FIELD MCCONNELL UPDATE: The Children’s Crusade to Launch You Tube Channel

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on January 10, 2019 at 1:30 P.M.
Tracy Remington and Dr. Goodvibes are preparing to launch a You Tube channel for The Children’s Crusade.
The Children’s Crusade was founded by U.S. Marine and Boeing Whistleblower Field McConnell who has dedicated his life to protecting children from the horrors of sex abuse and human trafficking.
McConnell has been kidnapped off the street and is presently being held prisoner in Ellsworth, Wisconsin.
Return often for updates as they prepare for the launch.
PayPal not accepting my request . I’ll hv to figure it out. It’s likely my errors.
More private sites, that are not accessed by the FBI pedophiles through youtube and NSA, should be used for the Children’s Brigade, like: Ink’d/Secure Social (George M Nasif’s servers); Bitchute; Reccomendations from Kim Komando . I’m trying to remember more names of truly private communication sites…
Please set up a more direct method for accepting donations from us. Paypal has accessed my bank account several times without my consent. I just want to donate directly from my bank card (Visa…), without Paypal having so much access to my bank account.