FOX NEWS Host Sean Hannity ARRESTED for TWEET that violated injunction issued against him in Broward County, Florida Family Court

An image of a man in a suit and tie.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on February 4, 2020 at 12:22 P.M.

Sean Hannity, FOX News, has been arrested by local police for violating a domestic violence injunction.

Hannity was handcuffed and taken to a local correctional facility.

Here’s what happened.

Hannity was served with an Injunction For Protection Against Domestic Violence that placed sweeping restraints on specific names the FOX NEWS host can use/speak when reporting or using electronic communications.

The Order, issued out of Broward County, Florida, orders that Hannity is forbidden from ever talking about the Petitioner again by use of any electronic communication; forever.

The Order further states he may not make any direct or in-direct reference to the Petitioner by use of electronic communication (i.e. – cannot be thinking about the Petitioner when he talks).

According to records Hannity was arrested for thinking about the Petitioner while talking about human trafficking and international black market baby sales on air. There is a second charge that is based upon a Tweet by Hannity.

The court order, which was signed by a ‘Family Court Judge’ in Broward County, Florida, was issued based upon Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Court forms that were filled out by the Petitioner that named Hannity as Respondent.

Hannity was served the Order but never showed up in Florida for the court hearing because he knew the Florida Family Court is not a real court – is not a Constitutional court – and has no jurisdiction or venue over him.

Hannity lives on the other side of the country and has personally never met the Petitioner; has no relationship with the Petitioner; but interviewed the Petitioner over the telephone about a child kidnapping.

Hannity has never broken any law pertaining to the Petitioner whom he has never met.

Hannity was arrested after somebody called his local police department and reported he said something on-air that violates the Florida Family Court Order.  Several police officers came to Hannity’s home where he was in bed sleeping  and told him he was under arrest for something he published on Twitter.

The Florida ‘Family Court’ order bears directly on information Hannity obtained about Jeffrey Epstein’s child trafficking operation and black-market baby sales through the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC.

Hannity is being held in a private for-profit correctional facility and faces spending the rest of his life in prison.

This just in…


It wasn’t Hannity it was somebody else.

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1 thought on “FOX NEWS Host Sean Hannity ARRESTED for TWEET that violated injunction issued against him in Broward County, Florida Family Court

  1. So if Hannity is not in prison, who is? And was that person subjected to the atrocity described in the article?

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