls 158 Academy Lane Rt 3 Pence Springs, WV 24962

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum 50 S River Ave Weston, WV 26452

Fishburne Military School for boys 225 S Wayne Ave Waynesboro, VA 22980

Accompanying these facilities, you have two regional lords overseeing the facilities.

Biltmore 1 Lodge St Asheville, NC 28803 (REDACTED INFORMATION.)

  1. Several other unidentified access points.
  2. Finsbury Circus in London and Underground area
  3. Nimrod’s Hill Breeder Program (Also known as Genesis 6: See Priory of Sion Affidavit)
  4. Wewelsberg Castle in Germany

I testify that in 1982-1987, on several occasions, these locations had a series of spiritual gates that were used for transportation of children from one training location to another between the UK, Germany, and the United States by members of the Luciferian Brotherhood and the U.S. Military. The train stations and immobilized trains had spiritual gate access that was utilized to move hierarchy children that had not yet learned to access the spiritual gates for transport or the (expendable children) that would be used for sacrifices and ritual training of the elite children in the System. The expendable children would be brought to one station on what looked like a field trip with a teacher. That teacher would be someone in the Brotherhood System who knew how to operate the spiritual gate. The teacher would sit the children down and traffic them through the gate. They then would be held in cages or underground until sacrifice time.

I testify that in 1982, Laurie Cabot Kent dressed me and the other hierarchy children in training in 1900s clothing and transported us through spiritual gates from Chicago, IL to various train stations including the London Steam and Water Train Museum and Flagler Train Station. That day was spent getting us used to entering and exiting spiritual gates.

I testify that the gates I’m speaking of in this affidavit operate horizontally, meaning they give access from point A, to B, to C, to D, etc.. The following spiritual gates and access points are connected.

  1. There are a couple medium spiritual gates located in the Conservatories. They access many international locations, including Avalon (Edinburgh, UK). One of the access points is the porticos along the conservatory with the colonnades. This point also was a direct access to the Breeder Program located at Nimrod’s Hill in Israel called Genesis 6. (See Exhibit A)
  2. A second access point in the Conservatories was the water fountain. (See Exhibit B) This fountain is the same size and height as the strategy map pool that was located inside Carderock. There are several points of access from this gate. This fountain has direct access to the one at Carderock, as well as the ritual pool on the floor at Wawelsberg Castle in Germany.

There is no way to share the full scope of my experience in training with the Luciferian Brotherhood. Some experiences were nothing short of other worldly because they were a combination of simultaneously experiencing physical reality along with spiritual reality. The control room at Carderock, is one of those experiences and one of the first stents of training for defense for those in Sovereign Military and upper levels of the Luciferian Brotherhood.

My first few times there in the strategy room, there was a grey cloaking that made it look like there were four grey walls in the room. In the center was a huge cistern (like a water fountain) with water. Each child gets introduced to dinosaur toys and a kraken. Usually, we get to pick three of the toys to battle one another. We got to throw them in the water and while deciding who would battle one another from the toys picked. These toys were connected to demonic generals in Lucifer’s army that the System was trying to connect us children in the Military Programs to. The toys are also connected to humans serving in the U.S. Military serving in the army. There is a spiritual and a physical reality to these toys. As you take one in your hand, you physically experience that it is a toy. But when you put it in the water in the strategy map, it comes to life (thus the spiritual reality of it).

I believe the purpose of the war strategy map is to encourage children to communicate in the spirit with demonic entities and members of the Luciferian Brotherhood. These encounters are the first demonic alliances and battles a hierarchy child learns to make. After a few battles and telling your little dinosaur or dragon how to win, you get to meet them at another base.

My choice was the red dragon, Leviathan. I encountered him in the ice caves in Antarctica, up there. (“Up There” was how we referred to the northern base in Greenland.) After the meeting, I showed up for training. Grabbed my red dragon toy which came to life and threw it in the water. Next thing I knew, I found myself in the ocean underwater with Leviathan and having to battle other water demons. This all took place in the Project through the U.S. Military called Star Wars Now under Col. Michael Aquino. After Star Wars training, I learned the control room at Carderock was a control command center. The water in the cistern can be pulled up like a hologram and all the waterways of the world strategically seen at your fingertips, as also all the demonic players on the map. Once you know who to summon, you can see and strategically war with any of them.

This base also has an area below the sea level part to the base. The walkway between the spiritual gate to the area below sea level is marble floor area with Solomonic symbols on floor and a glass dome. The glass dome is completely under water. I remember one-time Megalodon (one of demonic entities on map) was mad, so he attacked the dome. After he hit the glass, I found myself in the water between him and Leviathan. Generals watched that day from the glass dome, grinning, cheering, and gloating. I was not amused. It was a live or die situation for me.

Connected to Carderock, there is a castle that was a second favorite of Hitlers. Wewelsberg was a mirror of Carderock control room. Mother’s of Darkness would fill it with blood to use like the water in the Strategy map at Carderock. They could use any liquid surface as a portal or gate. The world is literally always at their fingertips. The spiritual gate in the water fountain in the Conservatory of Alton Towers in the UK had direct access to both Carderock strategy room and Wewelsberg Castle cistern.

  1. The Conservatories colonnade and the Palm House have direct access to Laurie Cabot Kent’s Atrium inside her home under The Chateau de Amorois in Belgium and her other Atrium (location unidentified).
  2. The Palm House had spiritual gate connections to Carderock and Ragnarök.


  1. There is a train that runs underground at Alton Tower and has direct spiritual gate access to the following train stations: The spiritual gates at Flagler Mansion in Miami FL, the train station at Uttoxeter Station, UK, the London Water and Steam Museum immobile train, and Finsbury Circus in London.
  2. Kew Palace including the Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond TW9 3AE, UK, Elizabeth Gate: Richmond TW9 3AE, UK, Palm House at Kew Gardens, Alton Tower Conservatories and Gardens had direct access to the underground cistern spiritual gate entrance to Avalon under Edinburgh, UK.
  3. The Palm House had direct access to the Chicago, IL subterranean military base, and several unknown subterranean military bases. The Palm House was connected to the story 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in training. Such books were used in training when referring to places so that if a child tried to break the code of silence, there was a tangible explanation to lead any concerned adults away from the truth. The Palm House gate led to the underground area beneath the water of Kew Mansion gardens. This is the place nightmares are made of. It would be used by Elite for night hunting parties and adrenochrome harvesting.

I remember the palms in the Palm House bleeding at night. This added to the horror because I never knew if it was a child’s blood or the tree itself. Nazi Michael Karkoc used to tell horrors in training. He would tell me and other children doing the obstacle course missions with me that if we did not react fast enough, we would get swallowed up by the palms and when the palms swallowed children they bled. These words stimulated grotesque memories from training sessions through the underground simulation rooms at the Bases.  I went through what the military called “simulation” training. It was similar to Obstacle Courses I’ve described in my videos given as evidence. These training sessions were considered a competition. Several children would start, those who finished were elevated. Simulations were not virtual. They could occur in both the physical and spiritual aspects of the Military Base simultaneously. Children who died in simulation or in the spirit world part of the simulation would also die in the physical.

In the memory that would surface when Karkoc taunted, the first stop of the simulation was a grass area with a waterway. I was supposed to cross the waterway to get to the red rock cave on the other side. The objective at first was to find the three submarine looking doors at the end of the cave. I had to get in the water and swim through the cave to get to those doors. Once inside the cave, the water would start to rise and then it would flush out of the cave.  This occurred several times. From there the terrors only grew. The next time I went to train, I was prepared for the water to flush me out, however, I was not prepared for what happened as the flooding began. The water turned red with blood and dismembered baby heads and body parts surrounded me as I was flushed out. There was no option but to finish the objective.

Finally, I made it to the three doors. The door on the left was color coded orange and yellow. The one on the right was green and blue. The one in the middle was red and purple. Usually red and purple meant an exit out. So that is the door I went through. I found myself on a narrow white platform that looked out over what appeared to be a swamp with bamboos, tall grasses, and several different types of trees. There was nowhere to go but into the swamp water. It was about up to my chest. As I waded through, I realized there were live people with their tongues cut out that the plants were living off in the water. The trees in that place cry out because the people cannot. At the end of the simulation area is a two story Military control room with a glass window the size of a wall.

So, when Nazi Michael Karkoc said the Palms would swallow us up, the horrors from training surfaced and I feared that I would be trapped as I was consumed alive over a long period of time with trees and plants confining me to that hell hole forever. Are there children trapped in the Palm trees at the Palm House? I believe examinations of many elites Atriums would prove a stunning and unexpected result.

  1. There were many secret doors at Kew place that led into the underground mountain area.
  2. The carousel at Kew was used for access to Baraboo, WI and other areas that had carousels such as The Royal Carousel at Alton Towers. When you ride it, an access point to the spiritual world can be opened through the mirrors. When you go through there are three doors. The one that led back to the other Carousel rooms was the red door. I remember that door leading to the nearby Catholic Church with a red door with gold dragons on it. That Church has been identified as St. Giles Catholic Church. The abuse I experienced occurred over several of the churches in that area. I witnessed children being sexually exploited in sex magik in these locations to open the spiritual gates and expendable children being killed in ritual both in the sanctuaries, graveyards, and in the underground ritual areas. This was done by both Military individuals as well as local priests, bishops, and nuns who were part of the Brotherhood. Killings were not just at one church, they occurred in catacombs that extend under several of the churches considered to be in the St Giles Cripplegate Diocese, including St Luke’s Church. At these events, there were many individuals (Priests, Priestesses, Sisters of Light) who participated in training. The higher-level individuals at the rituals wore white robes in honor of Lucifer whom they believe is the Great White Light.

I testify that there is a vast tunnel area underneath these parishes where children and adults were raped, tortured, trafficked, bought/sold, and chained. There is a catacomb and an underground witch’s market. The catacomb’s spiritual gate is connected to the Basilica Cistern in Istanbul, Turkey. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basilica_Cistern).

St Luke’s is also connected to Moorfield Marsh where I saw dismembered children’s bodies discarded by the high priests of that area in necromancy ritual training to teach us how to feed the trees. I know the priests in this area were involved in the Luciferian Brotherhood, but I have not been able to identify them yet.

I testify that during one ritual in 1982, the pews at St Luke’s were moved out. The sacrificial altar was set up in the back right side of the sanctuary. Pools of blood covered the floor. All I am choosing to share is that I remember kneeling with my hands and knees in the vast amount of blood and I cried out to the Lord and asked Him to stop them from killing anymore children.

  1. St Giles Catholic Church: 18 Charles St, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 1ED, UK, connects to many unidentified Catholic Churches with red doors, including St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church at Midland Trail E, White Sulphur Springs, WV 24986, and St Giles Cripplegate Diocese in London Fore Street London EC2Y 8DA, St Lukes Church within that Diocese, and St Mary’s Catholic Church in Uttoxeter on Balance St, Uttoxester St 148 JB, UK, and St Cutherts Church in Doveridge, UK across the swinging bridge.
  2. The train at Uttoxeter Station had access to a couple buildings nearby. One was an old pub (called The Parks) that has been demolished now. https://www.staffordshire-live.co.uk/news/local-news/update-plans-knock-down-dilapidated-5752324

I remember the kitchen and basement being used as a chop shop where some of expendable killed in training were ground up with old meat grinders and human meat was sold as all kinds of German sausages and blood pudding. Some of these same style chop shops exist in Ashville, NC by Biltmore.

  1. I witnessed rituals at Palm House and that has a connection to several underground Submarine bases (yet to be identified).
  2. The swinging bridge in Doveridge, across the way from St Cutherts Church in Doveridge, UK is a spiritual gate and is connected to the swinging bridges located at Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, Yellowstone (wood bridge from 1980s), and the New River Gorge Bridge in Sulfur Springs WV.

I believe there is a connection with these spiritual gates named, especially the railroads, and Disney: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/50-year-evolution-of-walt-disney-world-in-maps/

~end Jessie Marie Czebotar statement~

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Watch/Listen to Lin Wood talk about Timothy Holmseth.

Watch/Listen to Ally Carter address Timothy Holmseth.

Watch/Listen to Timothy Charles Holmseth uncover (in real time) the FBI/CIA Ukraine/Epstein fake adoption child trafficking operation – PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP UKRAINE SPECIAL

Timothy Charles Holmseth 






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